The Wildlife Pond - or giant birdbath , one year on.
By bonkersbon
Having joined Goy one year ago on 04. 04 .08 and asked questions about how to proceed with a wildlife pond now seems like a good opportunity to reflect on a years progress.
Received some good advice especially as confused by certain recommendations that soil should be placed back in pond over the liner . This was again suggested on a recent BBC Gardening for Wildlife series.
Couldnt bring myself to do this and felt pond would naturally balance itself .
These photos taken in August last year and pond only 3 months old..the stones came from an old outhouse that had been demolished and buried.Originally didnt intend a pond quite so large but just kept getting so much stone out – used the larger pieces for the cascade in the background , just need an electricity supply nearer…
Being a new introduction this Water hawthorn only sent up 2 blooms but in the evening the Vanilla fragrance was wonderful .. gave a real craving for ice cream !
Can only assume a mature specimen would fill the garden with such a lovely aroma.If David had this in his Chocolate garden you d pile on weight just walking round it !
Water Forget – me – not blossomed and soon all sorts of visitors moved in.
A Hawker dragonfly
Water snails
Mr toad.
Then the bird life moved in en masse..
Despite the crowd Tilly and Charlie had 12 ducklings here last year – shes nesting again and should be arriving with a new brood soon.
A shy and infrequent visitor this Spotted woodpecker – soon spotted me !
The Collared doves take their chance when ..
the Starlings have finished.This is the small bathing pool I incorporated when building the pond edges. Perhaps a bit too small lol
All quiet at last a Pheasant calls.
The Mistle thrush nests in the churchyard next door and visits to bathe and pull out chunks of lysmachia ( creeping jenny )
Talking of creeping Jenny this little wren loves to investigate all the rock cevices as does the wagtail.
The goldfinches are frequent visitors – the close up is of a baby goldfinch that doesnt get its red head till next year.
Can you see the small bird in the cascade ? A small grey bird with a black crown its a Blackcap..although not colourful and easy to miss amongst sparrows it has the most beautiful song and commonly called the Northern Nightingale
This fella clearly thinks hes boss bird and just started feeding to hand – due to Janes patience with him.
Oh one or two people were asking if re – hydrated mealworms provided enough nutrition .. either yes they do and I ll grab as many as I can or no they dont so I need more !!
13 Apr, 2009
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I well remember when you started to make your pond, BB - what a transformation and what a lot of pleasure it has given you both. - let alone your feathered (and other) friends!
Congratulations on your first year, and thanks for the lovely photos and info on wildlife - you are our experts on the site!
13 Apr, 2009
Thank you Hywel all this under a huge rookery - these birds get such a bad press but they dont seem to bother the other birds .
If a Jackdaw arrives amidst them the others soon create a fuss..certainly suggests to me who the other birds see the villians as . We feed the rooks all the left overs and they ll eat alongside all the little birds .. I like them and certainly have never seen them behave in a bad way to smaller birds.
Aw thanks Spritz but no expert just like many here have a great interest and feel we should all try to rub along together.Always felt ashamed that birds were programmed to fly away from us ... nothing nicer than gaining their trust have learnt a lot from your gardening blogs and many varieties new to me always something different going on thank you.
13 Apr, 2009
That's a super pond, BB, and I am impressed by the wild life photographs. Great.
13 Apr, 2009
Thanks Bulbaholic spent week - end trying to get pond pump working but no electrician .. thank God for circuit breakers at least should trip before my series of wires blow out !
13 Apr, 2009
Lovely, lovely set of photos, BB.
13 Apr, 2009
:-) :-)
13 Apr, 2009
I didn,t realise your pond area is as new as that Bb,it looks so well established and with all the visitors you have it proves you got it right,everything looks so natural and it must be great to sit and just relax out there............
13 Apr, 2009
Thanks Wagger . Oh Spritz managed to find some unusual plants myself recenty - Melaleuca squamea tea tree oil plant and Actaea matsumurae aka Cimicifuga and at long last a white Escallonia ... so do pay attention to your blogs when trying to locate the less widely known plants.
Well hope it might give some encouragement to others Lincslass to show just how quickly wildlife moves in.
The ducks were actually sat on the pond liner waiting for me to fill it last year !
13 Apr, 2009
That's funny, BB - my list for tomorrow says 'Actaea' on it! I have one - it needs company. ;-)
White Escallonias sound lovely!
