Plants and Names ...
By hywel
I like to buy plants with names that mean something to me, especially the names of friends or relations.
My Gran (Dad’s mother) was called Hannah.
Her mother died when she was 5 years old.
Gran’s best friend when she was a little girl in school was called Amelia, who lived in a house at the edge of a wood.
It was reached by crossing an old bridge over the river, and Gran used to go there to play after school or on week ends.
Amelia’s mother was very kind to Gran, because as I said earlier, her own mother had died,
and as a result Gran became very close to Amelia’s family.
Amelia had a brother, who eventually became my grandfather …
and so my Gran (Hannah), and her friend Amelia became sisters in law.
Why am I boring you with all this … well it’s because of a Fuchsia (it had to be, hadn’t it !)
Earlier this year I saw a pretty Fuchsia for sale on a website, called Hannah Amelia Dowling,
and the first two names reminded me of the above tale, which my Gran told me about her and her best friend when they were little girls.
So I bought it :D
It’s flowering now and here it is :-
Here’s a photo of my Gran – Hannah
(My Dad’s mother) :-
And here’s a photo of Auntie ’Melia … a lovely lady I remember well :-
Here’s the Fuchsia again – Hannah Amelia Dowling …
Very pretty isn’t it :D
10 Aug, 2016
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What a lovely story and beautiful Fuchsia.
10 Aug, 2016
I didn't find it boring at all!! Love stories like that and how wonderful to find Hannah Amelia Dowling. Its beautiful, and what I lovely way to remember two special women in your life
10 Aug, 2016
I loved reading this,Hywel,and what a lovely reminder of your Gran and have that beautiful Fuchsia..I wonder how it came to have those names,and wouldn't it be interesting if you could find out how it came about? I would be very curious..It really is so special for you..:o) x
10 Aug, 2016
How amazing is that Hywel? Its a very pretty fuchsia - it will remind you of the lovely smiles of those lovely ladies. My Mother was Hannah too.
10 Aug, 2016
How lovely it was my favourite in the last ones you photographed and I thought what a nice name, obviously named after the grower's wife or daughter wouldn't you say? but such a lovely reminder of your Gran and Auntie and their lovely story x :o)
10 Aug, 2016
It is a beautiful fuchsia and a heartwarming story, Hywel.
11 Aug, 2016
Well I thought it was a great story and a beautiful flower.
11 Aug, 2016
Love plants that help to remember people in my garden. I have the ginkgo u gave me in mine to remind me of my cyber friend Hywel.
11 Aug, 2016
Did not bore me one bit, I loved the story about your family and also your photos, nice to be able to get plants to remind us of lovely memories. I think I will get that one also, because I was brought up in Hannah Road.
11 Aug, 2016
Lovely to hear such a delightful story. I like to buy a plant when on holiday and name the plants with the first letter of our holiday destination ie, Prudence & Pricilla when we were in Poole, Connie when we were in Cornwall. Daft really, but it always brings back the memory of our holidays xx
11 Aug, 2016
What a delightful story Hywel, and such a lovely flower to remember two lovely ladies
Thanks xxx
11 Aug, 2016
Loved seeing this very pretty fuchsia and the delightful photos of your gran and your aunt. What lovely Christian names they had.
11 Aug, 2016
What a delightful blog Hywel loved the photos and the fuchsia it's really does look feminine ?
12 Aug, 2016
Lovely story, isn't it sad we don't all take the time to listen to more stories of the older folk? Like you I have 'reminders', Lily of the Valley for my Nan, who told me stories of picking them in the woods as a child, Pansies for my Gran who always called them fairies faces - I could go on, but it's your blog! Thank you for sharing.
12 Aug, 2016
well I think that is a fitting tribute to 2 lovely ladies. the dark purple line' is stunning isn't it?
I have 2 clematis C montana Elizabeth and C 'Victoria' [my daughters' names.]
12 Aug, 2016
How lucky is that, Hywel, to come across a Fuchsia with names that mean so much to you!
13 Aug, 2016
What a lovely story, and a gorgeous fuchsia.
14 Aug, 2016
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What a lovely story, Hywel. One of my daughters-in-law is Hannah. It's a very pretty name. So is Amelia, but I don't think I've ever known one. The fuchsia is very pretty. I love the purple edge.
10 Aug, 2016