Purchased a few plants until the rain starting pouring down!!!
By kate123
OH and I went to Doncaster this morning, there’s a great motorcycle store there. He managed to pick up a new helmet and an upgrade in our ‘intercom’ system for our helmets.
We stopped at a GC on the way home for a light lunch and I also wanted to purchase a couple of plants. I was looking for a fern and a couple more ornamental grasses.
I was strolling nicely down the aisle outside of the GC, looking at the plants. I’d picked up a fern and a couple of grasses and all of a sudden…it was torrential rain! It was hammering down and the sky was the darkest grey.
I quickly grabbed a small lavender hidcote as I rushed indoors, I felt I just had to grab another plant!!!
I couldn’t believe it..my time meandering through the plant section was well and truly cut short.
Never mind, we had lunch and OH had bought his helmet earlier. We drove home and when we approached the Humber bridge, it had brightened up and no rain had fallen.
Home for a hot cup of tea and feet up.
Hope everyone else is doing ok and gardening around the weather changes as and when they are able to!
Carex grass, two well priced trowels, Stipa tenuissima, Lavender Hidcote, Dryopteris filix-mas fern
Nice, cheap and cheerful gardening gloves.
23 May, 2021
Previous post: Following a short shower, I popped out to take a few snaps.
Next post: Wet Wednesday, but burst of brightness late in the day.
Thank you, Eileen. I apologise..it’s actually a Dryopteris filix-mas fern!!! Just popped out to double check. I did pick up a polystichum but it started raining and I sort of did a quick ‘right that one’...and ran for cover - grabbing the lavender en route!!
Your poor OH, I think he suffered much worse than me today, most definitely! Hope you have him some sympathy when he arrived home. Tea and sympathy. 😊
23 May, 2021
Just seen a pic of a Matchless...lovely looking bike.
23 May, 2021
There was a photo of it a few months back, when I did a series of photos of them for Bathgate.
Cup of tea naturally but sympathy....... Yep a little haha
23 May, 2021
Some good buys there Kate. Sorry you were rained off, tho' it did cut your spending a bit. :-)
24 May, 2021
Great choices Kate ... I recently bought a Lavender too, needing more fragrance in my life! Mine’s Munstead. Yes this rapidly changing weather is maddening, especially when you were in the middle of a good browse 😕.
24 May, 2021
My oldest daughter took me out to Gates GC near Oakham last weekend and exactly the same thing happened, I did get my birthday presents though, didn't get time for a browse so saved myself some money as one cannot usually go to such places and not spend anything, 2miles down the road and everywhere was dry, sunshine both sides of the hedges, we arrived home before the rain, often happens that way around , one side of town completely different to the other, lol....Good buys though Kate, my gardening is being done between downpours, I had to finish cutting the grass in the rain this morning, got a tad wet, hubby had a right moan at me because I refused to leave it half done, soon shut him up, I told him he should have got his mower out and helped me, he's now sulking in our dining room, lol......
24 May, 2021
Eileen, I remember you doing this post..I’ve just had another look. 👍
24 May, 2021
Thank you, Josee! Yes, my browsing and my buying was definitely cut way too short!!!!
24 May, 2021
Thank you, Sheila!!! Yes, lavender...I can’t resist it for that summer fragrance and how the bees and butterflies swarm and flutter all over it!
Sheila, I couldn’t believe how all of a sudden it was just battering down!!! Yes, unfortunately my spending spree was cut short until next time! 🙄
24 May, 2021
Sue, I’m pleased you managed to get your birthday presents in time! - before the weather changed! That was fortunate! I have to agree, the weather has been so changeable. Cold, warm, wet, dry, sunshine... it’s usually only seen in my homeland of Scotland!!! We see all seasons in one day at times! Well, when I lived there!
I have to admit, Sue, I’ve been cutting grass in wet weather as, like yourself, I couldn’t possibly leave it half done! 😁
Poor OH! However, he should have got the mower out and helped you get it done! They never learn do they!!!
24 May, 2021
Why do I think you kinda enjoyed it - the torrent? Doesn't it make the tea that much better when you get home? My siblings and I used to sneak outside when the sky turned really dark and ominous, but we didn't think of the lightening. Good idea to run for cover I hope you go back for your plants. We can do with a little rain
24 May, 2021
You did quite well in such a short time Kate!