13 Apr, 2009
Well if you d like some Spritz just keep the compliments flowing they are only £2.50 ea here .lol Mind you delivery charge about £100 !
13 Apr, 2009
Awww thats really beauty Bonkers!!!
Lovely pond and really wild life!
The photos of course are gorgeous... nothing new about this huh???
13 Apr, 2009
I ll take that as a huge compliment having just seen and read your latest blog Aleyna - now thats breathtaking !
13 Apr, 2009
Being a pond lover I was most impressed with you wonderful pictures and all the wildlife it brings into your garden, I shall continue with my more modest pond and hope for better things to come.....well done.
13 Apr, 2009
I mean the compliments Bonkers, you're a great photographer and provide a really good set of pictures from your land, gardens and wild life.
13 Apr, 2009
Oh you must Dd - its all relative my pond is modest to some who have space for what I would call a lake !
Even a bowl of water will attract wildlife .Sid used a water cistern and got a great deal of wildlife using it .. sure you will be rewarded .
Must give Jane a lot of the credit Aleyna as she has a way with animals - seen really scary dogs that I would not approach and warn her not to approach mellow in front of her .
13 Apr, 2009
Your garden must be quite a beautiful sight, BB! I loved all the photos, but especially the robin (the one with the orange chest) and the pheasant.
14 Apr, 2009
Fantastic photos BB. Your pond is beautiful and so natural and healthy looking. It certainly makes me want to add a water feature to my garden. But, that will have to wait for a while. :o)
14 Apr, 2009
Thanks Raquel - we Brits particularly soft on our robins as they seem to follow us round the garden when digging.
The poor pheasant is bred as a game bird and you would not believe how much the well - heeled pay to spend a day shooting them , so always welcome here ! Perhaps the economic downturn will see fewer take to this ...
Given the new job ( congrats again ) Gilli - can understand your other priorities perhaps you will get Staff discount if your garden centre sells aquatic stuff ?
14 Apr, 2009
Your pond has come on have such a lot of wildlife around it.......lovely photos..........
14 Apr, 2009
Breathtkingly beautiful.
14 Apr, 2009
Thanks Holly and Joanii pretty well used to us now can sit on the bench they all return to feeding and bathing while we watch - just got the pump running and straight away the birds walk up the cascade for a soaking.
14 Apr, 2009
All that work paid off, Bonkersbon - well done. How on earth do you get anything else accomplished in the day? I'd be out here looking at the wildlife all day long. Loved the water hawthorn - that's a new one to me. Yes, like Gilli, I am also tempted to start a project like this.
14 Apr, 2009
Poor pheasants! I could never shoot anything, don't understand how people can do that. I didn't know that about the robins and the Brits...=) they're pretty birds but have never seen one here in Houston. Only on GoY!
14 Apr, 2009
With an area like this you'll never need to go on vacation.
Great pics of it all too.
14 Apr, 2009
Brill photos of your wildlife pond and the wildlife aswell.
14 Apr, 2009
Stunning photographs, BB and what a terrific pond. I hadn't realised it was so new. Always had a pond in my previous gardens but not here (so far). I keep meaning to incorporate a shallow watering hole for the tortoises so perhaps that will be my project this year.
14 Apr, 2009
Thanks Elke,Newfie,Clarice.....
Great idea Gee.....can just imagine your tortoises bathing in the shallows !
14 Apr, 2009
`Briiliant blog BB~love the pics of all the birds~you will be pleased to learn that loads of shoots have closed down particularly in the London area where the city types used to shoot,and lots of beaters etc are out of work which is the downside plus they will not be rearing so many birds as they will not be required!!@*!!The well heeled landed gentry will continue to invite their guests and blow the poor birds out of the skies of course!
14 Apr, 2009
Now that is good news Arlene ! The birds have enough to contend with because of disappearing habitat without wanton shooting .....if only people could leave well alone......
14 Apr, 2009
A pond area to be proud of and wildlife photos to die for, the close up of the robin is fantastic
Certainly in my top ten all time blogs.
Thanks for publishing it.
14 Apr, 2009
Thank you Bonkers. A wonderful blog and fantastic photographs.
14 Apr, 2009
Thankyou so much Olblueeyes...was amazed at how quickly everything moved in !
Thanks Toto...hope all going well with your nesting boxes !
14 Apr, 2009
The blue tits seem to be doing well but nothing has occupied the other boxes.
