One Summer's Evening
One night recently, I saw a beautiful flower opening right in front of my eyes.
An August Garden
My garden is a jumble of plants, and they are so overgrown, that it really needs...
Drastic Measures
I've got a 'shelter' in the garden, which I built from wood and sheets of perspex,
A hopeless memory :(
I think I promissed someone some fuchsia cuttings last year, but I can't remember...
Plants and Names ...
I like to buy plants with names that mean something to me, especially the names of...
Holly Tree
I've got a holly tree that I'd made into a standard,
but it had become lop sided,
My Garden in July
The recent rainy weather has made everything become overgrown in my garden ...
A wet few weeks ...
After a very wet June my garden is looking wild and overgrown, because the rain has...
There's a lot of white in my front garden this summer.
There are self seeded Alyssums...
1st June 2016
Hello everyone :)
I haven't been on here much lately and haven't been able to do...