Gardener required.
By drc726
I read today that Buckingham Palace requires a gardener with considerable experience, to do a 40 hour week, 07.30 start and expected to do over time.
Well there’s a job for a hard worker I thought and wondered what the salary is? £15,000 for these hours and considerable experience! I was quite shocked at their offer. What do others think?
12 Oct, 2012
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You would have expected a gardener with the right amount of experience and knowledge to work in such a prestigious environment would have the ability to earn much more than just above the minimum rate.
For that rate of pay - it must include living accomodation and other perks surely!!!
12 Oct, 2012
not alot concidering who they will be working for and especially with experience to, maybe they think anyone should be honored to work for them lol
12 Oct, 2012
I would expect afternoon tea on the newly tended lawn,complete with the best an invite to dinner,every night..for that wage..:o)
12 Oct, 2012
Well, what about Greeks? are they welcome for the job?
12 Oct, 2012
I should think so,Bik..isn't Prince Philip of Greek descent.. or am I on the wrong one?
12 Oct, 2012
You are right Sandra.....Prince Philip is a member of the Greek royal family.
I had heard before that The Palace doesn't pay its' gardeners a decent salary....perhaps there are other "perks"....particularly the name dropping :-)
12 Oct, 2012
Doesn't sound like much of a job to me ... I feel rather disgusted at it really ...
12 Oct, 2012
Hello ,Lou..I thought he was..and I heard that as well,about being poorly paid..I wonder if I changed my surname to Mountbatten,or Bowes- Lyon,I would get more than 10% discount at B&Q on Wednesdays ? Lol...haha..
12 Oct, 2012
12 Oct, 2012
that would probably include lodgings Drc, well i would hope so at that rate :-)
12 Oct, 2012
Ha ..Ha..they can ask!
Pay peanuts..get monkeys!
12 Oct, 2012
No lodgings included. The RHS pays an average of £18,000 and generally with a qualification £17,000 is considered rock bottom, that was why this very low pay for a qualified gardener was reported in the press.
12 Oct, 2012
I suspect they think one should work for the pure joy & honour & prestige! That sounds like one measly employer!
12 Oct, 2012
Who said fair day's work for a fair day's pay Dwyllis?
12 Oct, 2012
Ummmmm I shall not be applying, I hate getting up early in the morning, and I don't do over time.
12 Oct, 2012
Ha ha, I dont do early mornings Oct to March either.
12 Oct, 2012
12 Oct, 2012
they should get Andrew and Edward to do it lol
they have plenty spare time .......
13 Oct, 2012
They would want free flights to and from work though Helen!
13 Oct, 2012
LOL! Just read through this..I wouldnt do it for that wage..i think its shocking..good replies here! made me smile :)
14 Oct, 2012
lol Drc :-)))
14 Oct, 2012
I am glad I am not the only one who found this an unfair wage.
14 Oct, 2012
I went to see the royal jewels recently and to tell the truth the back garden where you exit the palace, is awful, just lawn and trees, well that is all they let joe public see anyway. i thought it looked tired and in need of a makeover, the huge pond was green and the water stagnent, it was a total mess. I would command a lot more than they are offering and it would take more than 40hrs per week plus a month of Sundays to even make a difference!
29 Oct, 2012
Seems you get what you pay for Grandmage lol
29 Oct, 2012
Too true Drc. Lol :)
30 Oct, 2012
30 Oct, 2012
Where can I get an application? ;-)
18 Jul, 2013
ha ha
18 Jul, 2013
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It doesn,t sound much a month maybe it includes board and lodgings
Its about £1 an hour more than minimum wages
12 Oct, 2012