Not what I call gardening exactly!
By green_finger
I have been busy in the garden, not actually gardening really but more on the maintenance side of things.
The little 6 × 8 shed suddenly whizzed up the priority list when I discovered the roof was in danger of falling in. Actually it was bowing last year so was rather urgent now.
So stripped, replaced & felted roof only to discover more problems. The earth from the field side had over years washed down & rotted the base & wall supports on the back & one side. More materials needed, wondering if we should have scrapped the whole thing, but its done now & sturdier than ever. Phew!
Next bought the wood stain & painted it green. Great! …. but the big shed now looked tatty so painted that too.
Also could put the new planter in place ready to plant up with clematis, phlox & mazus.
Next I can finally get back to the shady corner which I plan to be the Heuchera area but it is full of Hellebores which have been there for donkey years & are smothered by couch roots.
RHS site says can be split up at the end of summer so here goes. Gosh, they are tough! The couch has invaded them well so clumps had to be reduced significantly. Five large clumps became 30 odd plants, probably take a year to settle, hopefully they’ll return to their former glory.
Last clump tackled, area dug over & splits replanted. Took me 2 days but at least the soil is good, no pests & couch gone (hopefully).
My little fur babe Ruby can’t understand why I dug them all up when she gets a telling off for doing the same thing.
At last, I can lay the hose & redefine the border edge ready to receive the many heucheras I’ve been buying which is what started this whole process off in the first place but it’s 7.30pm getting dark & my back is killing me.
I must stop being tempted to buy more plants
Tomorrow will be Heuchs play day :) but here’s something bright & cheery for the end of summer colour.
The last of my Day lilies
26 Sep, 2015
Previous post: Burnished Brass NOT Sphinx in the garden
Next post: More heucheras for the shady area
A lot of hardwork there. The shed is looking good and better for not scrapping it. I recycled a rotting 8x6 shed into a 6x4 and love it as there's a sense of achievement much better than my new 7x5. Look forward to seeing the heuchera bed and the replanted hellebores
27 Sep, 2015
Thanks Gertrude, from what you've been doing you too have been working hard!
Terra, yes, Ruby makes friends wherever she goes.
27 Sep, 2015
What you have done is better gardening than some of the presenters on T/V with their ready grown plants, ready grown shrubs, and all the memorised latin names. I cant ever remember seeing them recycle a shed like you have done.
I have recycled all my potting compost this year with Gerbil litter, Blood Fish and Bone granules, and horticultural sand, and my hardy plants are thriving now. Am just
moving Rasberry Canes using the last of the compost to
line the trench.
27 Sep, 2015
Sure that counts as gardening GF - where would we be without our sheds? It must have been rather a blow to discover the earth on the bottom of the wall after all the work on the roof. You must have been pretty tired after doing all that!
Those are all jobs where you can really see the difference - so rewarding! Hope you have somewhere for all those now hellebores as well as the heucheras.
28 Sep, 2015
Diane, you've reminded me that I've not tackled the raspberry canes yet! Isn't it wonderful how garden weeds etc can become enriching source of life for the plants!
Stera, you are so right, the one we call the big shed is more than 200 yrs old & is shown on old OS maps. It was the wash house, I believe.
Getting the sheds repaired was one of those necessary tasks that is such a relief to know is now done!
Hellebores are all replanted & I will be digging out some grass to redefine & widen the border.
28 Sep, 2015
Definitely agreed, a very special gardener.
28 Sep, 2015
Thank you kindly, Diane.
28 Sep, 2015
My...what a hard worker you are ! Well done on doing a great job ! Its looking good and I like your new planter !
Oh yes, and Ruby is gorgeous ! She looks like butter wouldn't melt in her mouth !
29 Sep, 2015
Rose, you're right there about Ruby, 10 months old & quite the little princess!
29 Sep, 2015
I like the green colour on the shed....nicer than some of darker greens I've seen before and that planter is excellent....nice and big to hold lots of soil/compost.
Will you line it with plastic before planting? May help lengthen its life!
29 Sep, 2015
Paul, I'm really pleased with the shed colour, it's called Moss. The big shed was black before & very imposing, the moss green is much better & is a great colour to set off all other garden shades. Huge improvement!
There is a picket fence in front that borders my veggie plot which is in need of repair & if I get to it I'll repaint it with duck egg blue (greenish rather than blue).
I had 2 planters especially made to my dimensions (45cm deep) as I couldn't find any ready made. I am planning to line them with black fabric membrane, then a layer of stones before filling to receive 2 clems & some ground cover over surface.
Do you think this is the way to go?
This all faces north.
29 Sep, 2015
I found your blog so interesting and am especially interested in your heucheras. I will try that idea in a dry area. After a recent visit to Highgrove where I saw some beautiful big sedums I am going to start collecting those too. Have read that fleshy leaved plants shouldn't go in until spring. The same with grasses and grey leaved plants.
1 Oct, 2015
Hi Poppy, welcome to GOY, so glad my blog was interesting for you.
If you are planning to plant heucheras the best conditions are:
Preferred Conditions: Coral bells prefer to be planted in locations with a fertile, moist, well-drained soil. They particularly do not perform well in locations with poor drainage during the winter months. Most Heuchera cultivars will grow more vigorously and have the best leaf coloration when they are planted in locations with partial shade, particularly in the afternoon.
Purple leafed cultivars can tolerate more direct sun; in general the darker the purple coloration the more exposure to sun they can tolerate.
Conversely, the amber and gold leafed cultivars are less sun tolerant; the more yellow the leaf coloration, the less tolerant to sun they are.
In locations with full sun or full shade, most cultivars will usually survive, but they will be smaller and not look as lively.
To have best chance of success run a Google search to find out what plants are best for dry areas.
1 Oct, 2015
Hi GF ...when I've had wooden planters, I've always lined with plastic (even old compost sacks can do it) with drainage holes poked of course. Just to keep the moisture off the wood.
1 Oct, 2015
I'll line with the plastic then, Paul, got plenty of old compost bags.
2 Oct, 2015
Always helped to keep mine from rotting!
2 Oct, 2015
I'm working backwards G'fingers playing catchup on blogs, you put me to shame, I have two very large tubs of green stain ready in one of our sheds, been there a few years now it just never seems to get put on the sheds, I know I have a good excuse this past year but truth to tell I hate the painting jobs so never get around to doing them at the right time, I much prefer getting down and dirty in the actual earth, in fact even turning the compost is more to my liking, lol....
3 Oct, 2015
I know just what you mean, LL, I've even found rusty tins of paint set solid b4 now! - not that I turn the compost tho...
I'm right glad there both painted now tho!
4 Oct, 2015
Well done, I believe in recycling wherever possible, although drawn the line at compost now, unless you can be sure it is free from disease and bugs etc... we were unable to have a large shed, so we had three small ones, and made a feature of them, attracts plenty of comments from our garden visitors!
21 Oct, 2015
Where would we be without our sheds, lol. We actually have 3 but the 3rd is the smallest, we call it the Wendy shed because it has a stable door & is under a big weeping willow unfortunately it has gone too far to repair, keep thinking I should take it down but you know how time slips day maybe.
21 Oct, 2015
I know that feeling all too well??
21 Oct, 2015
It helps that we can't see it unless we part the willow curtain, lol.
21 Oct, 2015
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Well done on all your work ...
Ruby is CUTE.
27 Sep, 2015