14 Apr, 2009
Fingers crossed...its early days yet.Looking forward to your photos of the baby bluetits ! : )
14 Apr, 2009
Congratulations on being a part of GOY for just over 12 months ... it wouldnt be the same without you for sure. Your pond is perfect and looks so natural and established in such a short time and obviously the wildlife flocks to it. Love the close up of the robin, just gorgeous.
14 Apr, 2009
Thanks so much Dawn..still amazed at how much wildlife has flocked here...still waitig for that elusive kingfisher though ! Maybe you will be the one to give us that !
14 Apr, 2009
once again a beautiful blog with fantastic photos. Thanks Bonkersbon.
14 Apr, 2009
Thanks Seaburngirl..not forgotten visit /trip but innundated with work suddenly and not much time to visit.Will be in touch.x
14 Apr, 2009
Hi BB, bit concerned because we've not seen the kingfisher since we had the snow :-( If he returns, I've decided I'm sitting on the bench until I get a photo - come rain or shine - well, we'll see anyway, ha, ha.
14 Apr, 2009
Never seen one in the winter so dont know what they get up to then ..wonder if they create a food store to tide them over ?
That metallic blue flash makes them our most spectacular bird in my opinion - you are so lucky and as our pond has no fish we re not very likely to see one .
14 Apr, 2009
What a wonderful area! Great photos, soo much nature taking right to it. I would be unable to pull myself away. The water hawthorn is really lovely. A beauty and scented! I'd say the pond undertaking a great success. And wonderful blog. Thank you for sharing with us. :-)
15 Apr, 2009
We have minnows in our pond which I believe is the kingfisher's staple diet so hopefully he will return. I agree BB, once seen, never forgotten.
15 Apr, 2009
Thanks Gt - hope the the thaw is well under way with you when it comes to wildlife your part of the world hard to match .. I d never be in ! Whales eagles bears ...
Yes Dawn your very own garden jewel , lovely so envious .
15 Apr, 2009
Maybe I'll see the kingfisher again soon BB as the weather gets warmer - I'm always listening for his distinctive call. :-)
15 Apr, 2009
This looks lovely Bb. I particularly like the look of the stone surround. Much better if you can re use materials as in this case. And the pond is certainly doing it's job bringing in the wildlife. Wild life pond ' it does exactly what it says on the tin'
17 Apr, 2009
What a fantastic blog BB and you're pond is just beautiful! I'm so chuffed you have ducks, I'd be ecstatic that they'd had babies there too. The wildlife you've attracted is wonderful, especially the birdlife but what's more amazing is that the pond looks like it has always just been there, so natural.
17 Apr, 2009
Thanks Paul , this type of stone isnt actually recommended for ponds as its brittle and tends to split but when you inherit tons of it and it matches the walls and the cottage...
Thank you Reebeesfleurs what amazes us is that they tolerate us so well .. today I was trying to adjust the cascade as seem to be losing water through it . There I am with trowel cement and buckets while robin goldfinch siskin even mistle thrush happy to bathe and drink from pond while I m working on it ..such a thrill that they not intimidated by us and accept our presence .
17 Apr, 2009
Good pics, BB.
I especially like the waterfall sections.
18 Apr, 2009
Hopefully I ve sorted as more water coming out than going back in ! somehow managed to drain bottom pool before returning no matter how many times I filled it lol. Should flow more freely if sealed the edges properly ..
18 Apr, 2009
Its all the birds and wildlife that makes me think .....I should get going and build one too. What a delight!!
18 Apr, 2009
Thank you for the great photos and the fantastic commentary. It is good to read all the remarks.
You are all lucky to have such a variety of wildlife in your gardens.
18 Apr, 2009
Yes Inverglen even a small water feature will attract them so good luck - you certainly should get a lot of pleasure from it .
Thank you Marge - not too difficult as so many opportunities if only I could get them to appear in sequence ..
18 Apr, 2009
I'm not jealous at all......... Well done, you deserve it, after all your hard work. So gratifying to see all that wildlife, and what wildlife!!! So rare some of them! Love the water plants too, they look divine!
19 Apr, 2009
Just found this blog BB but I echo all of the above comments,wonderful photography and such diversity of life.Lovely to see it all flourishing again in spring,worth all the hard work !
19 Apr, 2009
Thank you Cratfnutter and Aster - the plants seem to bounce back as when moist they make such tempting nesting material . Hopefully the ducks nesting in the churchyard will arrive with ducklings soon and Cyril the squirrel is about to be a dad too , so things could be pretty hectic here soon.
