Still cutting here...
By lincslass
A good day today as regards the weather, lovely sunshine this morning and still very mild, so after a quick tidy up in the kitchen, indoors has to wait, I cannot see my bottom lawn for leaves and its still growing well so its out with the mower, there are so many toadstools this year, little beggars are popping up all over the garden, I`ve never noticed the dogs going near them but better to be safe than sorry.
I swept them up and although the grass was quite wet in places it only took me an hour to mow it all and now it looks neat and tidy again, I `m so relieved we had the mower serviced when it broke down as the man sharpened the blade at the same time which meant it didn`t tear my newly sown patches..
The garden is going over now but there is still a few hanging on determined to flower for me..
It has taken me years to get the next one to thrive in my garden, so it was very exciting to remove some of the spent Nicotiana and find this little beauty underneath.
I keep going out and chatting to it, well one has to really.Lol.
Just these to plant out now, only 50pence a tray from a neighbour…
All in all its been a good day and I `m a happy Goyer…
24 Nov, 2011
Previous post: Update on my query from yesterday...
Next post: Query, I don`t want to be missed..
lovely Lincslass - I can't mow my lawn it is terrible at the moment :( You have lots of nice colours still in your garden sweet little rabbit and log. Your garden's nice and long way down to the bottom compared to mine - looks very nice :))))
24 Nov, 2011
Glad you are Happy :0)) The garden looks very neat and tidy, I think the weather has to turn soon.
24 Nov, 2011
Yes Pam, we awoke 28th Nov to a very heavy snowfall, it stayed with us over a week and then came back for xmas, my hubby got snowed in at work over at Coalville, mind you that was less of a worry as I knew he wasn`t still out on the roads.
Thanks Paul, its a long way when I`m carting things about, I love my welcome rabbit, he was a xmas gift a few years back..
24 Nov, 2011
Gardening is the best therapy for me Pimpernel...
24 Nov, 2011
Pleased you are a happy little Goyer Lincslass....still some lovely colour :)
24 Nov, 2011
I'm pleased you had a good day and were able to get something done. The view of your garden in the last photo is lovely, and you've got some nice flowers still open aswell.
24 Nov, 2011
Coalville is notorious!! always first area to have trouble in the snow.....really hope it stays away this year....
24 Nov, 2011
Oh lord ! Not another one doing it for therapy Lincs...
Could you imagine not having a garden to go to ?
24 Nov, 2011
Best thing ever for clearing the mind,Pimpernel..for me anyway..:o)..Your garden is still looking good,Lincslass..what a good year we have had,after a slow start..may it last a bit longer..preferably a lot! ..we can dream.:o)
24 Nov, 2011
Nice blog:-)
24 Nov, 2011
Lovely neat-looking garden & you must be thrilled to still have all that colour in it. Over in my part of the world, we are having the wettest & windiest spring ever! I got up to heavy rain yesterday morning (again) & went to bed last night to gale-force winds. This morning it all looks a lot calmer out there, but not a hint of sunshine anywhere & quite cool. My poor roses, which are in full-bloom, are getting really battered about, but thankfully they at least have some shelter from the house on one side, & a high fence on the other.
24 Nov, 2011
Looks lovely so neat and tidy love the welcome rabbit. Pimpernell, no cant imagine not having a garden, no plants no goy. oh doesn't bear thinking about. Weather has changed here in Elgin, chilly, very windy and wet, prior to this its been like spring.
24 Nov, 2011
Oh Lincslass I mowed the grass yesterday and I was just amazed how many flowers there were still about. I also reluctantly stripped out my window boxes as they were still flowering and planted them up for the spring - I too really enjoyed those 2 hours.
24 Nov, 2011
Your garden looks really good LL, so TIDY! I can't imagine not having a garden of any sort - I'd pine so much I'd just fade away. I suppose you could always PRETEND you had a garden and keep GoYing - they're a forgiving bunch, but maybe they wouldn't even guess!
What sort of forecasts are you getting back in the UK? We've got chilly perfect sunshine at the moment, but by the end of next week we're told the temperatures should be on the rise again. Local word is that December is going to be quite a good month. Fingers crossed. If they're right, I am sure we'll pay for it in January!
24 Nov, 2011
Wow, not a leaf on the lawn. Your garden looks so tidy, I need to rake the lawn soon :((
24 Nov, 2011
Thanks all.. I now have lots of leaves back again as the wind got up for a while, still loads more to fall..
Pimpernel, without my garden I know I would be a nightmare to live with, especially in the winter and even more so since I retired, when anything is troubling me I disappear outside or into the greenhouse.
Bloomer I have those dreams as well, lol.
