September colour
By cinderella
Have just been talking to a Goy friend, who asked what my garden is looking like at the moment, so have just taken a few pics. Still a lot of colour, hope you enjoy looking at them.
16 Sep, 2011
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Shush TT. Thats a dirty word !! I had one go to vine weavil last year, but this year everything looks fine at the moment. Trouble is you don't know till one starts to wilt.
16 Sep, 2011
so many Hucheras and they look fab, the garden is still looking lovely, I see you have sunshine, lucky you, beautiful blog/.photo's
16 Sep, 2011
Thank you Yorks, the sun was out for a short while, its gone now.
16 Sep, 2011
central heating on in here, its really cold
16 Sep, 2011
those heucheras are real stars arent they! but i like the coleus and the dahlias too.
16 Sep, 2011
Thank you Sticki, the coleus do make a nice change,
Can't believe you have the heating on Yorks. I refuse to put mine on till November. Just put an extra jumper on.
16 Sep, 2011
probably several degrees different between wiltshire and yorkshire?? its quite mild here.
16 Sep, 2011
I did, but I can't stand to be cold Cinders
16 Sep, 2011
Beautiful Cinderella. You've got such a lovely garden and it's full of colour and interest. I love the different levels, trellises etc, and I like the colour of your back door :o) It's all very nice indeed.
And you've got Coleuses :o) I didn't grow them this year. They bring c olour for such a long time don't they ....
16 Sep, 2011
Thank you Hywel, I'm glad you like my garden. When we first moved here it was on a slope, so we terraced it and made two rooms. The fences and trellis's etc were put up for privacy but have been made use of, with lots of climbers. The coleus I grew from seed to sell at our village country market, but strangely not many sold, so I made use of them myself and have to say I have been pleased with them.
16 Sep, 2011
16 Sep, 2011
OK Yorks, I know its probably colder where you are, and I agree, I don't like being cold.
16 Sep, 2011
Yorkshire, its not quite so cold here, will be later. just come in from pottering. having curry for tea, that'll warm us up.
16 Sep, 2011
Thanks Grannyb, good idea, might have a curry myself, just have to get one from my freezer, home made,
16 Sep, 2011
Well, it's really dark here Cinders, and I'm just in from doing the shopping in the pouring rain and howling wind. I parked my car right up against the front door to get in quickly! It was lovely to see your photos....shades of yesterday when my world was all sunshine and birdsong....what a difference a day makes eh? all the heucheras!
16 Sep, 2011
Hi Karen. Oh poor you, it hasnt been a bad day here really. Knew you would like the Heuchera of course !!
16 Sep, 2011
Still so much colour in your garden, well done, not so here, very poor show at the moment, smack on the wrist for us, Blue Peter badge for you Cinders.
16 Sep, 2011
Thank you DD. Your comments appreciated.
16 Sep, 2011
It looks gorgeous Cinders - still lots of colour
16 Sep, 2011
Thanks Sheila, still, as you say, lots of colour, helped by all the heuchera of course.
16 Sep, 2011
It all looks smashing Cinders, I hope my Heucheras look as good as yours ,three new ones this year so hoping I get them through the winter.
Lovely pics of a lovely garden....
16 Sep, 2011
You are so kind, thank you very much. I'm sure your Heuchera will be fine.
16 Sep, 2011
Your garden is looking beautiful. As you say lots of colour coming from lovely leaves as well as flowers. I wish I could grow heucheras as good as yours. Must try harder. That dahlia is stunning.
16 Sep, 2011
Thankyou. Really, Heucheras are not difficult, they look after themselves I find. The dahlia is called Blue Boy.
16 Sep, 2011
Oh! I was just going to ask you what your lovely dahlia was! I'll have to try to get that one next year. The baby 'Cinderella' heuchera is growing beautifully!
16 Sep, 2011
Oh, I'm pleased to hear that Libet. Silver Scrolls and Plum Royale are doing well too. I have Plum Royale in a pot at the moment but it is growing well so may put it in the garden for the winter. If I can find a space !!!!
