A Few more 'Glads'
By cinderella
Haven’t been out much for a few days, as have been rather poorly, but after a little wander today noticed a few more gladiolus from my freebies were opened up. So here are a few pics for you to see.
Plus a few others -
Yellow crocosmia
and a white Freesia
16 Aug, 2011
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Lovely pics ... I hope you feel better soon x
16 Aug, 2011
Thank you Sheila, still not 100%, but getting there I hope.
16 Aug, 2011
these are really lovely, i hope they are making you feel a bit better
hope you are much better soon
16 Aug, 2011
Sorry to hear that Cinders, hope it doesnt last long. Still, you've had a ball in the garden today...just LOVE those glads.
16 Aug, 2011
Love the glads Cinderella, The purple one is my fave, Also love the Fresia, bet it smells gorgeous. Hope you feel better soon..
16 Aug, 2011
Those are gorgeous Cinderella, I hope you start to feel much better soon!
16 Aug, 2011
Thank you for your good wishes girls, and glad you liked the pictures. I like the purple one too YDD. Its so lovely to have all you nice people on here, it cheers me up, thank you.
16 Aug, 2011
Lovely pictures of lovely flowers. I'm glad they have come back in to fashion. I planted 3 lots of bulbs but 2 packets have not produced any flowers. Anyone know why? The others did well though.
16 Aug, 2011
Thank you for your comments Marshmallow, no idea why yours didnt flower, but saying that, not many of the ones I had last year have flowered either.
16 Aug, 2011
Gorgeous Glads, I love them and always buy them for in the house when in season, they make such a statement.
Get better soon Cinders x
16 Aug, 2011
i love the purple one too..my fave has to be the Fresia..i hope you get well soon too..:o)
16 Aug, 2011
Thank you Val. I agree they do make a statement, but I haven't picked much for indoors this year, I just love to see it all in the garden. Did pick a lovely bunch of sweet peas today though, I think they benefit from cutting.
16 Aug, 2011
Wonderful Glads,Cinders..and lovely colours..sorry to hear you haven't been well,and glad you are starting to feel a lot better..I have ordered some nice warm sunny weather for you :o)
16 Aug, 2011
Thank you Joan, and thank you Sandra, nice to know I have some warm weather to look forward to. Don't know where I got this bug from but it wasnt nice.
16 Aug, 2011
Hope you feel better Cinders. lovely Glads
16 Aug, 2011
Thank you so much Sue.
16 Aug, 2011
Thanks HB. I quite like the yellow crocosmia too. Strangely they seem to be diminishing. Used to have a clump like the orange ones, but its getting smaller. I am still not 100% better, but getting there thanks.
17 Aug, 2011
You take care of yourself! I don't think the non-summery weather helps, does it.
I had a surprise this week - I thought that none of my Gladioli had survived, but there are two about to flower. I wish they were the colour of your lovely mauve one, but no such luck. :-(
17 Aug, 2011
Thank you Spritz. That mauve one is lovely, I shall have to put a label round that one so I can remember which one it is for next year ! I still have a few to come out so hoping for some more surprises. Shame most of yours didnt come up, but at least two to look forward to.
17 Aug, 2011
they are very pretty ............. my frebies only just starting ..................
17 Aug, 2011
ps forgot to say i hope you are better now , and u not have the bug i jjust had urgggg ..................... hugs
17 Aug, 2011
Thank you Cristina, sending you a PM
17 Aug, 2011
I'm late to all the blogs (again) but I'm pleased to see these lovely pics ... were your Gladdies a GW magazine offer, Cinders? .... I have some very similar to yours so wondered if they were the same offer? ... Two have snapped over in the wind ... :o(( ...... Glad to hear you're on the road to recovery ... :o)))
17 Aug, 2011
No it was with the Daily Express Garden Magazine, if you placed an order over a certain amount they sent 50 glads with the order, so a friend and I shared. I've been very pleased with them. Thanks for comments, I feel a lot better this evening thank goodness.
17 Aug, 2011
Excellent news ... :o)))
17 Aug, 2011
That's good,Cinders..it is horrible feeling like that...
18 Aug, 2011
Hope your on the mend Cinders, its lovely to see your photos, like Shirley I`m a bit late to your blog as I haven`t been on the site for a while as I`ve been so busy.
19 Aug, 2011
This bug seems to be hanging around a bit, so not been on much myself Stroller, thanks, busy weekend too coming up, so will get back to routine next week I hope.
19 Aug, 2011
Hope you are feeling fine now sorry to hear you ve been unwell, such lovely selection of gladis you have very pretty
19 Aug, 2011
Kind of you Sixpence, thank you
19 Aug, 2011
Your welcome Cinders I was passing down by you today comming back from Devon I could of gone on a tour of goyers Bristol Bjs, you, and Hollyeves Minehead lol.
19 Aug, 2011
Beautiful late colour cinders. Sorry to hear you have been unwell. Hope you are better now :)
20 Aug, 2011
Thanks Karen, feeling much better now.
20 Aug, 2011
20 Aug, 2011
sorry you havent been well,but what a lovely treat seeing all your lovely glads out in flower they look gorgous :)
20 Aug, 2011
Thank you Whdebor, they have been lovely
20 Aug, 2011
Just found your page so am looking at most of your recent blogs ,so I'm hoping by now you are better.I love the yellow crocosmia, I've not seen one before.Your Glads. are lovely. I made the mistake of including them in my allotment border and the calendulars towered above them.I have just removed them all now (mildew) and 1 or 2 Glads, are just about to open now they can see the light of day.
23 Aug, 2011
Thank you for looking at my blogs and pictures Rose, I am feeling better now, the yellow crocosmia dont seem to be so proliferous as the orange, but I agree it is lovely. Glad you will be able to see your Glads better now.
23 Aug, 2011
Sorry to hear that you have not been very well, my friend, and hope that you have fully recovered now, and enjoying that glorious garden of yours..\0/x
28 Aug, 2011
I am fine again now thanks, wish the weather was too so that I could sit out in the garden
28 Aug, 2011
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Sorry to hear you've not been well Cinders. You've got some gorgeous glads there:D)
16 Aug, 2011