Architectural Acers
By kate123
I do love an Acer as do many of you on the site. I thought I’d try and catch a few on camera, taking in the leaf colour and structure close up.
They do give you a lot of delicate beauty and are so architectural in the garden, aren’t they! I don’t specifically have a favourite Acer/Maple..I like them all in their own unique way. Each season brings different shapes to their leaves and such wonderful hues.
3 May, 2020
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Thanks Karen, the 2nd one down was captured with the sun on it this morning, so it’s more bronzy than it is in normal light. I think I recall it’s crimson princess? I’ll check in the shed. We bought it a few years back from a little nursery.
3 May, 2020
Thats ok Kate, thank you. No need to go to any trouble, it doesn’t matter. I don’t think it would survive here...too feathery.
3 May, 2020
Great selection Kate . . . I’ve never seen an Acer I haven’t loved!
4 May, 2020
Ok, Karen..had a check when I got in this pm. It’s the crimson princess.
Yes, Sheila, me too..thank you.
4 May, 2020
Thanks Julia, I so very much agree with you there! I like the name you’ve given yours! Very apt.
4 May, 2020
Crimson Princess...wonderful. I have a little red one that I am trying to grow. But it has a much more robust leaf. Jerre Schwartz. Its more like your fourth one down.
4 May, 2020
lovely photographs Kate, and you are right they seem to cheer you up the moment that they start budding. I have two fairly large trees, one a beautiful plum colour and the other a bright green, according to me app they are both Japanese maples, there is one down by the pond, which I took out of the pot as it wasn't doing very well but is coming on leaps and bounds now and two small one in pots. I would like to replant them in the garden but am running out of room :))). I was photographing them one evening with a macro lens and the sun was adding a bit of back light and to my horror the branch was full of little aphid things crawling all over the leaves. Have to have a look to see if this is a pest thing but never had any problem with the tree
4 May, 2020
Thanks Davey, it’s a compliment coming from yourself, as you’re a fab photographer!
I always have teeny tiny black aphids on all my acers, they don’t seem to cause the trees any problems at all.
Have you posted your trees in the past? I bet they look really lovely specimens.
4 May, 2020
These are lovely Kate, I think you can always find space in a garden for an Acer.
8 May, 2020
I have to agree with you, Stroller, we can always find somewhere in the garden for an Acer! :-)
10 May, 2020
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Aw...they are all so beautiful aren’t they. Lovely blog Kate, and a wonderful Acer collection! Do you know the name of the very bronzy one...2nd one down?
3 May, 2020