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Close-up of pergola and Clematis armandii
By Terratoonie

31 Mar, 2009
My previous photo was taken at a different angle..
... blackbirds are nesting inside.......
Comments on this photo
Thanks, Janey ~
The pink tree belongs to a neighbour past a path at the end of my garden.
Not a lot of scent on armandii, as I recall, but I'll check tomorrow...
31 Mar, 2009
Nice place for a cosy nest TT .. We have something raiding nests in our garden .. two chubby babys laying on the gravel beneath a fir tree yesterday ... sad .. :o(
31 Mar, 2009
Oh, that's a shame, Amy. :o(
Disadvantage of the nesting is that I have to wait ages to prune the clematis.
In my pergola, some collared doves started building a nest, but were gazumped by the blackbirds. Lol.
31 Mar, 2009
That's a lovely clematis TT. Full of buds :o)
31 Mar, 2009
It is beautiful but the pruning can wait for the blackbirds to leave, don't you think. By the fact that you are leaving the pruning, I know you agree.
31 Mar, 2009
Thank you Hywel and Toto.
I'm pleased you like this clematis. :o)
31 Mar, 2009
Thats beautiful TT.
31 Mar, 2009
Thanks, Milky :o)
31 Mar, 2009
Looks like it's doing quite well...I'm not surprised.. ;)
1 Apr, 2009
Hello NN ~
Absolutely loads of buds on the Clematis Armandii this spring.....
yes, it seems to be doing well.... :o)
1 Apr, 2009
Beautiful TT and good luck with the blackbirds
2 Apr, 2009
Hi Deida ~
I had a sneaky peek at the nest from a distance today and could see mother blackbird sitting contentedly on her eggs. :o)
2 Apr, 2009
Got a dove sitting for over a week,so close to the back door almost reachable .and the Magpies had 1 egg already..but she is still sitting on the nest..bless her .for how long I don't know.I get so upset.but this is nature
2 Apr, 2009
The magpies came very close to your back door there, Deida !
Let's hope the dove has at least one more egg to hatch a youngster. :o)
2 Apr, 2009
Your Armandii is lovely & healthey TT.
5 Apr, 2009
Thanks, Hameryllis :o)
5 Apr, 2009
What a healthy looking plant!! Can't blame the blackbirds for nesting there.
7 Apr, 2009
Hello Gg ~
Today the collared doves were investigating whether they could also make a nest a bit further along in the same clematis....
I'm sure there's room in there for another bird family. Lol.
7 Apr, 2009
Hi, TT, Your Clematis is very beautiful, It seems to have small blossoms, and how long are the leaves?
22 Apr, 2009
Hi Nelke ~
There's another photo I put on GoY on 3lst March. 09, showing a bit more of the Armandii. In this picture there are more buds than flowers fully out. The clematis is still in flower, so I've just been out in the garden with my ruler to measure for you. Lol.
The white open flowers measure about two and a half inches across.
The leaves vary from 4 inches in length to 6 inches in length.
You can also see the clematis on the pergola in my most recent photo uploaded yesterday of my back garden and dog run.
This is a fast growing evergreen clematis. I hope this helps :o)
22 Apr, 2009
Thanks, TT. You did even measure it for me! Sometimes I´m thinking to put a Clematis outside the northern balustrade. I´ve had one before, but it got that special clematis funghi. This one I´ld like. The leaves are so beautiful and it´s flowers somehow look like belonging to a noble sister of the native ones. Evergreen is good, too.
23 Apr, 2009
This Clematis has quite tough, thick leaves, so doesn't look like it would succumb to any fungus. I measured the flowers just in time. The breeze has been blowing the petals to the ground today....
Good luck with trying armandii. :o)
23 Apr, 2009
It's a real beauty TT, will have to see if I can find a place in the garden for one of these.
6 May, 2009
Nice that these are evergreen, Flcrazy.
The leaves look good all year...
6 May, 2009
Miss having this, as had in a previous garden. I really like this pic for its dark background and creamy white foreground (very chocolatey) :-).
17 May, 2009
I'm trying to start cuttings growing from this clematis ...
chips off the old white chocolate block. Lol.
.. don't know yet if the cuttings will thrive...
I have grown babies from this in the past, so I'm hopeful. :o)
18 May, 2009
LOL! Good Luck with your babes, Tt! :-)
19 May, 2009
Thanks, David. :o)
20 May, 2009
Lovely clematis Terra :o)
8 Nov, 2009
Thanks. Pip.
This flowered for a long while... really amazing..:o)
8 Nov, 2009
Photo 4 of 1235
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It's beautiful TT....does it have a scent too? Looking really good against the blossom tree..............:o)
31 Mar, 2009