MAD WOMAN IN FRANCE. Includes Monet's Garden.
By bornagain
Bonjour mes amis, c’est mon court sejour a Paris. In taxi to Walsall by 5am, coach leaving at 5.30 am. I’ll get the moaning over first. Seats on coach very close together and I have long legs, air con not working, temperature in coach reached 27 degrees in Paris, many of us had swollen feet, yes me too, frightened the life out of me lol, never seen them like that before. Ate straight after we arrived at The Great Western Hotel, think after 8pm, meal rubbish apart from goats cheese salad starter) then bed, room very good.
Moaning over now, and for all that, had a fantastic time, Catherine and I laughing so much, but can only remember a few of the reasons for such hilarity. Mainly me if I remember rightly:-))
On our first morning, waiting to board the coach: me making my pronouncement, trying to sound like a woman of the World. “I’m very pleasantly surprized by my room, good size, very clean, tea/coffee making facilities and even a MICROWAVE” blank stares all round …. friend Catherine “what microwave?” me: " the one on the shelf underneath the kettle shelf" amazed she hadn’t noticed. Howls of laughter all round …thats a safe you daft *******. We couldn’t move for laughing … trust me! … strangely, I wasn’t allowed to forget that little faux pas:-)))
Here is a pic of said microwave, a mistake anyone could make without their glasses:-)
First glimpse of Monet’s garden. As we approached there was an amazing cacophony… what was it? Some large waterfowl? Nothing to be seen yet surrounded by this strange very loud noise. It was frogs! Not demure like our English frogs, not croaking, but yelling, very exciting. They must mate a lot later than their english cousins.
Some lovely tree peonies around the pond.
I’m trying to convey the absolute tranquillity of the pond area. The frogs lent gaiety:-)
Away from the pond now.
I love this photo, the avenues of iris were very pretty.
This beauty looks like a flower fairy hiding behind her ruffles:-)
We didn’t get to see inside the house, massive queues
and we would have missed Giverney. It’s very pretty, but very commercialised and who can blame them:-)
This rose was tres eye catching, must be a rambler I think:-)
And so to Fontaineblaeu. I haven’t included any pics from inside the palace, I can if there’s an outcry lol.
It was a lovely warm day, we were so lucky with the weather. We spotted this very lovely fountain, possibly of Diana, definitely a huntress anyway.
Catherine approaches, there’s nothing like the draw of water on a hot day.
What a wonderful, romantic sculpture, the hounds are magnificent!
Oh no bad doggies:-(
I’m putting the impressive Sacre Coeur last
Panoramic view of Paris from the steps of Sacre Coeur.
Hope you enjoyed my little break so far. Next blog will be Barbizan, where Millais lived and a boat trip up and down the Seine. Considering we only had two days to see all this, we got a lot in. Two days were spent travelling there and back. We set off from Paris at 8.30 am and arrived in Walsall at 10.30 pm, home at 11’oclock. It all seemed to go by in a blur when I think of it, but I wouldn’t have missed it for the World:-)))))
23 May, 2014
Love the roses. No way for me to travel by coach. We traveled by coach from London to Athens, Greece, when I was in my mid thirties and still have nightmares. The only thing you could see in the two lane highway of the old Yugoslavia, were car accidents. Something very frightening.
23 May, 2014
Oh l loved this ........
I'd really like to see Monets garden, I read about him once, his famous paintings like the waterlilies was done after he developed cataracts.....his early work was different, he painted what he saw and it was blurred, but stunning. your blog Ba
ummmmm.......I didn't mean your blog was blurred just stunning :0)
23 May, 2014
Reading this on my phone at work, need to come back and see it better on a bigger screen tomorrow....all looks great, perfect weather and lovely company.
23 May, 2014
What a great blog. I just love Monet's garden. Spring would be a great time to visit too. The planting would be fresh.
23 May, 2014
Thank you so much for your Blog and the pics BA. It's many years since I last visited Monet's garden and your blog brought back some lovely memories. You certainly seem to have had a wonderful time, the weather looks to have been just right. Where next?
24 May, 2014
Smashing blog Ba....loved it! It's one of the places to visit on my wish list, and looking at your photos, the sooner the better...:)). Beautiful Diana and naughty doggies...ha.ha
24 May, 2014
Great blog Ba...wondered where you were!forgot you were in Paris.The view from the Sacre Coeur is amazing, I think I might have the same photo!.... Microwave...Ha ha ha.
24 May, 2014
How lovely, photo's with lovely blue sky, just what is needed to lift the spirits on a very wet morning, love your blog and photo's Ba, had a chuckle at your microwave tale, the garden is really lovely, I especially like the pics taken of the pond area, you are right about the fountains, one always heads towards them when out and about, lol..
My daughter and I absolutely love Sacre Coeur, even with all the visitors it still seems to have a calming effect both inside and out, were you lucky enough to hear the nuns choir whilst there?
Smashing Ba, thankyou for sharing...
24 May, 2014
Lovely blog thank you so much. Nice to see the Water Lillies still in Monet's garden.
