Sweetie & Elkie on top of the cage
By crissue
For Sticki
Just resting here for a while…
Sweetie has just come back from the vet…she has a virus, so is a bit dopey after two jabs one inflammatory, and one A/B…poor thing…
Adding a couple of Elkie, a good side shot taken by OH
And I can fall asleep in any position…
16 Apr, 2012
Previous post: Little 'Nutella'
Next post: Our Toby
Not a chance Sticki, she's a real poser for photos, but in this one she was actually asleep on the edge of the Sofa sitting up...
She is like Minty, I remember the blog with all the Cat pics....
They look but are really not interested that much...they're more interested in a comfortable spot to stretch out...lol...
16 Apr, 2012
Im just amazed!! but cats do get life sorted dont they!!
lovely, thanks crissue
16 Apr, 2012
Lovely photos
16 Apr, 2012
Lovely photo's...
16 Apr, 2012
Crissue, if the cat has virus, be careful. Guine pigs are very sensitive to many viruses, they even can get many respiratory infections from humans.
16 Apr, 2012
Lovely kitties....:>)
16 Apr, 2012
A wee cuties :)
16 Apr, 2012
A wee cuties :)
16 Apr, 2012
Morning all...
So glad you like the pics...they are a lovely crew...and we love them lots...Sadly our Sweetie, isn't a well girl this morning...she perked up after her injections yesterday, but by this morning, she's crying with pain..so the Vet wants her in for observation...so OH is getting ready now to take her...
Thanks Kat, have taken all your wise words on board...
Will post more news as we have it...x
17 Apr, 2012
Aw no..Hope seh is ok SUe :(((( xxxxxxxxxxx
17 Apr, 2012
sorry out Sweetie, hope the vet can sort her out and she will be better
17 Apr, 2012
Just a quick update on Sweetie, she is with the Vet, they're keeping her in for observation, her Temperature is still up...so they are going to give her another injection..We have to phone at 5pm. ours, so we'll know more then...
17 Apr, 2012
wishing you all the best
17 Apr, 2012
Aw wee Sweetie..hugs to you SUe and Sweetie xxxxxxxx
17 Apr, 2012
arrhh cats! now you can definitely be on my favourites!!!
18 Apr, 2012
Hello everyone, just bringing an update on Sweetie...she came home yesterday evening...the vet thought she would recover better at home, as she was getting stressed...They managed to get her temperature down to a manageable level...and now she sat on guard at the door, begging to go out....Nooooo, she is still weak and scraggy looking, and bless, the vet sent her home with a can of recovery pate food...how kind and wants an update today...Going to keep her in now and build her up...Thanks for all your best wishes...xx
18 Apr, 2012
hope she feels happier now she is at home and will get stronger quickly
18 Apr, 2012
Aw hugs from Suki xxxxxxxx
18 Apr, 2012
Just an up date on Sweetie...She is still weak and recovering very slowly...sleeps an awful lot...and yesterday we just managed to get her to eat a little sardine, only a mouthful but it's better than nothing...We have to keep the Vet updated every day so far, this has been quite a debilitating virus, for this little girl...
21 Apr, 2012
oh dear, poor Sweetie, i hope that little morsel of sardine did her good. hope she gets stronger soon
21 Apr, 2012
Thanks Sticki,
Breaks your heart to see them poorly, but look how terrible we feel with a virus, so I can understand what she is going through poor love...she's sleeping, best thing for her....
21 Apr, 2012
one of the worst things is not being able to do something for them. sleep is good medicine
21 Apr, 2012
Morning all...Sweetie is a little brighter this morning...and had a little more fish last evening...Her coat looks a bit healthier, not lank as it was, a bit like our hair when we're poorly...she's still sleeping a lot though...but we think improving very slowly...
22 Apr, 2012
thats good to hear crissue ~ slowly but surely!!
22 Apr, 2012
Hi everyone...sad to say Sweetie had to go back to the Vet yet again...she stopped eating altogether...it's been 10 days now, and my heart breaks for this little soul, we've never had one so poorly, and we feel so helpless...The vet said it is the virus, and gave her another antibiotic jab...says her temperature is normal, and she's not dehydrated, as she is drinking, but poor love you can feel all her little bones, and she looks so sad..We've been tempting her with a little cooked white fish in a little milk, and she tries but it seems so little...can't say anymore at the mo, except to pray she recovers soon...
26 Apr, 2012
oh no crissue, im so sorry to read that; poor little sweetie, maybe some rest and that second jab will do the trick ~ i really hope so.
26 Apr, 2012
Thanks Sticki,
fraid it doesn't end there, Elkie is now having to go to the Vet tomorrow, she losing blood from her bottom, and that is not a good sign...It's dreadful..to think what's happening...but God willing the vet will be able to help her...
OH managed to feed Sweetie a little Fish tonight, but she's gone back to her quiet spot to sleep..each day hopefully slowly and surely she'll recover...
26 Apr, 2012
perhaps if they both have something it will help the vet to get the right diagnosis and the right cure.?
26 Apr, 2012
I have thought along those lines myself...but you have to put your faith in them don't you...
27 Apr, 2012
how's things today?
27 Apr, 2012
Morning all..
'Phew' for Elkie, what we thought could be something more serious, is an irritable bowel...not so different from us humans...so she's had the obligatory A/B injection, and has a 'bandage for the stomach' in the form of Caolin, twice a day...First time I've come across that in animals...
Sweetie, we're actually spoon feeding her with cooked and mashed white fish, and she is being good and taking it, just similar to what we do with the kids to encourage them to eat...It's a day by day situation for us, not quite so worrying, but still concerns for her yet...
28 Apr, 2012
im sorry your cats arent having such a good time, i bet you've been so worried about them. How old are they? they do look quite young in the photos. Hope they soon get better:-)
28 Apr, 2012
Hi Dawn and thankyou..Yes we have been really worried, but a little easier now we hope..Both these girls were rescues, so we know nothing of their parentage...Elkie is three in July, and Sweetie is two in August...
28 Apr, 2012
That does sound better news crissue, I'm very pleased to hear that.
28 Apr, 2012
Thanks, again, spoon fed Sweetie twice today so far, and she's taking it...so a sigh of relief.
Elkie isn't impressed with her jollop, by syringe, but who would have thought a Cat or any animal would have that problem...modern age I suppose...
28 Apr, 2012
Recent posts by crissue
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- An update on our Pond
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- In Memory of Our dear Sweetie
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how amazing is that? and dont they ever look in the cage?
Elkie is very like minty!!
is picture number 3 ~ i dont like my photo being taken so im going to shut my eyes!??
thanks crissue!
16 Apr, 2012