Wonder why it died?
By drc726
Found this bird this morning no sign of injury, but we have had several birds hitting the dinning room windows lately. Never happened before.
5 Aug, 2012
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This can happen when the suns a bit lower Drc, when the light shows a reflection of your garden or land in the window, the birds try and fly through not realising it's glass. I've had this happen where I work, only the birds have been pigeons and even a pheasant which I found drunkenly strolling around outside, The smaller birds don't seem to make it though.
5 Aug, 2012
Oh,yhat is so sad,Denise..wonder if they get confused if the sun reflects on the glass ? very strange though,if it hasn't happened before..I'm sure someone will know..
5 Aug, 2012
oops,just crossed there Janey..sounds logical ..
5 Aug, 2012
Its just that in over 14 years it did not happen now 4 in 2 weeks.
5 Aug, 2012
At our old house (it was a terrace) the birds were always hitting the dining room window but seemed to recover and fly away after a few minutes. It's strange though that you've had 4 in two weeks!?
5 Aug, 2012
I have had several pigeons hit our downstairs windows and was not until I looked up one day and saw the reflection of a blue Sky in the window I realised what was happening.
5 Aug, 2012
Do you have blinds you can angle,Denise? if it's reflection ,that would help...
5 Aug, 2012
No just curtains Bloomer.
5 Aug, 2012
Aw poor thing. One thing about mirrors in the garden...a have seen a few birds fly into it..but none have died. Hope none do. DOnt know why it would all of a sudden happen Drc :(
5 Aug, 2012
This happens to us as well, the smaller ones usually die but the bigger ones, like pigeons, leave an imprint on the window, have a look and see, its like a very fine dust, every feather is outlined. I agree with Janey, they can't see the reflection and just fly on!:((. Why you have had 4 in 2 weeks I don't know, just coincidence?
6 Aug, 2012
I suppose it must be Pam.
6 Aug, 2012
how sad Denise i agree with janey to, i have blinds so think it helps.
6 Aug, 2012
Hope there are no more Sanbaz.
6 Aug, 2012
fingers crossed Denise, maybe put windchimes outside the window to discourage them, just a thought.
6 Aug, 2012
Thats an idea Sanbaz.
6 Aug, 2012
What a shame, some people put stickers on their windows, when this sort of thing happens, it does help.
6 Aug, 2012
Those are good ideas. If the birds see the reflection of something in front of the window-like chimes-They may realize They can't fly through it.
7 Aug, 2012
Ohhh dear I've made a terrible mistake :((( I've hit the like button. How do I unlike???
This is just awful.... and I feel terrible....
7 Aug, 2012
I did that on someones pic yesterday,Petal..just an automatic reaction..I didn't know how to 'unlike' either..
7 Aug, 2012
Same here we have had large and small birds hit the windows but fortunately none have died just a bit stunned
a sparrowhawk once hit the window ....don't know who got the biggest fright !!! me I think .....his imprint was left on the window it was quite something to see every feather outline showed up ........we now have a sticker on the window and have had no more birds crashing though that might just be co-incidence .
7 Aug, 2012
Dont give it another thought - I do it all the time Petal. I dont think there is unlike button.
I have had a good look and nothing is different inside or out but I will have to get some sort of stickers.
7 Aug, 2012
My mother had this problem, and she hung a couple of CDs in the window. Stickers might be a bit more elegant, though!
7 Aug, 2012
The 'Hawk' stickers work well but they have to be stuck on the outside of the window or the birds won't see them.
Good luck.
20 Aug, 2012
It has stopped now just that 10 days or so, odd!
20 Aug, 2012
we have been finding baby bats last few days Denise, my neighbour now me, wondered if our cats had caught them, so tiny, its sad :o(
20 Aug, 2012
thats a shame, they do swoop low perhaps cats can perch and catch them.
20 Aug, 2012
thats what i thought to, nature can be cruel.
20 Aug, 2012
it can Sanbaz
20 Aug, 2012
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2 Jan, 2012
aww sad :( I saw a dead tawny owl in woods today
5 Aug, 2012