Vegetables, Herbs, and Fruit.
By hywel
Here’s how my vegetables etc (as many as I grow) are doing so far this year …
My potatoes in tubs are coming up nicely. They need to be earthed now.
The variety is called Swift.
I can easily remember it because of Jo Swift on Gardener’s World :o)
A few peas and beans just about starting to germinate in one of those plastic plant growing things.
I bought them as loose seeds – a few peas and 12 beans of various varieties …
although I don’t know where I’m going to find room for them !
Shallots growing nicely … actually I think I can harvest one of them already :o)
I haven’t got onions this year :o( Haven’t got round to buying them.
Is it too late I wonder ? Does anyone know please ?
Raspberries have lots of flowers.
Blackberry is not growing so vigorously this year. I hope it will improve soon.
Rhubarb looks week :( Needs to be fed I think.
A friend is going to give me some strawberry plants. I think I’ll grow them in the old sink …
(I don’t like them but Beryl does)
I have cleared a bit of ground down by the garage, where there was an overgrown sage bush and a big Michaelmas Daisy that never performed well (both now disposed of)
and I’m going to sew some salad crops there –
Lettuces, small carrots, beetroot (only Beryl likes that)
and some parsley and radishes.
I need to buy some Basil seeds and Thyme seeds.
I have Chamomile seeds coming up now as well. They need pricking out soon.
My Bronze Fennel is growing rather big now, and needs moving to a more appropriate place.
The rain is lashing down this morning so no gardening today :o(
No photos in this blog – my computer has decided it doesn’t want to import them any more :o(
So this afternoon I’m taking it in to the shop in a nearby town, and hope the chap there (who’s very good usually) can fix it for me.
I hope you will all be able to enjoy your gardens this summer, whatever you grow in them :o)
18 May, 2015
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All sounds good Hywel hope they do well for you, considering our funny seasons these days I pop things in anyway if I have a gap, figure they have two chances, lol, I put my dwarf runner beans in my square bed yesterday, I have a few salad crops doing well so far and I've more or less finished planting out all my flowers, I obviously won't be doing lots of tubs and baskets this year, just got to plant the mangers in the front but its pouring down here as well, don't mind that actually as we were getting desperate and cracks already appearing in the lawns, my lovely grandson came and cut them for me yesterday and we've asked him to do them fortnightly, he doesn't know why, we put it down to silly nannie fracturing her ankle, lol... ..
Hope you get your computer fixed, Derek was saying only last week that he couldn't put his pics on either, I don't know whats going on but I keep losing Goy when moving through the pages and getting an error message, I haven't changed anything so its a puzzler but OH BOY!!! its biddy frustrating....
18 May, 2015
Nearly 2pm and suddenly the suns out in a clear blue sky.....hope it reaches you Sue ?...and you Hywel x
18 May, 2015
Thank you Pam. I'm glad the sun has reached you. It's been out here for a while also :o) Spreading from the west I believe.
But the garden is soaking so I won't be doing anything in it today.
18 May, 2015
I'm pleased the rain has watered your garden Sue. There's been nothing like dry weather here for a long time.
It's kind of your grandson to mow the lawns for you. You'll need some help for a while.
I wish I could come around and give you a hand lol :D
18 May, 2015
Ah!!! , bless you Hywel, tell you what I'll need entertaining for a while when it all kicks off and then whilst I'm getting better so you'll be helping me by just popping on here when you are able...
18 May, 2015
Nice to see a blog from you cant wait to see pics from you when you get your computer fixed.
18 May, 2015
Thank you. The computer man fixed my laptop and now it will accept my photos again - so I hope to be able to put some on here soon :o)
18 May, 2015
Go ahead and plant the onions, not too late. I love vidalia yum!
18 May, 2015
You've put me to shame, Hywel. I haven't planted any veg this year and only sowed salad leaves (for the tortoises) a couple of days back. Glad your computer is back to normal, such a pain when they let us down, aren't they :)
18 May, 2015
Don't worry about your lack of photos Hywel because I tried to picture everything you mentioned. It all sounds very promising.
To picture our garden at the moment just go for windswept, very wet and miserable under grey, threatening skies!! Oh yes and many happy snails!
18 May, 2015
Sounds wonderful Hywel with or without photos.
18 May, 2015
Yes, rain here this morning also so I didn't get any of my customers' gardens done today.
You've got plenty fruit and cpveg growing.
This will be the first time in many years that I haven't grown any! Well, apart from a few potatoes in bags and Tomato plants which are waiting for the Greenhouse to arrive and the nights to warm up. Temps are going to be quite low next couple nights so I have my toms indoors still. But, outside during the day.
18 May, 2015
Hope you are able to fix your computer Hywel... you have been busy, sounds as though everything is coming along nicely.... :)
19 May, 2015
Thanks for all your comments and updates on your own gardens. Interesting to read :)
The weather is not much better although the sun did come out for a while yesterday. It's cold for May though :o(((
I hope to sow some seeds this week :/ ... maybe ?
19 May, 2015
I'm glad everything is coming up nicely for you Hywel theres nothing quite like digging up a tasty batch of new potatoes or veg , how can you not like Strawberries ? x
19 May, 2015
You can still plant your onions Hywel for a late crop.
I hope everything does well for you . Our new little allotment is doing quite well , but after some lovely warm weather last week, decided to put my french climbing runners in and now its cold and wet ! Oh well...they had been hardened off ! Its just started raining again and hail stones are forecast ! Where is the summer !
19 May, 2015
Thank you both :)
I don't like strawberries Amy. I don't like the smell of them either. I don't know why. I didn't choose not to like them lol ... I just don't :)
I hope your french climbing runners will be all right Rose. I'm glad you are happy with your allotment. I hope summer will arrive soon. These cold winds are getting on my nerves lol
19 May, 2015
What a good variety Hywel your growing March April is the time for planting onions as we are getting April showers in May why not , so I would try now with onion sets cant see a couple of weeks makes a difference. I think Suttons 2.99 have them off the net.
19 May, 2015
If you like green beans and are short of room perhaps you could try scarlet runner beans? I grow them every year and three or four plants trained up a trellis or teepee give me more than we need. best to pick the beans young as they can become very tough as they mature..12 15 inches long as well!
19 May, 2015
On mine too Hywel ! I couldn't even go there today to check on everything as the weather has been awful !
19 May, 2015
I planted runner beans in a large pot placing sticks shape of a tepee they grew well.
19 May, 2015
Good luck with your vegetable garden Hywel. Looking forward to see it when your computer get fixed.
20 May, 2015
Thanks for all your comments and advice. Things to keep in mind for next year :)
20 May, 2015
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Pouring here too Hywel and non too warm either...
sounds as if you are doing well with edibles, this rain should help I guess
18 May, 2015