By bornagain
Hello again me dearios, I have still been gardening and just to prove it here are July pics followed by August.
This is my new delphinium from Plant Me Now, I love it and it flowered (two spires) although only bought earlier this year.
When I moved into this house some twenty years ago, each summer, the garden was filled with pink musk mallows. When in flower, with their attendant ecstatic bees whose legs were so laden with pollen they could barely fly, they were a beautiful sight. Some years later, after visiting a NGS garden, I came home with a lovely (cursed) exotic mallow and ever since that purchase my musk mallows suffered from rust. I had to get rid of each one as soon as it appeared:-( For the last few years I have allowed one to grow and removed it immediately it showed any sign of rust. I am now happy to report that my mallows no longer have a problem and here is one to prove it:-) Isn’t it amazing how long seeds can remain fertile?
This is rose Designer Sunset with polemonium Northern Lights
This is my pond, it looks more like a lawn:-)
Here’s part of the north border with my new pulmonarias and on the right that dainty long flowering little plant whose name I’ve forgotten, anyone know? It suddenly dawned on me a couple of days after putting this blog on that it was a saxifrage, so I google and found Stonifera yay \0/
Here is a close up of its flower.
Here is my poor colutea, now only allowed one stem as it was taking up too much space, now looks like a little tree.
Now for a little porn, I was drying up and about to put a knife back on the rack when, fortunately for them, I saw these two moths …erm …at it. Never seen this before and they weren’t going to move either.
Now on to August. Although my garden didn’t look bad, I felt down each time I went into it … the reason? My slabs were filthy, not been done since last year and full sized plants growing between lol. Bravely got down my power washer, unblocked it ( yes it was blocked) using some old floristry wire ( bought one Chrismas when I had the mad idea to make my own Xmas wreaths and decs) it took ages to work, but persevered and over three days, cleaned the lot. Happy to go in now as it looks sunny even when dull. Clean slabs:-)
My little CLEAN quarry tile patio.
Concrete patio next to my house …also clean:-)
Pretty roses and lavatera
On the right is a very good geranium called blushing turtle. I bought it a couple of years ago, it flowers for ever, is low growing and covers about 3ft or so.
I had bought some scabious seed off Ebay and carefully sowed them each side of the little circle path early on in the year. I waited expectantly, but not one came up. A few feet from where I sowed them, this contrary beauty appeared! A whole packet of seeds, but worth it:-)
That’s all for now, I will pop in from time to time. My OH is more dependent upon me now so although I can’t come here very often, I’ll still keep an eye on you, just to make sure you’re all behaving:-)x
20 Aug, 2015
Previous post: Renishaw Hall Gardens
Next post: I'm Back
What a gorgeous garden - love the delphinium and the scabious, and your close planting is very successful. Now would you like to come and clean our slabs???
20 Aug, 2015
Ba you have the sweetest garden and I love it all. I realise how busy you are and to have your garden looking as lovely as this cannot be easy.
I love your paving slabs and all the other little places that are also sparkling!
Tomorrow I too will make an effort having been inspired after looking at this!!
20 Aug, 2015
Thanks Paul:-)
21 Aug, 2015
Thanks Stera, you' re welcome to borrow my washer:-) not as easy or as much fun as it looks lol, but once you get going you don't want to stop cos everywhere looks so much better:-)
Just noticed my stupid tablet had made you a Steve! It does try to be helpful, but .......:-)
21 Aug, 2015
Wow Chris ... I've never been an inspiration before:-) my little garden would fit many times into your lovely one..... Want to swap?:-))))
21 Aug, 2015
Your garden looks beautiful Ba so much colour and unusual things, never heard of the geranium but I'm writing the name down right now!
My patio is awful I'm quite ashamed after seeing yours, job for tomorrow or the next day ;-)
21 Aug, 2015
Can't imagine being a Steve but guess I could get used to it...
21 Aug, 2015
BA, your garden is absolutely beautiful full of colour and life. That beauty from eBay is stunning, do you have its name?
