A hot Summer's Afternoon.
By hywel
Yesterday was very hot in my garden. The thermometer went up to 30 C in the shade … rather too hot for me :(
and this is how one resident spent the time …
I managed to do a bit more tidying, and Beryl was able to sit outside for a bit, so I didn’t have to keep going in and out of the house all the time, seeing if she was all right.
I’ve finished repotting my Fuchsias now, and I’ve dotted the bigger ones around the garden.
I found in the past that when I did that, they rooted into the ground, and were difficult to move come autumn,
so this year I decided to stand them on old plates – cracked or chipped ones that can’t be used in the house any more.
Like this :o)
My 11 tubs of potatoes are coming along well. They’ve grown tall this year …
I’ve got them on the patio :D
A hanging basket :-
Beryl bought those stripy Petunias, for ‘her’ hanging baskets ….
and they are very pretty … but guess who has to plant them up and water them lol !
Here are some more basket and tub plants :-
A pretty creeper – Saponaria :)
… and a paint brush ! lol …
Flowering cacti -
Schlumbergera gaetnerii :-
Stenocactus hastatus :-
I shall ignore all comments about spines.
Roses are worse !
Flowering Fuchsias …
Land van Beveren :-
Albertina :-
Maetzukier :-
I hope you’ve enjoyed these photos that I took in a rush.
I find it difficult to get around to things at present because of Beryl being in such need of my assistance,
but hopefully things will improve in the near future.
I will try to catch up with blogs and photos, but if I miss yours, it isn’t because I’m not interested – it’s because I can’t get around to it :)
Enjoy the nice weather while it lasts :)
Best wishes to all
Hywel x
6 Jun, 2016
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Beautiful,Hywel. I love that blue and white striped petunia and the fuchsias are lovely - I'm beginning to prefer the dainty singles to the big fancy ones.
You will have extra watering to do leaving the tender ones in their pots! But they'll look great.
Bella has the right idea - Ro has been creeping under bushes too - it must be so hot under all that fur...
6 Jun, 2016
The petunias are lovely - I can never resist them. Nice to see the cacti. I love roses, but agree about the thorns. I have a couple of really vicious ones. It is very hot today. I am in the garden, but with my feet up! I think the only job done today will be container watering later in the evening. Fortunately, we have some nice shade to which we can retreat with our books (and, in my case, iPad!). Enjoy your garden, too.
6 Jun, 2016
Everything's looking good Hywel. The potatoes are coming on a treat, I bet they will taste delicious. I think Bella and Beryl have the right idea, sit and enjoy the garden, in the shade while you work lol! It's hard work watering all those baskets and containers though...time for a sit down with a cuppa...or maybe something cooler?
6 Jun, 2016
Your Fuschias are beautiful Hywel and the Petunia that comes after the red Diascia is stunning. Today is unbearably hot here too, too much for me anyway. It makes watering all those pots and baskets so much harder as you'll know, even though my baskets have water retaining gel it's still time consuming and summer's only just started!
6 Jun, 2016
Thank you all for reading my blog :)
I can't sit still in the garden - I can't sit still anyway ! I get fed up when I sit still ... I find it boring,
and I fall asleep when I read lol
6 Jun, 2016
Yes, we have hot here now Hywell but had our heating on last Thurs and Friday!
I noticed as I sat and ate dinner this evening, how tall my potatoes have grown too....maybe all the rain has caused growth but I hope there is growth under the ground too.
You have lots of colour.
6 Jun, 2016
beautiful blossoms, Hywel..i'm like you..can't sit still..makes life tricky, since i can't walk more than a few steps..thank goodness for raised bed gardening..
7 Jun, 2016
Everything looks wonderful Hywel. It shows that it is a well loved garden.
7 Jun, 2016
Thank you all :)
10 Jun, 2016
As always a visit to your garden is a real joy. Each photo seems to capture how hot it was that day! Your cacti and fuchsias are gorgeous as are the colourful tubs.
Thank you.
11 Jun, 2016
You have such a wonderful display of colour there Hywel - I have found the colours of the striped petunia amazing this year!
11 Jun, 2016
I'm late arriving Hywel, been so busy lately that I've hardly been on here, decorating, a job I hate but needs must, lol, today is the first one for over a week that it has'nt rained all day, seeing yours in glorious sunshine really cheered me up, must have been an omen as well because I actually managed to get my lawns cut and did a bit of deadheading of all my soggy ruined roses, sod the painting was my thought, good job as well because its been bucketing it down again tonight....
Its good to hear Beryl was sitting out with you, I take it she was feeling better when you wrote this blog, hope thats still the case, they are lovely photo's and isn't your front garden looking nice, you must be pleased with it...Like you I guess I will eventually catch up on here but not whilst the flipping decorating is still ongoing, I pinch my moments when everyone else has gone bed....
17 Jun, 2016
Thanks for all your comments :)
Decorating Sue ! that's something that needs doing badly here too :( but will have to wait, the same as most other things lately ...
I'm glad you were able to have a break from it. It isn't something that should be done in nice weather lol
but we have had lots of rain here too, since I wrote that blog.
Beryl is more or less the same, thanks for asking, but we are hoping for a little improvement soon. I hope you are well :)
18 Jun, 2016
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What a great blog gorgeous flowers and those Fuchsia s and veg your potatoes look great Hywel I had to smile at Bella and the paint brush.
Stunning your Cacti especially the striped one they look so exotic . Lovely to hear Beryl can sit outside and you are ennoying the weather and garden hope you are ok in yourself Hywel xx
6 Jun, 2016