By grandmage
1/1/11, 1/11/11/, 11/1/11, 11/11/11. A unique year.
I trace, when I have the time, my family tree, it is a pastime I love and I take care over too. I have found out about many family members, now long gone and I also uncovered a well kept secret, that in fact, now, makes sense!
I also discovered that my uncle, by marriage, was killed working on the Burma railway alongside so many others and that he is buried in a mass grave at the Kranji war cemetry, Singapore. I like many other, I know, always take time to reflect on or around Remembrance Sunday about the huge sacfices these men and women took for us then and still do today. I have just got in touch with someone who takes photos at these memorial gardens in Singapore and he has sent me a photo of my uncles name inscribed on the wall, it only took two days! It’s so wonderful to have, as I would never have been able to visit Singapore to achieve this.(Oh, the wonder of the internet!).
The gardens in these memorial cemetries (looked after by the wonderful C.W.G.C.) are truly beautiful and are planted up with such tender loving care, they are a ‘joy’ to the eye to visit and to take in the atmosphere & peace is beyond compare.
These memorial stones are photos from Kranji war cemetry.
“Crinkled leaves
float down
on their parachute trip
with legions of poppies
papered for today
as a tear rolls down
to a stiff upper lip”
taken from a poem, Last post. by P.du Plessis.
‘We will remember them’
5 Nov, 2011
Previous post: After a big frost!
Next post: Walberswick cottage weekend.
I agree with all you say.I often wonder would we be here without all these very brave people
6 Nov, 2011
Thankyou for this blog, GM.
Isn't it sad that new names are having to be added to these lists every day?
6 Nov, 2011
I have read that there are a group of ladies in Japan who are also sad about what happened to our lads on the Burma Railway. They have devoted years to researching the records to help relatives get at the truth.
No doubt the Royal British Legion would give you their contact address.
6 Nov, 2011
Love your avatar Paul! Thank you.
Bjs. Thank you, its too frightening to think of any consequences.
Oji.Yes, too sad for words.
Diane. wow, thanks for this info. I will take a look around the internet, after all that is where I have found most of my info. from. Thank you so much.
6 Nov, 2011
Thank you Gill for this thoughtful blog. And what a lovely thing for the photographer-person in Singapore to send you a pic with your uncle's name.
Do you know Wilfred Owen's poems? The best, and so moving . . .
6 Nov, 2011
lovely blog GM thanks
6 Nov, 2011
Thank you so much Sheila, I was amazed by the fact that you send an e.mail to an unknown person and they respond in that way, I suppose we are bombarded with people doing wrong that we forget there are genuinely nice people 'out there'! Re. W.Owen, I will look him up. Thanks.
Thanks Helen, you are too kind.
6 Nov, 2011
I love your blog and wondered at your exclamation mark and of course you can add another '11' Grandmage, -11th hour, 11th day, 11th month, 11th year. Its comforting to think that people now care for those they once hurt!
6 Nov, 2011
Very poingant post. Thank you. :)
6 Nov, 2011
My pleasure, thank you. Trala.
Drc. was going to do that later on in the week! But maybe I will do it now. Thank you. The exclamation was to show that this year has had four very unique dates that we wont see again.( ! )
6 Nov, 2011
I must admit that brought a tear to my eye ... all those brave men and women ... if it was'nt for these brave people, we could well have a very different life today.
6 Nov, 2011
Too true Sheilar, sorry didnt mean to upset you!
6 Nov, 2011
How wonderful to be able to trace your relative ,Grandmage..and there must be thousands that have no idea that members of their family are buried here..I have also recently found out ,that my Maternal Grandfather had a young brother aged 19 killed in action,in France,in World War 1,and his name is on a Memorial stone there..he had only been married a year..and none of us ever knew of this brave young man..not even my Mother..as I know she would have told me..Isn't that so sad? I must admit,my cousin and I wept,when we found out,and apparently,our Grandfather was a very strange,uncaring person..his Family tree doesn't make pleasant reading..and I understand why his 8 children with my Grandmother,was not a happy time for her or them..sometimes I wish my cousin had'nt decided to trace it back..but at least we have found someone who isn't unknown any more..so that is a positive..and we have someone to think about personally,on 11/11/11.
6 Nov, 2011
Oh B. families did have their secrets and I know that they didnt want to talk about the war and especially what happened, my Dad was ashamed that so many youngsters died whilst he was in charge, it is deperately sad. I am, in fact, glad you have found your great uncle (I think thats right) because he now has someone to think about and pray for him. Have you visited his grave? If you get in touch with the C.W.G.C. online they will tell you all the info. you need, and may even send photos. His name could even be on the Menin gate.
6 Nov, 2011
I will never forget them! :)))
6 Nov, 2011
Very touching story, so pleased you have now a photo of your Uncles Name which is inscribed on the wall of the memorial gardens in Singapore, my husband's Cousin and also my Fathers youngest brother were both killed in France during the first world war, both aged 18years old. We owe so much to the men and women who fought and died for our country and freedom and pray that they will never be forgotten..