16 Sep, 2011
Beautiful garden Cinderella :)))
16 Sep, 2011
When they get their little roots into some nice new compost, they just gallop away, don't they! :0)
16 Sep, 2011
Thanks Michaella. Libet they are so easy to care for aren't they.
16 Sep, 2011
16 Sep, 2011
Still looking great,Cinders..hope it continues for a while yet..same with mine..:o)
16 Sep, 2011
Thanks Sandra. I keep looking at it and thinking I must take some of it out now, but just don't want to disturb it.
16 Sep, 2011
Looks great and lucky us- we've seen it in the flesh!
16 Sep, 2011
Your garden is looking tip top Cinderella....Heucheras are fab....:>)
16 Sep, 2011
Thanks Paul.
Thanks Moti. My Sweet Tea is gorgeous. Thank you so much.
17 Sep, 2011
Such a lovely garden, so full of life.
17 Sep, 2011
Your garden is still looking very well, for September.
17 Sep, 2011
Your garden still a joy to behold in September, Cinders...Where did this year go??? Just beautiful picts, I felt as if I was walking around there with you my friend...\0/x
17 Sep, 2011
Thank you so much Alex, Clarice and Flori. I appreciate your kind remarks.
17 Sep, 2011
Lovely to see so much colour still in the garden...helps keep the spirits up with Autumn fast approaching...:)))
All credit to you...
17 Sep, 2011
Thanks Sue,
17 Sep, 2011
looks lovely cinders and much more colour than mine at the moment :o)
17 Sep, 2011
Hi San, thanks, how you doing,
17 Sep, 2011
hi cinders im fine thanx, busy with art and tidying garden but prefere to be busy, stops me thinking haha
hope your ok to ;o))
17 Sep, 2011
Yes I'm fine thanks.
17 Sep, 2011
Everything is flowering so well in your garden, Cinders, all credit to you! .. In pic 2 are those Liatris to the left? ... I have grown some in a pot for the first time ... do you just cut them down to ground level or wait until the Spring please? ... :o)
17 Sep, 2011
Yes it is Liatris, but they are finished now. I shall cut them down this week I expect. I'm afraid I can be a bit brutal when I have the secateurs in my hand, and I often take a chance and cut things down and just hope for the best !
17 Sep, 2011
I am like that too,Cinders..I forgot I had these,as mine were new too..I almost pulled them up,Shirley,as I didn't recognise the foliage,till I saw the spikes appear ! Lol.
17 Sep, 2011
Ok, I shall remove them from the pot, trim them and plant in the border, with a label or two as a reminder not to dig them out! ... :o))
17 Sep, 2011
Thats a good idea Shirley. I think they will definitely stand a better chance in the ground.
18 Sep, 2011
Cinders, I have spent the past hour getting those Hostas out of the blue pots! ... Such tough roots ... but on a positive note they have been divided into about twenty small plants ... Hostas anyone? ... lol!
18 Sep, 2011
Wow, I know they are a bit tough. Think I have enough for now, thanks.
18 Sep, 2011
: o )))
18 Sep, 2011
All still looking lovely.... : O ))
18 Sep, 2011
Thank you Holly
18 Sep, 2011
You have a lovely garden Cinderella. Methinks Prince Charming has been around. Glorious heucheras but my favourite pic is number two from the top. It is so sunny and makes smile.
19 Sep, 2011
Hi Scotsgran. If Prince Charming has been around I am sorry I must have missed him. I could do with a handsome prince !! Thank you for your lovely comments, I agree that picture is quite cheerful.
19 Sep, 2011
Brilliant still so much colour:)
19 Sep, 2011
Thank you Nana
19 Sep, 2011
Those are lovely photos of your garden, Cinderella.September can be very beautiful. Aren't heucheras great? They just go on forever. I have a few but am definitely going to buy more next year. I love dahlias too, tho' I used to hate them (earwigs), but the few I put in have been decimated by slug and snail attack (Grrr, in the style of The Beano). My organic methods of protection have failed, tho' I didn't try nematodes this year, which have previously been effective with other plants.How have you protected yours?
