Happy GOY Birthday to -------
By drc726
Tuesday August the 14th is Terratoonie’s 4th GOY Birthday.
Happy Birthday and I hope you have a great day Terra. Lets drink to many more of them and absent friends CHEERS.
13 Aug, 2012
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Here here Hoorah for TT love the rose Drc :o)
13 Aug, 2012
Happy GOY Bday ,Terra! gorgeous!!!
14 Aug, 2012
Happy birthday Terra! Beautiful rose!:)
14 Aug, 2012
♪ ♫ ♬ ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ Happy Birthday To You
Squashed Tomatoes and Stew ♪ ♫ ♬ ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬
You've helped make those 4 years wonderful TT :o) xxx
Thanks for this blog Denise. I would never have believed it ...
That rose is so lovely :o)
14 Aug, 2012
I'm glad you did this,Denise..as I was going to post one too :o)..and what a lovely Rose ....Happy Golden Trowel day,Terra..you deserve something 'Golden' even if it isn't an Olympic medal :o)
Hope you are here for many years to come..and thanks for all you do on here...xx
14 Aug, 2012
\0/ \0/ \0/ \0/. Happy Golden Goy Day Team Terra \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/
14 Aug, 2012
Happy GoY Birthday Terratoonie.xx
14 Aug, 2012
Just checked when i joined goy. April 2008! doesen't time fly..
14 Aug, 2012
A belated 'Golden Trowel Day' to you too,Ydd...a few of us seemed to have joined that year..but it took me till the following year,to add a blog and a pic ! Lol..very slow on the uptake :o))
14 Aug, 2012
I joined in April 2008 aswell (with a different name) It was a good year ...
14 Aug, 2012
When did Goy actually begin then?
Happy golden trowels to the class of '08' xxx
14 Aug, 2012
Great picture and blog.Happy 4th GoY Birthday TT:)))))
14 Aug, 2012
Thanks for making this a great card everyone, do you think Terra is having a Birthday lie in?
14 Aug, 2012
I think it began sometime in 2007 Pam ...
14 Aug, 2012
Congratulations on your 4th GoY birthday, Tt ... looking forward to many more of your wonderful blogs ... :o)
14 Aug, 2012
Thanks Denise for making this blog.
Beautiful roses !
I've just returned indoors after some early morning work on my front garden where I was trimming my lawn edges !
Thank you everyone for your very kind comments.
The next few weeks will be extremely busy for me with charity dog shows and gardening, but I hope to be more around on GoY as the autumn approaches.
GoY started back in 2007.
I wrote this blog which tells the story of the beginnings of GoY ...
In the early days, GoY blog-writing was very basic. You couldn't add photos and you couldn't save the draft or view your draft to see how it would look when published !
In fact I've since gone back to some of my early blogs and added photos.
In those first years, when the whole GoY format was somewhat different, I had so many ideas for GoY, that I used to send word documents to Peter and Ajay, listing suggestions of how GoY could be improved, and they took up lots of those ideas.
I think the system in which we can now write GoY blogs is very user-friendly indeed.
I joined GoY at the time of the Beijing Olympics ... hence the GoY "Wellie Olympians" ... which led to lots of GoYpedia categories, from Wellies to Campanulas to Climbing Roses to Flower Pot People !
I'm going back outside now to do more gardening in the sunshine. Have a great day, GoYers everywhere :o)))
14 Aug, 2012
Beautiful Rose, Happy GOY Birthday Terratoonie :))) Glad you are here...your garden is beautiful so are your blogs and oh..your dogs too :))))
14 Aug, 2012
Thanks Terra for the explaination and all your help to make Goy so user friendly.......enjoy the sun xxx
14 Aug, 2012
Have a lovely day Terra.
14 Aug, 2012
happy goy birthday to yer ,happy birthday to yer,happy birthday.(sing like stevie wonder)
14 Aug, 2012
Thankyou Denise for the reminder, lovely card as well..How time flies when we are having fun.
Happy Goy Birthday Terra, enjoy your gardening, xx......
14 Aug, 2012
Thank you Terra, for all you've done to help make Goy What it is today. It's a wonderful website!
14 Aug, 2012
That rose is sensational Drc. Happy Goy day TT. Hope you are enjoying the sunshine, it is really beautiful today. Thankyou especially for all you do on here, you are a treasured member. :)
14 Aug, 2012
Thank you for this Denise TT deserves to be remembered on this 4th anniversary .the flowers are stunning ....
Happy GOY 4Th birthday TT , you have helped to make GOY what it is today ,it wouldn't be the same without you or your best friends , Conker / Truffle and Crocus with whom we have cried /smiled and laughed with over the past 4 years .. have a lovely day :o))
14 Aug, 2012
Hope you've had a nice day TT. X
14 Aug, 2012
I've had a great day, thank you. x
Lots of warm sunshine and I've been pruning, planting, trimming...
Thanks to everyone. Such lovely comments. :o)
14 Aug, 2012
Good to hear you enjoyed your day and the card that so many have signed for you Terra.
14 Aug, 2012
Late tonight - been gardening at last. It's been a lovely day for a birthday. Many Happy Returns and gald you've enjoyed your day. Thank you for all your hard work and wonderful blogs. Big hugs to you, Conker and Truffle and a smaller one for Crocus - don't want to squash him/her!
14 Aug, 2012
Thank you Tuesdaybear ...
It was a busy but happy day in my gardens :o)
15 Aug, 2012
Late as usual ....sorry about that .... A belated Happy GOY birthday Terra. I'm sure you deserve more than a golden trowel for all you've done for this site:-)
18 Aug, 2012
Hi Bornagain ...
Thank you :o)))
18 Aug, 2012
A very happy belated birthday TT x
18 Aug, 2012
Hi Clarice ... Thank you :o) x
18 Aug, 2012
18 Aug, 2012
happy belated GOY birthday Terra :o)) x
19 Aug, 2012
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Happy Goy birthday TT! Gorgeous photo drc!
13 Aug, 2012