I love your gardening gloves and those trowels look very smart.
I bought a Lavender Hidcote too at the weekend.
All we need now is some summery weather!
24 May, 2021
Looks like you got some nice plants even if it was a grab lol. I too bought another Lavender. The last ones I got all went into the front garden. Read they are rabbit resistant and since it seems I have the new batch of baby rabbits in my garden eating away on all my phlox, thought I really need to start looking to see what they don't like lol. Yesterday we had weather like that, rained so hard that the path from our back door to our workshop was fairly flooded. When I took hubby and my daughter a cup of tea, should have put my wellies on as my slippers got quite wet lol. Fingers crossed we are all due some drier weather by weekend.
25 May, 2021
Paul, you did make me smile! Yes, you may be right! There is something that makes us laugh when we’re caught out by a torrential downpour! Especially when it’s warm and the rain is bouncing off the ground! I think you can take some fantastic pics when the sky is black and say, for instance, there is a bright field of luminous yellow rapeseed - such colour contrast! I don’t think I’ll go back to this place for plants...it just happened to be en route back from Doncaster. I will keep my fingers crossed that the rain makes it’s way across the Atlantic for you 😁
25 May, 2021
Thanks Klahanie, my gloves were very cheap! A good bargain indeed! Yes, I was lucky to pick up what I was looking for, but, I was hoping for a couple more, another fern and a flowering shrub...next time...in a few days! 😉
25 May, 2021
Thanks Chris, I was a woman on a mission! OH picked up the trowels at a great price. One of my ‘expensive’ trowels has snapped! I managed to break it! Usually I throw things in the bin by accident or lose them somewhere on the bund hill! I do love a hidcote- great minds! Yes, we are desperate for some summer sun and warmth!
25 May, 2021
Thank you, Jen, that’s kind. I look forward to seeing your new lavender plants you planted in the front a little while ago. I can imagine the gorgeous scent and all the wildlife buzzing around when they come in to flower!
Those baby rabbits are really getting through some of your plants aren’t they! I can see why you’re on the lookout for some plants they can’t get their gnashers in to!
Soggy slippers can’t have been nice for you! Roll on the weekend...warmer and drier..hopefully 🤞😊
25 May, 2021
Thanks Kate! You brought us the rain we've been longing for, not today, but tomorrow, Friday. Meteorologists are warning us to brace for a train of nasty thunderstorms currently roaring across the midwest, US. It's expected here tomorrow with a threat of tornadoes. Woo hoo! Good times! LOL.
Since you are looking at grasses, one of my favorites is 'Fountain Grass: Fireworks. I think you would really like it. That's exactly what it looks like. Check it out on Google.
25 May, 2021
Lovely!!!! Good to hear my magic is working, Paul! I’ll bet it’s due to your heat building up, is it? It’s not too great when it’s pouring down with rain for the longest time, but, it’s heaven when the garden needs it!!!!
Thank you for the info on Fountain Grass ‘Fireworks’. I will definitely be looking this one up. 😊
25 May, 2021
Kate, we've had so much rain while we were away and howling winds that we came back early. I have spent 8 of the last 10 days diving for cover like you. However, the GC's did well out of us as there wasn't much walking being done.
I'm glad I'm not the only ones who mislays trowels etc. I often have to empty out our green bin to retieve what I have lost. I'm glad you didn't come back empty-handed. Eve is a spoilt girl!
25 May, 2021
I’m sorry you’ve had not very good weather, Ange..it has been odd hasn’t it! Lots of heavy rain, then some sunshine, cold, mild...
It’s nice to try out some GC’s that you don’t normally frequent. We often to this too, while away on a break/holiday. I’m pleased I’m in good company when it comes to being forgetful and mislaying garden tools! My OH gets exasperated! Eve is a little needy cat, oh, and spoilt too, definitely...🐈⬛
27 May, 2021
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A good day out then. Lovely plants too. Which Polystichum did you get? I have a very mature one under the beech tree.
My OH was out on a Matchless and he got so very wet so I can sympathise with you Kate.
23 May, 2021