Working in the garden this weekend.
By kate123
Tidied up some, in the garden, this weekend.
It’s raining now, Sunday afternoon.
OH bought a Lawn Levelling Rake and managed to make use of it to apply top dressing. He’d forked the back lawn on Saturday, first. Then we’d driven to a GC to pick up several bags of top dressing. It’s the first time in a few years we’ve applied it.
I’ve tidied up lots of leaf drop and lots of branches and twigs that have fallen from the bund hill. Pruned some of the roses that needed doing, pre winter. Disposed of some old pots and soil.
OH trimmed the largest/tallest one of our Acers too, and a little off the large juniper ‘tree’.
We pottered and carried on with a few things outdoors..
Had to add a pic of Eve, waiting for the log burner to ‘magically’ light up..she loves to relax in front of it in the evenings, staring at the flames.
Easily pleased 🐈⬛
19 Nov, 2023
Previous post: Late autumn colour in Lincolnshire.
Next post: Meandering through the Christmas Market/event.
We had a blustery, dark-skied day today. If I’d had a garden I would have been in it, trying to create something like you two! Well done. :)
19 Nov, 2023
Nicve that you do garden together Kate , Maria wouldn't even think of coming outside working below 20 degrees or being soaked , dirty ........ lol . I find the autumn or winter nights however it is looked at very relaxing , especially the bonfire smells and cold air at nights .
You're doing fine job too
19 Nov, 2023
Thank you, Sheila. Yes, we try to work together in the garden, although, OH usually sticks to his heavy duty projects with me being his apprentice at times!
Eve is very much a 'homebird'..loves her creature comforts.
Ps. I'm sure your gas fire looks nice, and creates a cosy feel too.
20 Nov, 2023
Aw, thanks Karen! You'll be out there doing your new garden soon enough!
Enjoy the time at the moment to plan for next year and also some relaxing over winter - you've been so busy this year! A rest is most likely needed!
I do like your pretty courtyard garden, but, yes, you'll be looking forward to your new one too!
20 Nov, 2023
Thank you, Paul! Yes, not many of the ladies in our little cul de sac enjoy gardening.
One does have her greenhouse which has been built in to the bottom of the bund hill. She enjoys pottering and bringing on her veg.
I don't mind being out this time of year,'s nice to come inside afterwards and get all cosied up.
I like the smell of autumn, too. I had. friend I went to nursing college with, who could 'smell ' Christmas coming!!!!
I knew what she meant.
20 Nov, 2023
My OH rarely gets involved with the actual borders but does the grass , hedges and major tree pruning. it was a wet day for me too but I was in the greenhouse predominantly. Sorting out pots/checking for vine weevil etc. Find 2 more lily bulbs raided by the rats. So they are now re-potted.
It's lovely to work together. The lawn tool looks interesting.
Eve looks as if she is saying 'Excuse me who are you looking at?'
20 Nov, 2023
Yes Kate it is really therapeutic messing about in the garden doing this and that planned or not planned - love the picture of Eve -I swept up leaves yesterday and tried to have a general tidy up
20 Nov, 2023
You had a really good day both of you and it gives you a satisfied feeling doesn't it!
I love the picture of Eve.
I have had to get somebody in to clear the garden round the big cherry tree of huge anemones which have taken over and swamped everything in their site.
I realised that now I can only do so much because of my poly myalgia.
20 Nov, 2023
Thanks Kate. You’re right, a rest is a good thing. At the moment we are still busy, now selling this flat! It never ends. By the time we are settled in to the new place it will have been a whole year! And even then we will still have a garden to create! lol! Keeps us on our toes life, doesn’t it?
20 Nov, 2023
You have been busy over the weekend Kate, what a great sense of accomplishment after a good day gardening..:) I was out in the rain Sunday afternoon, planting tulips. I'd just dug all the holes and down it came! Grit in the holes and in they went as quick as that!
20 Nov, 2023
Meant to say, Eve is gorgeous!
20 Nov, 2023
Nice to have some garden time in late autumn, I hope your lawn will improve now it's had some TLC.
Eve is beautiful :)
21 Nov, 2023
Nice to get a bit of tidying up done outside in between the monsoon weather that now we have Kate, started doing mine recently but on serious countdown now as dec 8th getting me new hip, so pressure is on
21 Nov, 2023
Thank you, everyone, very kind comments. Just got myself on to the site this morning after a busy week!
Thank you all for your really lovely things you've said about little Eve. I'm sure she'll be more than chuffed 😻
24 Nov, 2023
Best wishes, Davey, for your operation. Hopefully you'll be sorted and back home well before Christmas. Keep us all updated x
24 Nov, 2023
A good autumn day can make yard work very enjoyable. Our cat, Miss Tika loves a fire. We have a wood burning fireplace but don't use it too often... When we do, you always know where to find Miss Tika! Especially Christmas day when we ALWAYS have a fire... She will be right in front rolling around with her new catnip mouse. :D
One of our neighbours has an outdoor fireplace and often burns twigs and leaves. I love the smell of burning leaves... Unusual perhaps, but it is a childhood memory smell, from the days that everyone would burn leaves in the fall at the edge of the road (at least in small town Ontario, in the 1950s).
25 Nov, 2023
We're fortunate it's a small front and back, John. Although, I'd love more land at the back to plant more shrubs and trees etc..
It's funny how our cats love to lie in front of a hot fire, right up close too..your Miss Tika sounds a happy puss on Christmas day! They just love their catnip don't they.
I do think burning leaves, cool crispy fresh air, misty days etc evoke memories...I do love to be out on a long walk, wrapped up warm and the smell of autumn in the air.
26 Nov, 2023
I used to love the smell of burning wood when we lit a log fire every Sunday … it got me through the winter!
26 Nov, 2023
It's definitely a nice and cosy feel, Sheila x
26 Nov, 2023
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Well done … you obviously make a good team. And I think Eve has the right idea … I’m curling up next to our “in the wall gas log fire” as I write!
19 Nov, 2023