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Went to my favourite market stall in Walsall and bought some lovely hellebores, they were delivered today. The pinkish ones are Helleborus O. ‘Tutu’ and the whitish one is Wintergold. The pink ones are massive and cost only £10 each, the white was £7. That’s why it’s my favourite market stall Bargains!!!!!!!! I am in love with them, especially the elegant pink ones so [lease forgive me for putting loads of pics of them on:o)))

This little pot is for my window ledge, they only deliver items worth £30 or more, so this made up the sum at £3.

This shows all my new plants. The rhododendrons from my previous blog and my elegant hellebores.

Now where can I put them ……????

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The hellebores are very pretty Bornagain!

1 Mar, 2013


You have bought some truly desirable plants BA and I like every single one. Good luck finding the right little spot for each of them!

1 Mar, 2013


Real bargains. A pot the size of the pinks would set you back a good £20 in a national chain!!
They are lovely BA.

1 Mar, 2013


Wonderful Hellebores, very pretty and a real bargain!

1 Mar, 2013


All so pretty Ba..I'm sure you will manage to find good homes for them all :o)

1 Mar, 2013


Gorgeous - I can hardly believe the size of that pink one - a bargain for sure. :))

1 Mar, 2013


They look really healthy ... love the pinkish Hellebore 'Tutu' ... :o)

1 Mar, 2013


Thanks all, I hope you've all had sun lately? It makes such a difference doesn't it? Wednesday was the first day I felt 'springish', let's hope it's sun all the way from now on:-))

1 Mar, 2013


Yes . . . sunny here on Wednesday too. Great to get out, even if just potting up cuttings in the greenhouse :)

2 Mar, 2013


im happy you have put lots of photos on, they are really gorgeous! for some reason hellebores do not like my garden:-( and well done for getting such a bargain!

2 Mar, 2013


Sunny here at the moment today too Sheila\0/
Summerbee, I've not grown hellebores before, so no idea if they'll like my garden either. I think maybe I'll put one of the pink ones in a container to spread my chances. Apparently they don't like moving and prefer alkaline soil which I haven't got eek!:-)
Tutu should flower from December to April so I'll have one where I can see it through the window to cheer dismal winter:-)

2 Mar, 2013


Very nice Ba. I like the pink one, its slightly different from my pink one, and I have a white too. Have lots of seedlings coming along but I think they take about three years to flower, so look forward to that maybe next year ! I'm sure you will find somewhere for them, even if you have to move something else.

2 Mar, 2013


Problem is Cinders that I don't have alkaline soil. I thought with them being woodland? plants they wouldn't mind slightly acidic and I read that orientalis have very deep roots:-(

2 Mar, 2013


Perhaps if you dig out a large hole and put some compost in before you plant, it may be ok.

2 Mar, 2013


You did well with those prices for such big plants especially as delivery was free.
I have a couple of Helebores one white and a purple but they dont seem to do well for me. I think the idea of keeping one of the pink ones in a big pot is a good idea to start with.

2 Mar, 2013


I hadn't realised they prefer alkaline soil . . . we have alkaline/neutral but they don't do very well!

2 Mar, 2013


lovely plants BA so pretty and colourfull, im sure they will look great planted :o))

2 Mar, 2013


Stunning specimens Ba......a special spot needed definitely...:)

2 Mar, 2013


I'll try that cinders. I bought new pots today too:-)

2 Mar, 2013


Hi Phyl, I was going to say it may be your acidic? soil, but now Sheila says hers don't do well on alkaline:-(

2 Mar, 2013


Sheila, bang goes the theory lol. I may ask the the people on the market soil, the woman I bought them off told me she loved hellebores so I'll ask about her soil:-)

2 Mar, 2013


Hi Sandra, I got jealous seeing everyone else's hellebores, flippin GOY again:-)

2 Mar, 2013


Do they grow well for you Janey, what is your soil type? I keep saying mine is acidic, but I had many tons of new soil for my makeover 2010. I'd better get a soil testing kit:-)

2 Mar, 2013


I've got acidic soil but my hellebore only lived for one year! Could have been the slugs rather than the soil though....

3 Mar, 2013


Hi Louisa, I think I'll grow them in pots to be safe. Were yours orientalis?:-)

3 Mar, 2013


It was the standard white type you see most often that's all I know. It was quite a small one I got cheaply at a market stall. What puts me off growing them in pots is that they only flower for a small time of the year so the rest of the time I'd be itching to do something else with the pot!lol

3 Mar, 2013


I know what you mean, but Tutu is supposed to flower from December to April and it's evergreenish too, I'm desperate for flowers then. Come summer I'll have loads of flowers (I hope lol) especially if we get any sun:-)

3 Mar, 2013


I didn't realise the flowering season was so long....I may have to reconsider...!:)

3 Mar, 2013


I hope the label's right:-)

3 Mar, 2013


I am OBSESSED with helibores! Well jel of your collection!

4 Mar, 2013


They look lovely and such good value. I have lots of hellebores and they thrive on my acidish soil in part shaded woody areas. Plus this is the wet Lake district-I don't think they like to get their feet wet.

8 Mar, 2013


Sorry that is rubbish.........................they don't like to dry out!

8 Mar, 2013


Lol Jill thanks, I've been after some for ages:-)

9 Mar, 2013


Thanks for the info Sparkly, are yours orientalis? I know Tutu is. I will try one Tutu and the Wintergold in the north border and keep my fingers crossed. I suppose I can always move them if they're not happy:-)

9 Mar, 2013


Love love love those hellebores :-), I bought a couple of pink doubles from Hodsock Priory a couple of weeks ago and 10 seedlings I bought off ebay for 99p are flowering for the first time this year all are slightly different colours, must get some pictures before the snow aaargh.

9 Mar, 2013


Hi Simbad, how long did it take your seedlings to flower? I find a lot of people can't grow hellebores and can't figure out why. Any ideas? I look forward to seeing your pics:-)

9 Mar, 2013


I bought them 2 years ago Bornagain, quite small seedlings just showing their first true leaves they came bareroot wrapped in damp kitchen paper, probably should have potted them on but I just planted them straight out in the wood obviously did them no harm, I thought I'd loose some but amazingly every one survived!!!

9 Mar, 2013

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