21 Aug, 2015
Wow Simbad ... I've inspired you too lol:-) I think the geranium is one of the Alan Bremner's in the Orkneys, I've had quite a few of his, very hardy. I possibly bought it from Long Acre Plants, not sure:-)
22 Aug, 2015
Yes your new Delphinium is stunning Ba! I love all the different areas in your garden, so much interest everywhere, lovely peachy tones, very pretty! I do love the little tree in your pond pic, must be an Acer?
22 Aug, 2015
It was a pleasure to see your beautiful garden BA.
23 Aug, 2015
Waddy, I think it is a scabious atropurpurea. On eBay there is someone who sells Russian seed, they are quite cheap too, I've had pink marigold seeds off him before, they flowered well. I'll try to collect the scabious seed and send you some. But you must remind me cos I've a head like a sieve:-)
23 Aug, 2015
Yes Janey, it is an acer which I brought from my old garden, it had been in a pot for years, a lovely little tree:-)
23 Aug, 2015
What a lovely garden it looks so beautiful wish mine looked like that... Lots of work.."They say a garden is for life..I'm trying...as we only rent our ground floor flat we've been here for 7 years and the garden was a mess, I've worked really hard to get it into some sort of order but still it needs a lot of work done to it. We bought big tubs for the roses so if we leave we can take them with us, also bought 2 different type of Acers put one in the ground and one in a tub near our front door looks rather nice.. Will take more photos as I go along.
23 Aug, 2015
I just love your garden BA ! I am feeling so guilty now as I have not pressure washed anywhere this year ! We decided to have a water meter and since then, I panic at the thought of using too much water !
I have a little plant like yours, if I've got the right one , and its a dwarf Euphorbia , very dainty and has flowered all summer ! I'm not sure which Euphorbia it is though !
23 Aug, 2015
Waddy, having checked, I realise that I didn't have any scabious seeds lol...... Must be present from the birds, will still collect seed for you if you remind me and I'm sure it's atropurpurea:-)
23 Aug, 2015
Thank you Klahanie:-)
23 Aug, 2015
Thanks FA, it's hard to put everything into your garden when you don't know how long you'll be there, but having looked at your pics, you've done a very good job:-)
23 Aug, 2015
Hi Rose, thanks, I should have put a PIC of the leaves on, but having realised it was a saxifrage, I went on Google images and found saxifrage stonifera ... Bingo it's also evergreen:-) I haven't got a water Meter, do they push up the water bill? Don't think I want one lol:-)
23 Aug, 2015
Your garden is beautiful BA, just how I like it crammed with plants and pots.....lovely.
24 Aug, 2015
Our bill has been reduced by £100 BA ! It is worth getting one, but I do seem to water mostly by watering cans now instead of the hose ! I'm wondering now if my plant is Saxifrage as I bought it at our local nursery who told me it was the dwarf Euphorbia and I was unsure at the time as I have never seen this one before ! I think I will put a picture up of it on goy and see what others think !
25 Aug, 2015
Good idea, the leaves of euphorbia are different, I would like to see what you've got too so I'll have a nose:-)
25 Aug, 2015
Thank you Harryvin:-)
25 Aug, 2015
Looks absolutely lovely BA :))
28 Aug, 2015
Thanks Jane:-)
28 Aug, 2015
Sorry BA just seen your kind offer...yes please. ..if you remember!
29 Aug, 2015
No, if you remember to remind me:-))
29 Aug, 2015
Ba, yours is a garden to be very proud of, some beautiful plants within. Thanks for sharing it :o)
29 Aug, 2015
Thanks Shirley, no plum trees though:-))
29 Aug, 2015
I shall be forever associated with Plum trees! Mind you, there are worse things to be known for lol!
29 Aug, 2015
Not the trees Shirley - its the cake...
29 Aug, 2015
Stera, I realised I should have just written Plums! :o)
29 Aug, 2015
That might have sounded rude Shirley:-))))
29 Aug, 2015
Ba, why am I not surprised you thought that? LOL!!!
29 Aug, 2015
30 Aug, 2015
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Dry nice too...that new Delphinium is certainly a beauty and looks good with the Astramtia behind!
20 Aug, 2015