Passing seasons ...
By hywel
My garden faces west and gets plenty of summer sunshine,
but as the days shorten and the sun lies lower in the sky, deep shadows creep over the ground.
On those sharp autumn days the sun still manages to bathe the sundial …
… and one of the chimney pots …
It catches the golden Weigelia leaves …
Sunny Jasmine flowers climb up a trellis :)
And fields on a nearby hillside are clothed in shades of green and gold …
The days get shorter, and we are graced with pink flowers of Viburnum bodnantense …
Cyclamen flowers like jewels …
Berries still cling to the Pyracantha and Cotoneaster …
The hardy Geranium shows off her bronze foliage …
Winter arrives, and Jack Frost laces the Heuchera and Ivy leaves :(((
Cryptomeria japonica shows off his red cloak, ready for the festive season …
The water in St Francis’s bowl is frozen …
And silver Clematis seeds glisten in the winter sunshine :)
Leafless trees line the road in the hedgerow at the back of my garden … the countryside has gone to sleep.
I wish you well until spring returns to our gardens once more :o)
6 Dec, 2016
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Lovely photos Hywel and yes the poetry with them ,I love the Cryptomeria jap . the colour is gorgeous ... Oh No Stera not to bad I hope !!
6 Dec, 2016
Oh wow. So colourful, Hywel.
6 Dec, 2016
Looking great .... Cryptomeria japonica stunning foliage I will have to google that ....
and so many berries , I bet bella is keeping a eye on those
6 Dec, 2016
as usual a wonderful blog with excellent photos. You have some lovely plants. I must say I like clear frosty mornings as they add an extra dimension to the foliage, just like in your photos.
6 Dec, 2016
For a moment I confused your blog, Hywel, with one of TT's! LOL!
Some fantastic photos to go with it as well! I love how your Pyracantha & Cotoneaster are so full of berries! :-))
6 Dec, 2016
Thank you all for your comments about my blog.
Steragram I hope your cake isn't so overcooked that you can't eat it.
I don't write such good blogs as TT Balcony :)
6 Dec, 2016
Lovely blog Hywel, not everyone takes the time to stop and stare at the small wonders, you can get so much pleasure out of noticing a fleeting moment, of frost or sun or just an attitude of the spiders - not sure what they do on frosty morning when their webs are such a delight - anyone know?
I too had to look up the Cryptomeria Japonica with it's stunning colour. We have lots of Pyracantha, Cotoneaster and Berberis, but the berries don't last long, the pigeons and mainly mice get them before they produce a wonderful show like yours.
7 Dec, 2016
Some really nice plants
7 Dec, 2016
Thank you both.
Some of the berries are gone Honeysuckle, but most of them remain. I don't think many birds come to my garden :)
7 Dec, 2016
You have a stunning garden in all seasons and my how you wax poetic.
7 Dec, 2016
Lovely blog, Hywel. I enjoy winter scenes & colour every bit as much as summer flowers & there is much of interest in your garden.
8 Dec, 2016
Thank you both :)
8 Dec, 2016
Hywel I sloshed lots of brandy over it so i hope it wil be edible...
8 Dec, 2016
My mother always did that, even when it was cooked properly. She used to turn it upside down and puncture it with a skewer lots of times, so that the brandy soaked right in :D
Sometimes she used sherry.
I hope you enjoy your cake :) Will you be icing it ?
9 Dec, 2016
Lovely blog, Hywel .. poetical and pretty.
Super photos. Love those hills ...
9 Dec, 2016
I won't seem long , Hywel, till spring returns to our gardens. I spotted Daffodil shoots earlier today.
I miss my Viburnum Bodnatense Dawn from the last garden.Yours is lovely...and they smell so sweet too!
9 Dec, 2016
Thanks for all your comments :)
10 Dec, 2016
Such a lovely blog Hywel its lively to see the sun shine on nature love the Kasmine stunning and the Viburnum bodnantense so pretty. The Welsh are reknown in history for their poetic verse and you are living proof of it .
11 Dec, 2016
Hywel, no icing on our cake as David can't have it & no way am I going to eat it all...I'll put some marzipan on it though & can't guarantee to throw any of that away, lol...
Yes I do the skewering bit like your Mum did..
11 Dec, 2016
Thank you Thrupennybit. It seems to come naturally to me :)
I'm not keen on icing either Steragram, and I am not too fond of marzipan.
My grandfather was a baker and used to make it himself. He called it 'almond paste' but I didn't like it much.
12 Dec, 2016
My mother made "almond paste" fro soya four and almond essence during the shortages. When I tasted "real" marzipan later i didn't like it for ages. Love it now and could eat it like chocolate. Some years ago i decided just out of interest to make some of the "mock" sort my Mum made then - and it was Disgusting...
12 Dec, 2016
My grampa used the recipe his father had. He was a baker too.
12 Dec, 2016
What lovely colour.
12 Dec, 2016
Thank you both for your comments.
I might like it covered in chocolate Sheila .. :) I'm a chocaholic !
13 Dec, 2016
that sounds delicious
13 Dec, 2016
Good to see your surroundings at this time of the year Hywel.
14 Dec, 2016
Thank you both :)
14 Dec, 2016
sooo beautiful , Hywel :-)
29 Dec, 2016
Thank you.
I hope you are all right. I heard there was a typhoon in the Philipines.
29 Dec, 2016
Good day! Hello, Hywell, it was a sad x;mas holiday , even our new year its raining here now
31 Dec, 2016
Hi Junna. We have 10 more minutes here before the new year is in. It's raining here also but I like that. It's better than frost :)
I hope 2017 is a good year for you x
31 Dec, 2016
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Pure poetry Hywel, and beautiful photos - especially the clematis seed heads and the Cryptomeria. I feel better already (having just overcooked my christmas cake...)! Thank you.
6 Dec, 2016