Dwyllis we had a drought during our springtime and early summer, it was a struggle to get the summer bedding going once planted out, the roses though have been gorgeous and still going strong, the autumn however has more than made up for that, long may it continue.
Thanks Hywel, I was going stircrazy indoors, I can dust in the dark, lol.
Gattina its so mild here I honestly cannot remember it ever being as warm for end of Nov, even last Monday when it was very foggy it wasn`t cold, I hope we don`t suffer for it but won`t hold my breath, we do need rain though, Rutland Water the reservoir not far from us is lower now than we have ever seen it...
24 Nov, 2011
It is all looking so tidy and well cared for, especially like the last picture. And you still have so much colour to admire....
24 Nov, 2011
Pleased your happy that makes two of us, your garden is looking good.
25 Nov, 2011
I love the way you've done your garden Lincs. and enjoyed looking at it.We will all have to keep a note to see whose garden lasts the longest up to Christmas.I know I had busy lizzies one year, flowering right up until Christmas.
25 Nov, 2011
All looking good Lincslass just got back in from planting up my roses and sweeping up some of the leaves, not done them all yet might go and finish them after lunch. There are still lots on the trees to fall off and I am getting weary from clearing up but I should be like you miserable if I didn't have my garden to occupy me. I love being out there. I am a happy Goyer too - good to be on this sort of therapy love it. lol. Nice day here and very mild still, think we might just pay for it though. Hope it keeps like this until after Christmas, still lots to be done.
26 Nov, 2011
Keep up the good work LL you have done a great job and lovely to see so many flowers still blooming in your garden, its all looking nice and tidy and well cared for ;0)
Ive still lots of leaves to come down here but trying to keep on top of it, the lawn is very soggy as we have had a wet summer , just hoping that once all the leaves are down I can give the lawn a spiking and a feed,
26 Nov, 2011
Well done on cutting the grass, Lincs ... I think many of us are pleasantly surprised at how much colour is still in the garden ... I pulled up the last of the Cosmos this afternoon and pruned the Buddleia by half ... just in case we get strong winds! ... Still very dry here though ... really could do with some heavy rain . . . . .
27 Nov, 2011
Shirley I never pull my cosmos out, I just keep deadheading them, I save some seed but the plants from this year I leave and cut them down when they are looking completely brown the roots stay in the ground, hoping for new plants the next year, lol...
27 Nov, 2011
Well, I have had mixed results with Cosmos ... last year they grew like Triffids but with hardly any blooms ... this year tried a shorter variety and those that did thrive were short on blooms as well as height! ... Perhaps I should just give up with them ... lol! . . . . .
27 Nov, 2011
nice blog sue and your garden still looks lovely, mine a mess, im not a winter gardener im afraid, i should really ;o))
27 Nov, 2011
Lovely blog Lincslass. Your garden looks wonderfully tidy with the grass cut. I like your slab paths in the grass...they are the same as mine! ;)))
28 Nov, 2011
I'm still tidying my back garden. There is still a lot to go into the compost bin but the plants are still green. We haven't had a frost.........high winds, heavy rain and dark by 4 o'clock. Like you Lincslass, I see flowers every day that shouldn't be there.....the Daffodils are beginning to grow too.
28 Nov, 2011
I have some bulbs that have come up 'blind'...I think they are grape hyacinths, but no flowers at all, just leaves.
29 Nov, 2011
Grape hyacinths do this they always put up the green shoots and then flower in the spring so they will come eventually, mine are always up at this time of year and always flower in March and April. Noticed the snowdrops in the hedgerow this morning are up just peeping green shoots through. Some other bulbs are up just peeping through, it is still very mild here. 54 degrees on thermometer. Quite a windy morning but it is forecast to get much windier as the day goes on, sick of sweeping up leaves now. lol.
29 Nov, 2011
Thanks for that mum...i've never noticed it before. Very mild here, eerie really ...less windy too but very grey and dull :( Just checked with the weatherman 13C!
29 Nov, 2011
We have had some rain overnight Olive so no frost today, its a lot warmer as well, its also very windy here now, I`ve had a wander around, no snowdrops showing yet but mine were quite late last year so thats not surprising, plenty of leaves back on the lawn again, lol...
29 Nov, 2011
Just got back from a more than bracing walk along the beach ... high tide with huge waves ... foam actually blowing onto the road in the high wind! ... Quite glad to be safely back indoors ... :o)
29 Nov, 2011
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Hi Lincs amazing november when you remember what last year was like-- car snowed in the 1st week of december-- then freezing the rest of the month!!
we've a lot of fungi too-- all sorts including 'bluelegs' my dad& his mum my gran loved them and always came to fetch them, some years none at all-- not for me though too slimy.....
24 Nov, 2011