19 Sep, 2011
Thank you Tuesdaybear, glad you like my garden. I am a Heucheraholic I'm afraid, really hooked. Before long it will be nearly all heuchera in my garden !! I don't normally have many dahlias, for the same reasons as you, and I'm afraid I do put down pellets, the kind sort, at the start until they have grown a bit, then its just a case of going out and collecting them and disposing of them. I have never tried nematodes.
19 Sep, 2011
Typing across a cat now (Mojo), who has just stopped walking over keyboard and setled on lap. Also tried kind pellets but without success. Even hedgehog in garden hasn't been enough! Anyway, lovely to see your dahlias looking so good. Well, not just dahlias but whole garden.Just need some good weather now to enjoy the late Summer's beauty.
19 Sep, 2011
Yes thats right. lol :O)))
19 Sep, 2011
I found going out in the morning and evening and just picking them off and dropping them in a bottle of neat bleach was a sure way of reducing their numbers, fewer slugs and snails meant fewer eggs and it helped to cut the population a bit. A friend suggested a beer trap but it did not work for me. I did not want to get rid of them completely because we have thrushes who like to use the stones on the rockery as an anvil to get at the snails. I do not think they eat slugs. The blue pellets and the very smelly green organic powder were no good either. In fact I think the only year I used the slug pellets if anything we got more of them.
19 Sep, 2011
Thats very true Scotsgran. The pellets do seem to attract more of them. I haven't tried a beer trap, don't want to waste good beer !
20 Sep, 2011
No defintely don't waste the beer, that itself encourages a party...:))) also the pellets...but the beggars will climb other plants and walls, just to drop down on your favourite's an on going battle, luckily for me, I have Chickens that adore a snail, so any collected go straight to them...:))
20 Sep, 2011
lovely pics cind.... and still plenty to look at as well gawjuss !!!
criss i give the blighters to the hens tooo lol !!! haha
20 Sep, 2011
P'raps I'd better get some chickens then. Thanks Cris.
20 Sep, 2011
What an amazing array of colourful plants, Cinders, "hasn't she done well?!!" Thanks so much for showing us round. :))
21 Sep, 2011
Your welcome Sheilabub, and thank you for your comments.
21 Sep, 2011
lol...Cris...not a bad idea Sylvia, and they reward you with gorgeous eggs...:))) funny enough they love a bit of Escargot lol...without the garlic...:)))
21 Sep, 2011
> lol :o))
21 Sep, 2011
superb blog and gorgeous garden..really so much going on excellent..
21 Sep, 2011
Thank you so much Skip. Theres no room for weeds, too many plants.¬!!
21 Sep, 2011
Very interesting garden and really pretty too. I love it all...
21 Sep, 2011
Many thanks Breda
21 Sep, 2011
I so enjoyed your September garden Cinders and heucheras to .
They are amazing coats of many colours .
I must post some of my heucheras .
Yesterday was wet and a howling cold gale really freezing.
Pots got knocked down .
22 Sep, 2011
I so enjoyed your September garden Cinders and heucheras to .
They are amazing coats of many colours .
I must post some of my heucheras .
Yesterday was wet and a howling cold gale really freezing.
Pots got knocked down .
22 Sep, 2011
Glad you enjoyed my garden Kath, and sorry you are having such terrible weather. It was quite pleasant down here in the south, although it is definitely cooler.
22 Sep, 2011
So vibrant! What are the flowers that resemble sunflowers? and those last purple ones are wonderful to look at.
23 Sep, 2011
Thank you Adara. The flowers that resemble sunflowers are Rudbeckia, and the purple ones are Dahlia, Blue Boy.
23 Sep, 2011
They are certainly beautiful, and your yard is wonderful!
23 Sep, 2011
Recent posts by cinderella
- A Look at my garden.
14 May, 2018
- Late flowers
6 Sep, 2017
- Few more pics
10 Jul, 2017
- Heuchera & others
8 Jul, 2017
- Garden July 2017
1 Jul, 2017
- Shoo fly plant.
11 Jun, 2017
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Beautiful ...
your heucheras are stunning :o)
Do you get any invasions of vine weevil ?
16 Sep, 2011