6 Nov, 2011
Great blog GM..pleased you found your uncle,s details..:o)
6 Nov, 2011
Thanks Michaella & Joan. :~)
Pansy, I think everyone on here probably would have a story to tell of family members who died when they were very young. I wonder, Like Bloomer's family, if your cousin and uncles name might also appear on the memorial at the Menin gate? My hubby has just suggested that we go to Belgium again to attend the service at the M.gate, it is very moving. x
6 Nov, 2011
All families have secrets and anyone who starts digging must be aware that, sooner or later, they will come to light. When I started on mine, I read early on that every family has:
1) illegitimacy
2) criminals
3) insanity
4) immigrants
I have found all three within three generations!
6 Nov, 2011
It's good that these places are looked after.
6 Nov, 2011
Lovely blog, I too do my family tree....some of the things we learn are sad aren't they.
The internet is amazing - it has put me in touch with people all over the world with stories I can add to all the names I have found.
6 Nov, 2011
Andrew, yes I agree, but I think it is good to know these details, surely it then eliminates prejudice, we are a different generation more open than our parents were dont you think? They were always worried about what other people thought, now, I am not!
Hywel, have you ever looked at photos of these gardens on the internet? They are incredible.
Scottish... thank you, yes many things that we learn are sad, but also I think that it is those things that make up who we are, very interesting.
6 Nov, 2011
Lovely poem Grandmage - this is a new one to me.
7 Nov, 2011
Hi Frybo, not sure where I saw it now, but it was just that verse that caught my eye.
7 Nov, 2011
I have just found out,that my Great Uncle is buried and memorialised at a place called Tyne cot cemetery,near Paschendale..and his name is on the war memorial in the village where I was born..! The times all our family have walked past it without knowing....very sad..but I shall be going this coming weekend,to pay my respects..and feel at least,he is being thought about...
8 Nov, 2011
Have been to Tyne Cot B. Its the most beautiful place and the gardens are incredible, we were taken there then on to the Menin gate for the usual playing of the Last Post, quite something. If you can take a photo of the memorial plaque and then keep it safe so the family remember who it is.... x I have taken photos of grave stones etc and recorded them in my book to pass down the family line.
8 Nov, 2011
Nice to know he has a lovely resting place,Grandmage..thank you..And that is a good idea..I will take a photo of the memorial...:o)
9 Nov, 2011
B. take a look at Tyne Cot (tap into google images) on the website, some nice photos on there. x
9 Nov, 2011
Thanks Grandmage,I will do that..:o)
9 Nov, 2011
What a lovely blog Grandmage. There will be many sad hearts today but there will also be hope that out of the evil can come goodness. My daughter spent a year in Germany and found much kindness from the local people and the turkish and italian communities who worked in the same rural factory where she spent her year in industry while doing her degree. We were welcomed too and spent a lot of time with a former German pilot and his wife and family. My father never blamed the German soldiers for what happened to him but always said they were as much pawns as he and the others in his regiment. Both sides doing their duty as they saw it. There was a great feeling of the need of this chap and his wife and their friends to build a better world where none of that could happen again. While we remember our own troops we can also think of the consequences of their sacrifice and how much better the world is and should be and remember that they did it for us - the future generations - and what are we giving back to hand on to our children and grandchildren. Is it time for us to pause and reflect on how we can best honour their gift to us so that it continues to benefit those who come after us.
We will remember them.
11 Nov, 2011
Aaaaah. thank you Scot. Nice words there. My parents befriended a German family whilst on holiday in Italy in the late fifities, they had two sons and that friendship lasted til sadly they are all no more. Their children though are still our friends, they were such lovely people saddened and sickened by what went on. As you say, you were welcomed, like we were, for some fifty years or so, they all came over to our weddings, such happy times and all I can say is 'long may it continue', for many generations to come.
11 Nov, 2011
Looked at Tyne cot,last night ,Grandmage..and found my Great Uncles details..thank you for suggesting I check it out..I am so pleased to find this.:o)
11 Nov, 2011
Oh B. I have just talked to you on your blog! Lol. I am delighted for you, I think our children need to know about the sacrifices our families made, it certainly is a record to pass through to future generations. Glad to have helped you. x
11 Nov, 2011
Just chatted back,G. you are so right about our children..it's great to see so much publicity now..I watched a class of little ones this morning,during the two minutes silence..bless them..they did so well to keep quiet ! :o)
11 Nov, 2011
Aaaaah how sweet, its funny,B, you know I was wondering how our little chap, just four, managed to keep quiet in his class today! Bless.
11 Nov, 2011
They sometimes do more for their teachers,than mum and dad,G.! .I bet he was quiet,with the rest of them..but 2 minutes must seem like a lifetime for them.:o)
11 Nov, 2011
Lol :~). so loveable.
11 Nov, 2011
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- Merry Christmas to my lovely Goy friends.
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- SCAM !
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Brill Grandmage :))))))))))))))))))))))))))
6 Nov, 2011