19 Apr, 2009
O Wow! How did i miss this Blog Jane /Ray its Brilliant :) So much Wildlife & Pond Life youv done a fantastic Job there :) Well Done XXXX
19 Apr, 2009
Thank you Jacque so much going on on Goy easy to do - I ll apologise in advance as just seen how many blogs posted today alone !
You can probably see why we dont keep fish Jacque - can you imagine the queue for them here .. I ve been installing a pump and trying to get the cascade working .
19 Apr, 2009
Well it looks Great without fish Jane/Ray :) The Cascade looks Brill well done :)
19 Apr, 2009
Well thank you Jacque - it looks even better with water coming down it but it leaks somewhere water not getting back to bottom pool : ( aw well back to plan ...z lol
19 Apr, 2009
:/ Hhhhhhmmmmmmm leaking u say ? That sure could be the reason youv no water getting in2 Bottom Pool ? lol
19 Apr, 2009
Thanks Jacque - the pond itself doesnt leak only when pump sends water from bottom pool back up to top.
I lined cascade with pond liner , cemented rocks in place must have missed a bit somewhere - freaked Jane by digging channels through her plants to lay cables and pipe - of course any normal person would do all this before putting plants in !
20 Apr, 2009
Oh, BB - it's amazing you didn't get two black eyes, doing that to Jane's precious plants! What a very forgiving person she is. I hope you realise how lucky you are!!!!! LOL.
20 Apr, 2009
Sorry Spritz having trouble reading your comment through my puffy eyes .. aye lucky to be breathing I guess...should be working but lawnmower blew up new one arrives Weds so promised Jane would try and fix cascade while we have some sun..on with shorts and off for a paddle
20 Apr, 2009
LOL Weathers great here this morning 2 BB :) Hope u find where the Problem is ? Sorry2hear about your mower but they say things happen 4 a reason & it is a lovely day ;)
20 Apr, 2009
fab pics and water feature. u got a garden or 1/2 a county!
i dread it when the tadpoles turn into frogs, charlie, our cocker cross will start to chase them and want to eat them. vet says to keep her away from frogs as they are poisonous to dogs.
20 Apr, 2009
Bb, you are sooo funny......! Lol!
Thanks for that Dave, didn't know that....
20 Apr, 2009
Poisonous to cats too, Dave - or perhaps it was a toad... for 3 years running our cat got really ill each May, and we were told she probably licked a toad. The last time she didn't recover. She was 15, and we miss her...
20 Apr, 2009
Aye Jacque things happen for a reason - it was knackered sun was shining , grass growing wish I had your optimism as flames shot up my leg ..well look on the bright side wont need my legs waxed for a few weeks ..
Not a big garden Dave just a big pond ! I ve heard that toads poisonous and not predated on like frogs are - many birds will eat frogs but wont touch toads but either way wouldnt recommend them in a dogs diet.Sorry about your cat Elke I believe the US has some highly toxic toads such as the cane toad not sure if you have them too ?
Aye Craftnutter just imagine what poor Jane has to contend with...
20 Apr, 2009
I didn't know frogs/toads were poisonous to dogs or cats?
Henry has never seen either - I don't know what he'd do!
20 Apr, 2009
Think its especially in America.....more venomous species...but certainly here toads avoided by pets !
21 Apr, 2009
Just great,thank you for sharing
22 Apr, 2009
Thankyou Deida,could spend all day and every day just watching it all ! : )
23 Apr, 2009
When do you take over Spring watch your photo's are out of this world
28 May, 2009
Aw Marann thanks but with one Oddie having just left .. dont think they could cope with another !
31 May, 2009
Our garden is nowhere near the size of yours BB but the pond will hopefully attract some wildlife when it's in.
Seeing these pics makes me excited about what 'might' visit us!
Great blog...
29 Jul, 2009
Any size pond is a great asset to the wildlife...sure you will be inundated in next to no time ! Looking forward to tracking your progress,via your photos !
29 Jul, 2009
I reckon so and hope the wildlife arrives quickly and enjoys what I can hopefully create for them...
Pics to follow! :0))
29 Jul, 2009
Our pair of nesting mallards arrived as was digging out pond ! Lined it with sand before putting in butyl liner,and there they were sitting at edge as if to say " Come on then..fill it with water " Lol
29 Jul, 2009
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Lovely wildlife photos BB. Your pond is a good addition to the garden,
13 Apr, 2009