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View from my front door ...
By Terratoonie

21 Jul, 2011
The recent rains have allowed my gardens to green up ...
The heucheras are happy ...
... Penstemon Garnet is in flower ...
Near the front is Athyrium Ursula's Red ...
... and across to the left ...thyme, hydrangea ...
... and Trachelospermum jasminoides ...
... the flowers have a stunning scent. :o)
Comments on this photo
Hi Louise..
Most of my front garden is around to the right of this photo... towards the road... Nice that the front door doesn't face the road ... Is yours a similar layout ?
21 Jul, 2011
Beautiful front garden :)))
21 Jul, 2011
What a pretty front garden you have its lovely with scent too
21 Jul, 2011
Thanks Michaella and Sixpence ...
The scented Trachelospermum is alongside my waterbutt, so every time I collect rain water, I enjoy a long sniff :o)
21 Jul, 2011
TT, I think you should move closer to me in Surrey and come help me create a beautiful front garden like yours. Seriously jealous. I like the way those alpine-y things creep over the path. So pretty.
21 Jul, 2011
Hi Sgbabe..
Thanks... we are all packing our bags ..
... and our gardening tools .. now ;o)
21 Jul, 2011
Terra, my front is enclosed by hedging and tall shrubs, i'm in a private (and very quiet) road (cul-de-sac) so not much traffic noise.
I have a double fronted house so the garden's the width of it, has a central path and the whole garden's on show.
The back is equally as quiet, and all infront as you look at it - i'm making both gardens 'meander' so that everything isn't viewed at once.
21 Jul, 2011
It looks very neat and tidy TT , the rain has certainly made everything look green and lush . :o)
21 Jul, 2011
It looks really lovely x.
21 Jul, 2011
Thanks Amy and Clarice xxx ...
Louise... your garden design sounds lovely..
... and the QUIET ... well, that sounds PERFECT ;o)
21 Jul, 2011
Lovely TT - very green!
21 Jul, 2011
Thanks Sheila .. the rain has worked well this week :o)
21 Jul, 2011
Smashing Terra, it looks lovely. :o)
21 Jul, 2011
Thanks Sandra...
Real rain works so much better than watering with my can ... even though I use rainwater from the butt ... :o)
21 Jul, 2011
Looking great Terra ... now if we could just have a sunny weekend ... well I can dream! : o ))
21 Jul, 2011
Thats really lovely Terra
21 Jul, 2011
That's a lovely view you've got there TT. Nice to see that from your front door.
I hope this comment only comes out ONCE lol :o)
21 Jul, 2011
Thank you Shirley, Cinderella and Hywel ...
Hywel ... all okay ..
comment only came out once .. ;o) Lol.
Sunshine forecast for Sunday, I think... :o)))
21 Jul, 2011
Nice layout TT..........
21 Jul, 2011
Thanks Milky ...
It gives me a pretty route to the water butt in the corner...:o)
21 Jul, 2011
Beautiful display,Terra..and I agree,the gardens look wonderful after the was very welcome here for about two hours yesterday..and the water butts are full again ! :o))
21 Jul, 2011
Hi Bloomer .. Thanks ..
Full water butts ... sounds good to me .. :o))) xxx
21 Jul, 2011
Beautiful TT, to open the door and have this beautiful view. :o)
21 Jul, 2011
Thank you Linda ..
It is quite a private corner ...
gets afternoon shade. :o)
21 Jul, 2011
Looks beautiful and GREEN. Very relaxing to look at. :o)
21 Jul, 2011
Looks superb T.T
21 Jul, 2011
Thanks Linda and Paul...
Amazing how quickly everything looks so green and healthy after a few days of rainfall ... :o)
21 Jul, 2011
hi tt it looks stunning, very well done and a nice picture 2 :))
22 Jul, 2011
Thanks Mark... nice to have a pretty area right outside the front door .. :o))
22 Jul, 2011
22 Jul, 2011
Hi Frybo ..
Thank you ... this is area is more quiet ... ;o)
22 Jul, 2011
A very pretty front garden TT, with some very interesting planting. Love it.
23 Jul, 2011
This is the sort of construction I would like: steps down onto the lawn through a large rockery. I can only dream.... Really nice and its lovely to see those blue slate stones. These are the only ones I use on my rasied beds: the colour of the stones contrasts with all the plants and they look great when they are wet.
24 Jul, 2011
that is just lovely terra...
24 Jul, 2011
Thanks Stroller, Geraniumdad and Surreylad ...
Those blue slate stones were a present from someone who didn't want them in their garden, so I was lucky there :o)
25 Jul, 2011
What a splendid view....
27 Jul, 2011
Thank you Dotty ...
This is a more secluded area of my front garden. :o)
29 Jul, 2011
Looking fresh and nice TT...
Lovely to have a drop of the real stuff...we're gertting some this morning, glad to see it,... it has been oppressive the last coupe of days...
2 Aug, 2011
What a pretty garden you have Terra.
4 Aug, 2011
Thanks Crissue and Rose ...
The rain freshens up the gardens, doesn't it. :o)
6 Aug, 2011
Would love my garden to look like this. Hope my rock garden looks as good when it finally gets finished.
16 Sep, 2011
Hi Mysco .. Thank you... :o)
I'm sure your rock garden will look lovely. Nothing wrong with altering things a little as you go along. Move a plant or a rock if it doesn't look quite right, and try to have interest at all time of year ...
16 Sep, 2011
It looks very lush!
I love the fragrance and flowers of Trachelospermum jasminoides! (I almost want to eat the flowers because they smell so good. lol!) I have one...and it's a very widely grown vine here.
29 Sep, 2011
Have got my little Rock Garden up and running now TT, hope it looks as nice as yours does...:)))
29 Sep, 2011
Hi Delonix .. Thanks.
Yes, I also love Trachelospermum jasminoides .. I have several growing around my gardens...
You are right ..
... the scent is almost edible isn't it ... Lol. :o)
29 Sep, 2011
Hello Crissue ..
I'm sure your rock garden will be lovely ..
takes a little while for the plants to settle in doesn't it
29 Sep, 2011
It does....TT...I took a long time to choose what i wanted, as it runs on from the little garden that edges the Pond, then up to the start of the Woodland fingers x'd now...
29 Sep, 2011
The part we can't control is that some rockery plants spread a lot faster than others .. but it soon becomes obvious which ones are going to grow quickly ! :o)
29 Sep, 2011
Very true...time will tell...:)))
By the way OH was looking at your Rock Garden, liked it...then said I like the way she does her smilies...:o)))))
29 Sep, 2011
... especially for your OH... with a wink ....
29 Sep, 2011
It's very fragrant especially when it cover acres of land. It can fill the air for miles when it starts to bloom in early spring. It's heavenly! :>)
30 Sep, 2011
:))))) TT...
30 Sep, 2011
you colored the stones or natural...
13 Nov, 2011
The stones have natural colour ..
They look especially lovely when in the rain. :o)
13 Nov, 2011
Quite excited Terra, have flowers on my Saponaria, in the Rock Garden...
Funny that, Rocks always llok good after rain...
13 Nov, 2011
Hi Sue ...
Have you put a pic on GoY of your flowering Saponaria ?
Yes, rocks and gravel look great when wet :o)
13 Nov, 2011
No I haven't yet, it only had one at the time, and I didn't want to to tempt fate lol will correct that tomorrow...;))
13 Nov, 2011
Photo 6 of 473
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So you have a front and back garden, like me, Terra ?
21 Jul, 2011