The last week in April ...
By hywel
I haven’t spent as much time in my garden recently, as I normally do – bad weather and other pressing things … all makes me feel tired and unable to get down to it.
Anyway, the spring has arrived, albeit later than usual, and my plants are waking up.
I had lovely Snowdrops earlier on, and also some Narcissi and Hellebores.
No photos of them unfortunately, they all came out blurry :D
but here are a few other ones taken this month
A lovely flowering perennial called Pulmonaria, with jewel-like flowers :o)
A Vinca minor, in blue …
I also have a white one.
Fritillarias :-
Anemone blanda :-
Beryl’s Tulips by the front door so that she can see them when we go out
(even though I have to move them out of the way to put the wheelchair ramp in place !) :-
I had nice Chinodoxas but something ate them lol …
I had lots of different coloured Primulas, but I prefer the wild ones :)
And here are some wild ones in my garden …
St Francis keeps an eye on it all :)
I hope you all enjoy the spring even though the hot weather has passed,
but April isn’t supposed to be hot :)
23 Apr, 2018
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There's something about spring flowers that lift the heart isn't there? Yours are beautiful. Sorry to hear you are feeling tired - its not surprising -what you are doing can't be easy. Hang on in there!
24 Apr, 2018
Lovely to see St Francis and your beautiful flowers. x
24 Apr, 2018
Sorry that life has been so tiring, but as Sue says, not surprising. You can only do the best you can and if you need to rest, then rest.
Your spring flowers are beautiful. I had pulmonaria in my garden till this morning. Saw Ben eating some of it so looked it up and very poisonous to dogs. Was surprised it was Ben eating it, normally it's Shadow that does things like that. Anyway, dug it up and put it in the garden wheelie bin this morning ☹
24 Apr, 2018
So much colour Hywel that Pulmonaria is stunning hope mine comes as good. Yes April is for showers which is what we are getting here now but dull unlike normal where the sun usually comes out after.
24 Apr, 2018
The Pulmonaria is lovely, such a variety of colour on one plant, they really earn their keep in the garden. Love you Primulas, I do have a soft spot for all of them, especially the wild ones. Bought some reduced ones from B & Q, labelled Primroses, bit of a misnomer as they gave the impression that they were the wild ones - which they are not - different shade of colour, but they came home anyway. "March winds and April showers" as they say, just looking forward to the "May flowers".
24 Apr, 2018
Lovely to see all your plants in flower, Hywel! ?
You have some very nice ones around your garden! ?
24 Apr, 2018
glad the garden is working its magic for you. The tulips are beautiful, i'm not surprised Beryl loves them. that pure white Frit is gorgeous. Like you I prefer the native primulas.
24 Apr, 2018
Your garden is full of life. The colours can definately cheer us up.
24 Apr, 2018
Lovely to see the colours in your garden Hywel, I too love the wild primula's and thanks to the birds I now have plenty, been transplanting them down to the stumpery, have you ever noticed their flowers never seem to get eaten unlike the bought and bright colourful ones, must be because they don't have a perfume..I must add the Pulmonaria to my wishlist, it really is lovely and anything that comes back every year and looking as pretty as that is good in my eyes...
Not surprised you are tired and not able to be in the garden as much as you used to, caring for someone 24/7 is hard, couple that with bad weather and you don't get many chances do you, when it is nice, if you and Beryl are feeling up to it, you want to get out for a while don't you, much more important in my eyes Hywel, I know your garden won't mind, seems St Francis is doing a grand job for you, lol....
Lovely photo's Hywel, you take care now...
24 Apr, 2018
Thanks for your comments :) x
24 Apr, 2018
Some lovely pics of your spring flowers, they lift the spirit and put a smile on your face.
25 Apr, 2018
Lots of lovely spring colour in your garden Hywel. I agree with you, I also prefer the wild primulas.
25 Apr, 2018
Thank you both ... :)
25 Apr, 2018
Great blog. I enjoy seeing your garden. I also find that the wild primroses don't get eaten like the coloured ones & they come up everywhere, which is a bonus.l like the statue of St Francis, where did you find it?
27 Apr, 2018
Thank you Feverfew. I got the St Francis statue in a local garden centre many years ago.
27 Apr, 2018
You have some very pretty flowers to look at Hywel and I too really like the statue of St Francis watching over everything.
This year nearly all our narcissi were nibbled, along with lots of the primroses. Yours look lovely.
It's a bit cool and damp here again, I would appreciate a little bit of warmth to get me into the garden as there are jobs building up!
28 Apr, 2018
Thank you Wildrose, I want warmer temperatures too.
29 Apr, 2018
Lovely Spring colours - helping to put a spring in your step. Keep smiling!
29 Apr, 2018
You have a beautiful display of spring plants,Hywel,and it's such a colourful time of year ,isn't it? everything new and fresh...I'm sure Beryl is enjoying her tulips by the door..take care ,and hope you are able to get out and about before long,once this cold weather is behind just seems never ending this year :o( x
29 Apr, 2018
Thank you all :) x
30 Apr, 2018
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We have had some nice weather for a change and we can see results all of a sudden. It does lift the spirits to see all the glorious colours defying the forecasts and coming on just fine. I can hear the pulmonaria playing 'Men of Harlech'. Thank you for sharing.
24 Apr, 2018