Summer came back..
By lincslass
Put it in your diary folks, boy it was hot today, I spent the whole day in the garden, well you couldn`t really expect me to do any other really. We`d fetched our trailer back at the weekend from our son`s house, its now more than half full with bits and bobs I`d collected up over the summer, I fill it up, hubby has to empty it, only fair don`t you think, my cubby hole behind the bottom pond is all tidied up again and there is room to hide my empty compost bin away, thats an achievement in itself, I`ve also redone my little woodpile which is in the corner hidden away from my dogs, I disturbed a huge frog who has obviously taken a shine to it as he immediately returned as soon as I`d finished. Collected up lots of apples, normally a chore I`m wary of doing but there is a lack of wasps here this year, has anyone else noticed in their areas… Two huge freezer bags full now and still plenty more to fall, I cannot reach them I`m afraid so thats the only option, some plonker planted under the tree..
Then it was lawnmower time, its having to be cut every week, needs it twice up near the house really but I make it wait, that job done and I was hot and bothered (WOW) and gasping for a cuppa after which I took a wander with the camera…
This is my nosey sunflower, soon as she reached the top of the fence she decided that the view of next doors garden was better than mine.
At least this one smiles at us…
The Hibiscus is a real picture at the moment..
The roses have also decided its time to beat the weather and put on a show..
Remember the gate to keep Brynner away from the windows, well we have already had to add a sliding bolt to it as the little beggar soon sussed out how to open it…
Ah!!!! just look at those faces and Caspar`s superior look as he can sit on the wall..
It was a grand day, I ache but its a nice feeling after all that fresh air and sunshine…
3 Sep, 2012
Previous post: Gardening with the camera...
Next post: Big decisions and very big jobs.
One wasp here, he was so drunk on the apples he couldn't fly away.......
Your roses look lovely Lincs some would say "its about time....."
Our bit if excitement was that for weeks now a mallard has been sitting on eggs near the house (in my trough of hardy geranium)
well early yesterday morning one by one these little ducklings floated down on to the lawn.... eleven in all.......she rounded them up and slowly they walked down to the big pond......they're well hidden now
Your dogs look as if they are plotting another way to get in......or how to get you out. :0)
and Caspar looks for all the world like the sphinx guarding the gateway!
4 Sep, 2012
I think the wasps all decided to come to Spain for a holiday! We've got swarms of them - far more than in recent years.
I think Caspar is instructing the dogs on how to deal with that gate - he looks so inscrutable!
4 Sep, 2012
I'm pleased you were able to make the most of it Sue. I had to go somewhere yesterday, and this morning we're back to mist and drizzle lol ...
Your roses are beautiful, and your Hibiscus has woken up like mine. I thought I wouldn't see any flowers on it this year.
You've got loads of apples. It seems to be a good year for them.
Four happy friends in the last photo :o))
4 Sep, 2012
Lovely blog - thank you. The garden is looking good still and lots of colourful plants there. I have only seen one wasp so far, bet they are about later this year though. I had to laugh about the apple tree I too have one that is so tall I cannot reach the fruits. lol. eh ho I shall wait till they drop and then we shall have apple sauce and pies. lol.
4 Sep, 2012
Goodness...where do you get your energy Lincs....Great days work....I love the pic of your animals.....Casper is just gorgeous...:>)
4 Sep, 2012
The day was indeed a gift , Links , you must be achey after such endeavour !
Garden looking good though ; I'm looking forward to the annual tussle with the apples , jelly , chutney or just to freeze some stewed , or a bit of everything !
4 Sep, 2012
Yesterday was a lovely day - great that you made the most of it. Your roses and hibiscus look fantastic and well worth the wait. I hadn't really thought about it before, but since you mention it, where are the wasps? Not that I really miss them (tho' I did read that they do some important job in the garden) and it's certainly safer picking the plums this year. What I have noticed over the last few days is the sudden increase in the number of butterflies and moths about. Lovely to see them again after a distinct period of absence.
4 Sep, 2012
Isn't it just, Tuesdaybear?! A Red Admiral yesterday - three cheers :)
4 Sep, 2012
yes, I've noticed a lack of wasps and also I also haven't seen any hoverflies, usually there are loads over the lobelia, but not this year. Have seen bees though, and a couple of butterflies mainly cabbage whites though.
4 Sep, 2012
Well aren't we lucky here with the fantastic weather. I must have brought it back from Ireland! Loved your blog. I have a lot of climbers that seem to prefer the view next door, but in my case its just allotments! Lets hope this lasts! The weather I mean! Lol.
6 Sep, 2012
Thanks all, its been lovely all week although not as hot as Monday, typical isn`t it all children back to school and the weather turns nice, I have been busy painting again, this decorating and suchlike is taking ages and to be honest I`m fedup with it, much sooner turn the compost,lol....
6 Sep, 2012
They say the weather is changing on Monday - sorry to drag down this positive thread :(
8 Sep, 2012
They don't always get it right, but just in case, we need to make the most of it while we can - housework's on hold!
8 Sep, 2012
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Wow - what a productive day! Well done you . . . and yes, wasn't it great to see the sunshine. Since you ask, I've noticed a lack of wasps here too . . . usually nearly every plum has been spoilt by them, but this year they've been left whole :)
4 Sep, 2012