Me, Work, Jake and Hannh
By labdancer51
It`s been a funny old day today, one minute pouring with rain and the next bright sunshine with more than I little warmth to it. The garden centre wasn`t at all busy but it was to be expected, even I wouldn`t visit a garden centre on a wet day!
As you probably know the GC I work for is one of a large chain beginning with the letter “W”, you know who that is of course! We are a small centre with only a handful of staff but with a loyal following of customers. I love being able to give help and good advice to customers who are so grateful, it makes my day it really does. It would be nice to earn a little more but then you can`t have everything. Most GC`s still pay nursery wages which is little more than the minimum wage. I just know that after working for Royal Mail for almost 20 yrs I now have a job that I really love.
You may have seen the photos of my black lab Jake. He`s only six and just 3 weeks ago he was diagnosed with cancer. Sadly it had spread by the time we found out though it wouldn`t have made any difference, its inoperable and resistant to chemo. The vet has given him just 3-6 mths and we are devastated. He was 21 mths old when we rescued him through Labrador Lifeline Trust and we had not long lost our previous yellow lab Hannah to cancer also. Our vet is a lovely woman and she said that we are very, very unlucky to have had two dogs in a row with incurable and rare forms of that ghastly disease….. Anyway, Jake is on painkillers and is doing well though he had a few poorly days but today is much better again. We are just taking things one day at a time as we are not ready to lose him yet and I don`t think he`s in a hurry to go.
Our boy Jake, the photo is in cartoon format
Our gorgeous girl Hannah just before she was taken ill. This photo was used for a portrait that hangs in our living room.
This afternoon before leaving room I did a quick scout around the reduced plants area. I found a Crocosmia “Lucifer” that had 75% off and to think I was going to wait to buy one in the Summer. This one only cost £1.50 and will look lovely when it comes up next year. I`ve put it in a large wooden tub outside the front door., in my opinion the perfect place for it.
Bye for now.
Sandra x
3 Nov, 2009
Previous post: RHS Wisley
Next post: Abbotsbury Tropical Gardens
im so sorry about jake as you already know sandra, so i wont go on about that, upsetting enough for you, x hugs jake
lucky you working there and getting the bargains to,great to be in a job which is also your hobby, the lucifer will look good in a pot , will stop it taking over to, the pics of hannah and jake are lovely sandra
take care x
3 Nov, 2009
So sorry to hear about Jake, Sandra. What terrible news. I hope he continues to feel comfortable and able to enjoy his last months with you. :o(
Great deal on the Crocosmia....wish I could find deals like that!!
3 Nov, 2009
Oh dear, another fellow GoYer with a loved pet dying of cancer - I am so sorry... Is there an increase in cancer in animals do you think? I seem to hear about it a lot more.
3 Nov, 2009
Oh dear....I'm so sorry to hear about Jake, Sandra. Such a lovely boy, and a youngster too! I lost my old friend "Scamper" just a few weeks ago....he had an inoperable cancer, but lived for several years with it. He was an old boy of 15 though, and had had a good life. You are right to take each day as it comes...take care, and keep us posted.
Di xx
3 Nov, 2009
So sorry to hear about your beloved jake .Our Hollie was given two months to live when she got cancer, infact she lived for two years then in her own way she let us know when she had had enough. Just give him lots and lots of love for as long as you have him.
3 Nov, 2009
I'm sorry to hear about Jake Sandra. It must be very distressing for you, but I know you will look after him well and make his life as happy as you can.
What a good bargain in the Crocosmia. Actually I like going to garden centres in the rain. It seems to keep the crowds away, leaving all the bargains for me :o)
3 Nov, 2009
So sorry to hear about Jake hope you have lots of time left together.
3 Nov, 2009
Hi Sandra...
Interesting blog and good bargain on the Crocosmia !
Such sad news about Jake..
As you know we've already discussed Jake privately some days ago...
My Sheltie, Conker, being only five years old, and this year diagnosed with cancer, I understand so well your feelings...
Conker is lucky that chemotherapy has been an option and he started weekly treatments back in June... his final treatment next week... not a cure... but a way of extending good quality of life by hopefully a good number of months..
You'll have good days and bad days with Jake's condition...
I hope you have many more happy times together...
Message me privately any time if you think my experiences with Conker's cancer can help you... or if you just want to chat...
love and
4 Nov, 2009
So sorry to hear about Jake. The one consolation is that he has had the best 4 years of his life with you after you got him from Labrador Rescue.
Lucky you with the Crocosmias.
4 Nov, 2009
My first blog.
Hi,my name is Sandra too.How lucky are you to work in a garden centre.I also used to work in retail before I retired 3 years ago,but for a large supermarket beginning with"S",and loved being with people,but if I had known how fanatical I would become about gardening,I would have loved to have done what you are doing.I spend every minute possible in my garden,give me a trowel any day instead of a duster !That pleasure is for bad weather days.
We have been so busy the past 6 weeks,helping our daughter and her partner to decorate their first home,this being the reason for not blogging earlier.Hopefully,they are moving in this weekend,but just been informed that the carpets have been fitted today,but 3 doors need some taking off the bottom now.Hey Ho !!They were only painted on Monday.I told her to ring Dad when he gets home from, work,as daughters know how to get round their dad's don't they?This one does anyway.
Sorry to read about your dog Jake.I know how you must be feeling.I had mine for 16 years and still miss him.I didn't have another.
I love crocosmias too,and have the Lucifer variety,and a smaller golden one,but lost the label.They have spread so much,so split them every year now and give them to whoever would like some.Very good value.I also have Verbena B. bur did mine from a free packet of seed from a gardening magazine a few years ago.I love how they sway in the wind,as they look so fragile,but are so strong
i think thats all for my first blog,it looks a bit lengthy,but I suppose it comes from the days when I used to love wriiting letters.Old habits die hard.Bye for now.
4 Nov, 2009
So So sorry to hear about Jake, you must be heartbroken, good plant at a bargain though.
4 Nov, 2009
I'm so sorry to hear about Jake as well. I am so lucky to have a healthy dog - as you know, he's a Lab as well.
Well done to find that Crocosmia! 75% off! Great!!
4 Nov, 2009
So sorry to hear about both your dogs that must be very tough?
4 Nov, 2009
I don`t think I would have retired if I`d worked somewhere like that,Lucifer is a real beauty well done..
Sorry to hear about Jake, praying you and your family will get the longest time possible and obviously that his treatment keeps him painfree,I know how it feels, sadly we only had a few days with our Malik.
Take care .........
5 Nov, 2009
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To work in a garden centre or nursery when you're a plant addict must be heavenly !!!
That Crocomia must be the bargain of a lifetime too :-))))))
And your dogs look lovely there :-)))))
3 Nov, 2009