Weather we will or Weather we won’t! How would you like to walk on the T...
By drc726
What is it with the forecasters, officials and scientists?
They advised us to save water and told farmers to water only when the day is over to avoid evaporation in the heat of the sun, when an ‘official drought’ was announced on 10th of June and the very next day it starts to rain and rain and rain and turns cold.
They advised us to change the way we garden and go for drought tolerant, heat loving plants because of Global warming.
But now I read because of the sun going ‘quiet’, that in 2020 Global warming will stop and we will have a new ‘ Ice age’ like the one in the 1700’s even the Thames froze over and Fairs were held on it.
The last time the sun went ‘quiet’ was during the ‘Maunder Minimum’ from 1645 to 1715, when Europe and America suffered a succession of bitterly cold winters called the Little Ice Age.
American scientists have found evidence that the sun is poised to enter its first period of ‘hibernation’ since the Little Ice Age of the early 1700s. If they are right? Global warming caused by greenhouse gases could be less severe over the next few decades than predicted.
Now, what do I need to plant in my garden to get ready for an ice age?
17 Jun, 2011
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Oh, now thats weird, I`ve just put a blog on about our weather and you come up with this one. You`ve depressed me now Drc...
Mind you at least I have green grass again. (Yippee...)
Good answer Terra...
17 Jun, 2011
I think thats in my rockery TT. Its only 9 years away so you are right to be depressed Lincslass.
17 Jun, 2011
I'm not depressed ... after weeks of drought my garden is getting a good watering ... :o)))
17 Jun, 2011
Me neither TT and I hope it continues
17 Jun, 2011
Oh I agree, we needed the rain, just wish we had a bit more sunshine in between, instead of cold, grey,dry days, those are the ones I don`t like except in the winter, lol.....
17 Jun, 2011
Well today here, it's like the middle of winter. It was the same yesterday and the day before. We dug out my little Granddaughters winter mac, as everything my Daughter has put on her for school, she has come home drenched.
17 Jun, 2011
It is a cold wind we have here at the moment and cloudy sky's. We have had some rain and the garden does look better for it, but a bit of warm sunshine would not come amiss ☼☼
17 Jun, 2011
I think as we've had rain everyday since beginning of May till Monday,its only fair that you all have some aswell, its cold up here aswell.
17 Jun, 2011
Well Clarice the south has a severe weather warning with up to an inch of rain expected on top of all we have had, and there are likely to be floods.
17 Jun, 2011
You all seem to be having a really bad time of it ,weatherwise..think its expected here later tonight..just got afine drizzle at the moment..the calm before the storm ?.Been out and put four pots under the patio table,and salad bowls in the growhouse..everything else will have to take their all planted out..
17 Jun, 2011
Even here - I declared it to be Summer yesterday and wore a skirt instead of trousers all day - today? Cold and misty! :o(
18 Jun, 2011
They said we were going to have an ice age in the 80s. I remember it when the sea froze near here. It was in the news and all the papers. They say lots of things. I think they are scare mongering.
20 Jun, 2011
So do I Hywel, its so wet here the lawns floating or is it sinking?
20 Jun, 2011
I thought it was dry further east.
20 Jun, 2011
We didnt have rain for 15 weeks but for the last couple of weeks it has not stopped raining.
20 Jun, 2011
We haven't had a lot of rain,and its been a scorcher today,but at the moment,we have what I call,really good garden rain..:o)..just got all the borders hoed over..good timing,I think :o)
20 Jun, 2011
20 Jun, 2011
Well I dont know what all the fuss is about, I love the rain, find it refreshing.
On my sons birthday 21st may we had a beach party and suffered with sun burn and the garden's getting crisper and crisper. Now its raining and everythings looking great!
Mind you 20 years ago my husband decided with globle warming he was going to plant a vineyard, cos the climate is getting warmer...........
We did have our first wine in 2000, very sweet and only good for drunken teenagers. but its suffered from milldew ever since!
22 Jun, 2011
We have wind and rain here for over 15 days and nights non stop and the day temp does not get above the 50's Sandy girl. So for some summer businesses its a disaster.
22 Jun, 2011
Yes I read the report as well. Makes for interesting weather to come if it all happens.
As I said on a previous blog, one of the more accurate of the independant weather forecasting sites have said that the forthcoming winter colder and wetter than average.
They have been very accurate over the past couple of winters so I am keeping a close eye on things (being a met office trained weather observer and weather being a hobby of mine).
24 Jun, 2011
Will you skate on the Thames then Geraniumda?
24 Jun, 2011
Er, no! I can't skate and I can't swim and I don't like water.
25 Jun, 2011
landlubber Eh?
25 Jun, 2011
Most definately!!
26 Jun, 2011
26 Jun, 2011
You could plant Iceburg lettuce, watercress...just a thought.
28 Jun, 2011
Nice one,Grannyb...:o)
28 Jun, 2011
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Ice plants ? Sedum spectabile ...
They like hot and dry, but they have a cold name. Lol.
17 Jun, 2011