9 Heucheras and 1 Heucherella in my garden.
By drc726
The Heucherella ‘Sweet tea’ heaved quite badly but its roots have grown fine into the compost mulch I put around them each winter.
The yellow ones ‘Electra’ and ‘Electric lime’ are not doing so well in full sun so will be moved in the autumn to a shady spot.
Almost lost Heuchera ‘Fire Chief’ last winter but its recovering slowly.
Heauchera ‘Berry Smoothie’
Heauchera ‘Peach Flambe’
Heaucherella ‘Sweet Tea’
Heauchera ‘Metallica’
Heauchera ‘Obsidian’
Heauchera ‘Rave On’
Heauchera ‘Green Spice’
Heauchera ’ Fire Chief’
Heauchera ‘Electra’
Heauchera ‘Electric Lime’
4 Aug, 2012
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Thanks Gattina.
4 Aug, 2012
I love all the different foliage colours. My favourites from your collection are... Actually I like them all!! Thank you for sharing them with us Denise :o)))
4 Aug, 2012
Thanks Petaltracey, so glad you like them.
4 Aug, 2012
Beautiful Heucheras drc, and all in such good condition. Love all the different colours and the deep pink flowers on 'Rave On', must look out for this one.
4 Aug, 2012
Gorgeous collection of Heuchera Drc, I bought a couple of lime this year and one died, the other is just hanging on :( I also bought 4 Heucherella (trailing) and they are showstoppers, i love them so next year i think ill look out for more varieties of heucherella and give up on the heuchera, especially the yellow leaf one's..
4 Aug, 2012
If I could only have 1 it would be 'Rave On' (Coral Bells) Jaykaty as it flowers non stop all summer from early spring. It is claimed to be the most prolific flower of all the Heucheras. I tried it in partial shade but I found its happier in full sun.
4 Aug, 2012
A lovely display Denise. I love Sweet Tea, it has such pretty colours. Mine is also looking lovely, and my Fire Chief, like yours, struggled through winter, but is picking up again now. I don't have Green Spice, but it is very nice, as is Rave on.
4 Aug, 2012
Oh dont give up on them YD -, I find the lighter yellow ones are not as good in full sun and would not have those again. But the others ones are lovely, and give good winter interest.
4 Aug, 2012
Thanks Cinderella, lets hope Fire chief makes it through this winter.
4 Aug, 2012
Absolutely lovely on reading your blog wonder if thats why my lime coloured is not doing very well as its in sun with my other two thats doing really well.
4 Aug, 2012
I think that must be why both my yellow ones are not thriving like the others Clarice. I will move them into shade in the autumn and I might try them in a couple of thick pots and keep them sheltered over winter.
4 Aug, 2012
Everyone seems to love these - they are fabulous, aren't they and their relatives, tellimas and tiarellas.I think 'Rave on' is my favourite too for those wonderful bright flowers.
4 Aug, 2012
Good idea, i'll move mine mine into a pot and put in greenhouse for winter.
4 Aug, 2012
I would like some Tiarellas Tusdaybea very pretty. HOpe it works Clarice.
4 Aug, 2012
If I can find a way to propagate successfully, I will send you some. May take a while.
4 Aug, 2012
Lovely collection you have there Denise
4 Aug, 2012
Yes, Peach Tea and Obsidian look as if you've taken time out to polish them.
4 Aug, 2012
fantastic collection!
4 Aug, 2012
That would be exciting Tuesdaybea. Thanks Sheilar. Yes they do Gattina, thanks Pixi
4 Aug, 2012
They are lovely Drc, I only have three, two are doing well and the other was struggling, I have put it back into a pot as I didn`t want to lose it, reading through your blog I now think it will be better in a shadier spot...
4 Aug, 2012
Lets hope it works Lincslass
4 Aug, 2012
One good thing about putting plants in pots is that you can move them around to where they are happy. I would need to put a label on them to remember next spring !
5 Aug, 2012
Like you, Lincslass, I only have three - but I'm hooked already and itching to find some bright 'beacons' to shine in the shady area during winter when the hostas die down. I'll be on the lookout for Marmalade and one with 'Lime' in its name? It'll have to be a ferry trip back to Britain for those - haven't seen any here.
5 Aug, 2012
You and I will be doing exactly the same thing, Nariz. Please don't empty the British garden centres before I get there!
