Favourites Collector
By gertrudecott
Good morning. Thought I’d better introduce myself as am new to GOY. I have a garden that I’m gradually remaking into my own that is full of overgrown shrubs that I’m either hacking back or removing. I have sat this morning going through your sedum pics and adding them to my favourites as a reminder of what I what to plant and achieve. Hence the intro as this strange person with no pics of her own is liking and occasionally commenting on. I have seen some beautiful combinations and thank you again for posting these as it is such a help and lifts the spirit knowing I’ll get there in the end.
PS I’ll gradually be working my way through geraniums, grasses and other perennials to add as inspiriation. Eventually one day I’ll get the hang of the laptop and post pics of my own
6 Sep, 2015
Hi Gertrude ...
welcome to GoY
Sounds like you are doing lots of useful research for your garden.
Thanks for visiting my photos and blogs ...
best wishes, Terra.
6 Sep, 2015
Thanks for your comments Terra and Paul. And just to prove how useful to me this will be Paul you've just reminded me of Stewed Rhubarb M Sedum. I did have a good collection a couple of houses ago though left them. SRM was one of them and it had such lovely colouring I also remember having Matrona and Purple Emperor amongst others. Will add your pic thanks for that Paul.
6 Sep, 2015
You're welcome.i had Purple Emperor at the last garden but didn't bring any with me and wanted to try some different varieties.
6 Sep, 2015
Look forward to seeing your photos Gertrude. Welcome to GoY.
6 Sep, 2015
Welcome from me too.
6 Sep, 2015
Welcome from me :-)
Paul not heard of that sedum off to google ;-)
6 Sep, 2015
welcome to GoY from me too.
6 Sep, 2015
Hi Simbad....I made a blog with that Sexum as it's title ...a couple weeks or so ago!!
6 Sep, 2015
Thanks for the welcome Linda, Steragram, Simbad and Seaburngirl. Through viewing the pics on here I feel even more urged on and today moved 4 more bags of horse manure to the top of the garden, no mean feat without a wheelbarrow. Split a cheap greenhouse in 2 the top of which will become a cloche and the shelving is in the garden room with tomatoes etc on it. Lifted some mint and potted it up so I can rid the border of it and painted my front porch and door frame. See the affect you all have with this site!
6 Sep, 2015
Welcome to Goy from me as well . I live on Vancouver Island in Canada but our climate is similar to yours in UK.
I find this site very informative and friendly. Looking forward to see your photos.
6 Sep, 2015
Thank you Klahanie
6 Sep, 2015
Welcome to GoY! My goodness, you are working hard . . . this site is a wonderful source of information and inspiration, especially useful on a cold, wet day :))
7 Sep, 2015
Welcome to GOY Gertrude you will find lots of useful tips on here ,you've undertaken a lot of work in a very quick space of time we shall look forward to seeing the end results :o)
7 Sep, 2015
Thank you Sheilabub and Amy. Will keep going :-) On hols next week so want to see to the lawn before I go, scarify, aerate and put weed and feed on it then when I get back it'll be ready for the next stages. By which time I may have sussed out how to load photos :-)
8 Sep, 2015
Snap, Gertrude.....I went and bought some top dressing lawn soil yesterday so, after weed killer which I applied at weekend, I will aerate then top dress and over seed!
8 Sep, 2015
Haven't used top dressing soil before but this lawn is in dire need. Any recommendations Paul and should I mix the seed in with it?
8 Sep, 2015
That's what I will do.Ive not used this product before(an Evergreen brand) I used to mix up my own lawn dressing Topsoil, sand and peat in certain proportions(can't remember what they were now) But, that was when I was younger and keener. For years, since then, I've used a ready mixed sand/topsoil but will try this one which is enriched with a treatment to help root establishment .
I usually spike, put down top dressing, brushing it into surface and down spiked holes then mix seed with topsoil (in this case I 'll keep back some of the dressing to use for this)in a large trug and apply it to lawn although, I will then apply more seed on top.
8 Sep, 2015
Thanks for all the info Paul. I will give it a go when I get back. Thanks
8 Sep, 2015
Have a great time.
9 Sep, 2015
Welcome to GoY from me too, Gertrude. As others have said before me, you will find lots of help and friendly advice on this site. Enjoy your holiday.
12 Sep, 2015
Hello Gertrude, welcome from me too.....looking forward to seeing pics of your garden. I have a lovely dark red leaved sedum....don't know it's name though as it was a snip from a friend who wondered what it was too....wonder if it is the stewed rhubarb one, going to have a look!
23 Sep, 2015
No it's Pauls Purple Emperor......thanks Paul!
23 Sep, 2015
Hi Janey.Thanks for the welcome. My daughter is visiting the weekend of the 9th so will get her to instruct me on loading pics with this laptop then I can start putting my own on. Purple Emperor is a good strong colour and such a useful plant.
24 Sep, 2015
Welcome from me too ! I know you will enjoy being on here, I know I do ! I have made some lovely friends and learnt a lot too !
I expect you are back from your well needed holiday now !
Look forward to seeing your pictures !
24 Sep, 2015
Hi Shirley Tulip and Rose 1949 thanks for your welcome. Back to gardening now and the rains ceased thank goodness.
24 Sep, 2015
I know what you mean Gertrude, but in my case it's my 12 year old granddaughter who knows all about iPads and what they will do! Hope you had a smashing holiday....:))
27 Sep, 2015
Hi Gertrude, your words take me back to when we moved into our cottage. The previous had lived here for 40 years & their parents b4 that so had the shrubs, I think. We battled with them for some years, sawing, spraying, pruning etc b4 eventually hoicking them out.
Good luck with your garden.
27 Sep, 2015
Hi Janey, decided to take pics on my phone in readiness for my daughters instructions so only a couple of weeks for me to wait now:-)
Greenfinger, I'm just trying to dig them up as want to free up the space and get it the way I want it. Just picked a load of apples and decided it would be better with a new tree as this one is blighted badly with woolly aphid. Trouble is the roots on everything are so deep and extensive it's hard work but I'll get there eventually
27 Sep, 2015
By now, you should be happily settled on here, so, better late than never, it is a warm, friendly welcome from me too!
27 Sep, 2015
Thank you Wildrose.
27 Sep, 2015
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Welcome Bertrude....yes, it's a very useful and friendly site, GOY.
On the subject of sedums, you may have seen one I have recently purchased and planted in my new garden. It was called 'Stewed Rhubarb Mountain'
All the best with your new garden,
6 Sep, 2015