Autumn flowers in my garden
By hywel
Here are a few photos taken over the past few weeks in my garden, although most of it has disappeared by now :-
Some Cyclamen I bought to bring a bit of cheer …
Persicaria amplexicaulis is a late flowering perennial which I like to see …
Some late flowering roses :-
Rose Gaujard …
Unknown but about 6 feet tall …
Another unknown and very tall, I think it should be a climber …
Clematis ‘Minuet’ with fewer flowers than usual this year …
Aster fricartii and a tall Veronica coming to its end …
The Veronica again, with Fuchsia ‘Mrs Popple’ in the background …
Another little Aster, quite short stems. It’s growing through some Oregano …
A hardy Fuchsia called ’Delta’s Sarah’ …
Anemone hupehensis ‘Elfin Swan’ which I bought because of its delicately coloured sepals …
Here are the flowers …
Impatiens hawkeri, which I’ve brought into the house …
A little Primula flowering in a pot …
I find the autumn quite depressing actually, with everything dying away and the days becoming ever shorter. Most of the things in the above photos have withered by now.
The only thing I like about it is planting bulbs because it makes me think of the spring. I’ve already planted a few in pots, and have more to do soon :)
22 Oct, 2023
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Hywel, gorgeous blooms! Loving the pink, mauve are purple hues! Your garden has been so fresh and colourful these past few weeks.
I do like autumn. The wonderful colours, crisp blue skies, log burning making the house snug and warm. I do like Halloween and Guy Fawkes too. I'm interested in the history of both. On the downside to the season, I'm not keen on dark nights, damp days and less to enjoy in the garden. least favourite season.
I'm a late autumn baby, maybe it's the reason for liking this time of year?
22 Oct, 2023
I like autumn, too. Maybe I enjoy being melancholic...
Great photos.
22 Oct, 2023
Hywel, I really enjoyed seeing the photos from your garden. You have a great selection of plants. I prefer Autumn to Winter but Spring is my favourite season of them all.
22 Oct, 2023
It's a shame that we have to see the summer flowers come to an end but if they didn't - or if all the plants flowered all the year round - then we wouldn't appreciate them like we do!
I dislike winter most I think because there is very little to do/see. But what I most dislike is the changeovers - from summer to autumn & then from spring to summer. There are often many plants in full bloom when they have to be removed to make way for those of the coming season! (Obviously I'm talking about bedding plants, not perennials or shrubs).
22 Oct, 2023
Thanks for all your comments about my plants ...
From now until the new year I find depressing, but after that the days start to lengthen and bulbs start appearing in the garden, and soon there are wild snowdrops everywhere, and as long as the temperature remains above freezing point I enjoy it.
Rain never bothers me :)
23 Oct, 2023
I'm with Shirley..I wish I had a log fire Hywel!
You had a lot of colour in your garden and it's sad when they all finish as the long winter lies ahead which I am not keen on, especially this year without Rick.
I don't have many places for bulbs though as the gardens now have so much gravel on to keep the fox off, it would be hard to plant them.
23 Oct, 2023
Hello Hywel- what a beautiful show of colour - I especially like the roses and the primula - I have set quite a few bulbs in pots mainly but some saved bulbs from last year will go in the window boxes - we have 3 window boxes so we need to go to the garden centre this weekend for some plants - Enjoy your gardening week
23 Oct, 2023
Thank you both. I've planted my bulbs in pots, they never do well in the garden.
I'm sorry Rose, it's an awful time for you. I was the same after Beryl died.
But you'll cope somehow, we just do ...
Good luck at the garden centre Jane :)
23 Oct, 2023
lovely plants Hywel and a very well kept garden . Like you this time of year gets me down from darker longer, colder and so on. myself also buying bulbs just hoping our squirrel keeps off them lol
24 Oct, 2023
Thanks Hywel. I appreciate that and as you know will take time. I am lucky as I have a good family and friends who are there if I need them and of course goy!
25 Oct, 2023
Lovely blog. I love your Fuchsia Delta’s Sarah & the Anemones. I’m not looking forward to the clocks going back. I wish they would leave them alone. I hate the long dark days of winter, though Autumn is fine when the leaves are colourful. I have jobs I want to get on with in the garden, but like Balcony I don’t like to pull up anything that’s still in flower; I’m waiting for a hard frost to finish all the annuals off, then I can get out there.
25 Oct, 2023
Thanks for all your comments.
I don't like the dark afternoons either but the mornings will be lighter, and since I've always been an early riser I will find that beneficial :)
26 Oct, 2023
I love the autumn colour of October here in Ontario, but not the dreary grey/brown of November. At least December snow brightens thing up a bit. I'm NOT an early riser, so switching the clocks does not help me! Of course 'early' means different things to different people. :D My feet don't usually hit the floor until around 8:30 am. Other folks have been up for hours already. :D
Those are very nice Cyclamen you have there, Hywel. I have just got interested in those, over the last few years, and I was going to write about my experiences in my next blog (in December).
25 Nov, 2023
Thanks for commenting on my blog.
I find snow very depressing. We don't get much here in South Wales. Some winters we don't see any at all. We get a lot of rain. Rain doesn't bother me.
I shall look out for your blog on Cyclamens :)
25 Nov, 2023
it's a cold and dark December, in Ontario. It takes til mid January for the light to improve... we've had sketchy weather... one week warm and rain...the next frigid and snowy. We just had our first winter "thaw" hardly into December.. what can be next I wonder? Glad to see your "share the wealth" of late blossoms... I had a rose blooming into November, which although not unheard still surprising, here in the cold north. Hang in there, Hywel.. roll on spring!
12 Dec, 2023
Thank you Lori, yes Roll on spring, I couldn't agree more.
We're having our usual Wet Welsh Winter again this year (appart from a little recent cold snap) but it suits me better than frost and ice.
16 Dec, 2023
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I agree Hywel ... already hating the thought of November. If only we had a log fire I'd be OK! But it's cheering to see your colourful plants, and I will TRY and think about spring and buy some bulbs. My Swan Anemones do make me smile though, and I love your Elfin :)
22 Oct, 2023