5 Aug, 2012
I, like you, find the yellowy leaf heucheras to be less robust, and my fire Chief does much better in a pot. It is only a smaller growing one and seems to appreciate growing alone. I've found some of my heucheras, growing in shade, have spots on their leaves ....not sure of the cause, maybe all the rain? I love you Peach Flambé, I recently bought 6 of these and can't wait for them to look as good as yours. By the way, I put my scented leaf geraniums in a spare bedroom for the winter:-))
5 Aug, 2012
excellent DRC
5 Aug, 2012
Lovely collection Drc, they all look soo healthy, was trying to think which was my favourite but I just love them all too!!!!! :-)
5 Aug, 2012
A very lovely collection, thanks for sharing; I enjoyed every one of them!
5 Aug, 2012
I like to move pots around too Diane. Hope you have good trips Nariz and Gattina dont forget 'Vicky1' has the national collection of Heuchera and Heucherella and may be able to point you to good ones by post? I think I will try my Fire chief in a pot this winter as its still so small - thanks Bornagain.
Thanks Paul, Simbad and Violeteyes.
5 Aug, 2012
I planned to go and see Vicky last time back, Denise, but there wasn't enough time, and there wasn't enough room in the suitcase, either! I don't buy plants that have to come through the post - seeds and bulbs and the like, yes, but there's too much can go wrong with plants. Mind you, I ordered some seeds from Ireland on E-bay last Tuesday lunchtime, and they were in my post-box by Thursday lunchtime. I was pretty impressed by that!
5 Aug, 2012
Yes I agree with plants can be tricky by post not always getting what was ordered or dying.
5 Aug, 2012
Especially when it takes 5 days at least for them to get here - or to Italy for Gattina! Kind Goy-ers have sent me rooted cuttings in the past, packed beautifully with moist earth on roots protected by damp kitchen roll and packed into sturdy containers, but of 19 fuchsia cuttings sent by several people, only three survived! (Yes, Hywel, Welsh Dragon were two of them :o) ) I shall just have to decimate the GCs when we return with the car by ferry - sorry Gattina - all gone!
5 Aug, 2012
Oh Bum!
5 Aug, 2012
They're very nice aren't they. There are some lovely ones in your collection :o)
I'm trying my best not to get hooked on them, but rather unsuccessfully lol
5 Aug, 2012
Yes they are Hywel, but they earn their place with such lovely colours.
5 Aug, 2012
Heuchera rust is a problem, so do keep a close eye on your plants, it is usually found on the back of the leaves, it can be treated by spraying, all the info is on the net.....best not to grow plants close together either.
6 Aug, 2012
I have not seen any rust yet DD
6 Aug, 2012
Good, it was BA who noticed spots on the leaves, and that is how it starts.....
6 Aug, 2012
I will keep an eye out thanks DD
6 Aug, 2012
Oh no ....I always thought heucheras were more or less impervious to disease ....never had any trouble before, except vine weevil when in pots. I wonder should I get rid of any with spots and maybe seperate them, I have quite a few shade loving ones together:-(
7 Aug, 2012
I grow mine so they touch and have never yet seen rust or vine weevil Bornagain, but I have been reading up about it:
This might be of help?
It's worth trying to keep rust under control because it spoils the appearance of the leaves and weakens the plant.
Cut off the leaves of the affected plant, all of them but don't remove the growing points of the plant. Heucheras grow back very quickly and when it comes the new foliage should be fresh, rust free. Dispose of the leaves so as to avoid spreading the spores.
Spray with Systhane (Roseclear) or Fungus Fighter to prevent further development of the disease.
Check plants before you buy them - look at the older leaves and if you see rust don't buy them.
Cut off old leaves in the early Spring to make sure air circulates well amongst the new ones and to remove possible infection.
If you have to water your Heucheras do it in the morning so the plants are dry before dark - rust likes humid over-night conditions - dry Heucheras are less likely to be attacked.
7 Aug, 2012
Thanks Drc, I've never seen it before this year, I think it's the weather we've been having.... so damp:-( I've taken off the affected leaves and will be moving the odd one so they can 'breath'. I'll try to manage it without using spray as I'm always worried about wildlife (birds, insects etc) and hope next year for better weather. Do you know if Roseclear is harmless to critters? as I could use it for blackspot on roses and mildew (which I've never had before either) on clematis The President too if it is:-)
7 Aug, 2012
I assumed it is as it dries quite quickly on the leaves. I never spray it if animals are around.
7 Aug, 2012
7 Aug, 2012
I do love Heucheras or as my friend said hookerahs lol:)
7 Aug, 2012
Me too Nana d lol
7 Aug, 2012
Fab Heucheras!!
9 Aug, 2012
Thank you kidsgran
9 Aug, 2012
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Brilliant colours, Denise, and beautiful, showstopping plants, all in such good nick, too.
4 Aug, 2012