Use for fleece
By drc726
Having ditched crocks as too heavy, sharp and dirty to handle. I tried J cloths instead to cover the drainage holes in my pots but they were messy and went a bit soggy coming apart when trying to remove them from the plant when planting/discarding after a season.
So this spring as I have a roll of fleece I thought I would try that
I tried a double layer across the bottom and coming up the sides about 4" all round.
I was very pleased with the results as it stayed put, retained its shape did not get dirty and peeled away intact from the roots forming at the bottom of the pot and its reusable. It obviously drains well as it was nice and dry even though the compost was wet.
The good thing is that now I know it will last in pots that I use for much longer before potting on.
It is so thin I also tried it in my baskets and it keeps the compost from falling through the lining gaps when first planted/watered.
Fleece very clean and intact after being in a pot for the last 6 months.
15 Sep, 2012
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Thats a great tip,Denise..fleece is so useful isn't it? I tried the j cloths this year,after seeing the tip on here..It has worked as far as nasties not affecting my plants,but I haven't emptied any I know what to expect then! ah well,fleece seems the way to go ..but it's good to trial a new idea and learn :o)
15 Sep, 2012
I will try it round the top Cinderella as under gravel should protect from wet and splash. Anything that gets rid of crocks has to help in the weight of pots alone Bloomer.
15 Sep, 2012
I agree..especially if you want to move them around..I just put Polystyrene in mine now..and I will also be trying the tip from Cinders too..good one ..
15 Sep, 2012
Brilliant idea Drc. and it lets the water out nicely too, also i like Cinders idea and your poly.idea B. 3 tips for the price of one, brilliant. Lol..
15 Sep, 2012
Thanks Grandmage its great to enlarge on an idea.
15 Sep, 2012
I never throw any Poly packaging away,G.mage..all stored in the loft,for another time..and big pieces go in the bottom,and sides of my cold frame for insulation in winter,and springtime..
15 Sep, 2012
It is great stuff Bloomer, stays so warm.
15 Sep, 2012
Is it a horticultural fleece you are using Drc? When I started to read your paragraph I imagined the shelves at Joann's fabric shops full of fleece bolts we make the jackets from like this:
yours looks definitely different.
Horticultural fleece
16 Sep, 2012
I save large poly-trays - the sort that you buy mushrooms etc. in at the supermarket - and stand several small pots of cuttings in them in the unheated greenhouse for a bit of extra warmth during winter. Not lost one yet. :o)
16 Sep, 2012
Ours are usually thin plastic Nariz.....
It was sheep fleece that came to my mind. ( I used to spin....)
16 Sep, 2012
Another hoarder,Nariz ! :o) We all seem to do our recycling bit ,don't we? ..The deep ones you can buy a chicken in,are also good for popping one on top of the other as a mini cloche..they only hold about 3 or 4 small pots though..but better than going to landfill :o) I seem to have amassed more plastic containers than pots! Lol.
16 Sep, 2012
That's a good idea. I'll try it myself ...
16 Sep, 2012
Thanks B.......note to the poly, now is there any room left in the garage.hmmm.... Lol
16 Sep, 2012
Sorry should have said standard garden fleece. I use to use those containers Nariz, great insulation but sadly dont see them much anymore.
16 Sep, 2012
Very good tip there Denise - might try it myself!
16 Sep, 2012
Thanks Sheilar.
16 Sep, 2012
Maybe they're all over here, Drc? It seems to be the only medium supermarkets use - mushrooms, meat, 'posh' vegetables when Spanish housewives don't want to get their fingers dirtied by picking up veggies that have actually been grown in the earth!
16 Sep, 2012
Great ideas and tips snowballing from yours Deise, I use the plastic meat trays for standing pots in and also like Sandra as a a mini cloche, love blogs like this one when everyone shares useful tips;0)
16 Sep, 2012
When I put plants into a large pot, where I want to save on peat. I put some upturned small plastic flower pots in the bottom, nice and light too.
16 Sep, 2012
This looks like a brilliant idea - thanks for the tip! I agree that crocks (bits of stone in my case, scavenged in my garden) are too heavy, especially in terracotta pots! (next trick: find out where I can get horticultural fleece in France - vermiculite proved difficult enough! - though achieved eventually, thanks to a kind GoYer's advice...)
Egg-boxes and plastic posh-biscuit inner trays for seeds, toilet roll and kitchen roll inners for peas and sweet peas, old freezer trays on which to sit them all - my sunny house window-sills (I don't have a greenhouse) don't look very glamorous sometimes... but the eventual produce tastes good! And hey, as above, we're re-cycling - and that gives you a little glow of rectitude, also... (means I don't feel so guilty about having bought those posh calorie-laden biscuits!)
18 Sep, 2012
That sounds a good saver Lizziebee but would not stop creepy crawlies though.
I use egg boxes to chit potatoes easy to see when they have 3 eyes Monjardinirs. I hope you find some flleece one company call horticultural fleece 'Hivertex' if that helps.
18 Sep, 2012
I am grateful too for the tips HB, thanks everyone.
18 Sep, 2012
What a wonderful idea thanks for the tip Denise!
23 Sep, 2012
23 Sep, 2012
Thanks for a great idea Drc...:>)
27 Sep, 2012
27 Sep, 2012
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Great idea. Shall try that. I found another use, cutting out circles to fit round the top of plants in pots and covering with gravel. I thought it might stop the dreaded vine weavil getting in to lay its eggs. I had so many problems with them this year.
15 Sep, 2012