24 May, 2014
You're welcome Cinders, it was a great experience:-)
Hi Kokki, your coach experience sounds far worse than mine:-) Lol Pam, I've been blurred for a long time, thanks all for your lovely comments:-)
24 May, 2014
Thanks Scottish, it's the company that makes it special too I think:-) Thanks Linda, May seemed the perfect time:-) Thanks Waddy, glad I brought back good memories. Who knows where next? The World's the limit ... erm Europe though:-)
24 May, 2014
Thanks Janey, I'm totally in love with the region ... our dogs would not behave that way would they:-)) Gralew, it's unkind to mock the afflicted:-))) Thanks Lincs, unfortunately didn't hear any singing, did you?:-)
24 May, 2014
A pleasure Diane, have you seen it?:-)
24 May, 2014
Looks even better on the bigger screen BA :)
24 May, 2014
Thanks, I just point and click;-))
24 May, 2014
I loved Giverny when we went - must have been later in the year, as the water lilies were out, and no irises. Shame it's got so commercial. Thanks for the lovely reminder of its beauty. :-))
25 May, 2014
You're welcome Barbara:-))
25 May, 2014
Thanks BA for sharing this. It brought back some lovely memories! We were there in 2009 as my cousin lives on the outskirts of Paris . Unfortunately there had been a heat wave and a very long dry spell and the gardens looked quite poorly and the water level in the lakes had dropped. Its a pity you didn't get inside the house ! Its amazing , especially the bright yellow huge kitchen ! Did you get the book showing it ?
I had to laugh when you said about the microwave as its the sort of thing I would do ! Last year in our hotel in Turkey, desperately wanting a cuppa when we arrived, I put the kettle on which was provided for us, got out our own tea bags and couldn't understand why the kettle wouldn't work, so rung down to reception and a lovely lady arrived straight away with a new kettle. Then she started to laugh as we hadn't put the key card in the door which switched everything on ! was we to know ! It was the first time we've ever been in a hotel with key cards ! We normally only do "basic"! lol
25 May, 2014
Hi Rose, after reading about your trolley adventure I knew you were a woman after my own heart lol:-) (looks funny written down) I was disappointed about missing the house, but those queues! Was that the year when many people died from the heat in Paris?:-[
25 May, 2014
Great ! I'm pleased you enjoyed :)
Lovely photos too ...
And I'm sure I would have thought that thing was a microwave, the same as you did ... lol
25 May, 2014
Thanks Hywel, I'm glad someone else thought it looked like a microwave:-) I haven't stayed in many hotels and had trouble with the card they give you as a key ... you have to swipe it, but mine was very awkward, even after I was shown how to do it:-)
25 May, 2014
One grumpy receptionist told me it was my fault the card didn't work because it was in my bag with my phone......
25 May, 2014
Where was that Pam?:-)
25 May, 2014
You had to swipe a card to get into your room ? :(
Now that's far too technical for me ! lol
25 May, 2014
A wonderful blog and stunning photo's glad you had a lovely time.It's somewhere I have never been,and look what I've been missing...perfect weather too...I hope you weren't waiting for the" Microwave" to ping ! funny..
Yes please to part two..xx
25 May, 2014
A wonderful few days then BA, nothing like a microwave luv but I would have had fun trying to tune it in to my favourite radio station. The photos of Monets gardens were stunning would love to have been there (perhaps the frogs knew you were coming and were chorusing you in,lol.)
Loved all of the tour looking forward to next episode.
27 May, 2014
Hywel, we're two for a pair:-))
27 May, 2014
Sandra, look how good you are with your right hand, I wonder how long this comment took you ... even more thankful for your comment, although a tad sarcastic re the microwave:-)))
27 May, 2014
Phyl, at least I didn't mistake it for a radio! There was a tele on the wall and instructions as to how to use it and get radio stations also. I did try to see if it worked, but being a technophobe, couldn't see how to turn it on even. Good job really as if it had come on it would probably woken the other residents while I tried to figure out volume control:-)) Perhaps you're right about the thoughtful frogs, I fould all the french charming and courteous:-))
27 May, 2014
I'm not sure B.A. It was in June that year of 2009 and it was very very hot, so it could have been.
Am I getting confused , but why did you say "trolley" adventure , when it was a kettle ? Its probably me being dense as usual ! Hahaa!
27 May, 2014
Lol, maybe I've got mixed up, but wasn't it you with the supermarket trolley?:-)
27 May, 2014
So enjoyed reading your blog and you have saved me pounds as I was thinking of going you have done all the leg work for me I just sat back and enjoyed looking at the pictures drinking tea in the comfort of my bed that's a good nights work
13 Jul, 2014
Thanks Panteg, welcome to GOY .... you'll be amazed the places you can visit on here, some very exotic. Almost as good as travelling and much less tiring:-))
14 Jul, 2014
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Thank you so much BA for that lovely blog. I went to Paris and Sacre Coeur three years ago. Beautiful. Still waiting to go to Monet's garden, but your pictures are stunning. I have the same problem with swollen feet and legs when travelling by coach. Such a nuisance.
23 May, 2014