Sunshine and the garden was calling...
By lincslass
No matter what the plans for today were, I was not getting involved, the sun was shining, the birds were singing and the garden was calling so it was on with the wellies and gloves and out with the pruners, two hours later and most of my roses have been pruned, I’ve also deadheaded the penstemons, delphiniums, sedum and really anything that had taken a battering lately and needed a tidying up..
Its good to see the colour coming back in the garden
I’m really chuffed with my Hellebores, some of them have been flowering since middle of Dec. and although have as you know had to put up with very soggy conditions, they are rallying round and more buds appearing all the time, also spreading well now, I purchased some new ones last year so hoping to have a few different colours appearing soon …
Elsewhere things waking up…
To the relief of Morgan and Brynner ( who were threatened with having to find somewhere else to live) my Photina has made a recovery from their cruel treatment last year.
As you can see the culprits remain behind the gate for a while yet, back indoors for me and it doesn’t take long for a few guests to arrive for lunch….
16 Feb, 2014
Previous post: Messy, very smelly job...
Next post: Big Spend, I love vouchers..
Hi, even though we've had a dry day, the ground is still soggy, so I have spent the afternoon looking at plants to buy, {I made a list yesterday, and then Cottagekaren did a blog telling us that Cobland's had a half price sale on },however they didn't have some of the plants I had selected, so I went with Crocus, who had a 20% off sale so I got £75 worth of plants for £60, and the pot size or most of them is 2 ltr, plus a 5ltr, 4 ltr and a 3.5 ltr, so I'm expecting some decent sized plants, but I've not been dissapointed yet by them, Derek
16 Feb, 2014
Seems everywhere has had some sunshine today,glad you were able to get out in it.
16 Feb, 2014
I was going stircrazy indoors Michaella and its been such a lovely day, it was too hard to resist......
16 Feb, 2014
It was very soggy Derek but boy it felt good, I have plants on order as well, thats the trouble with bad weather and dark nights you have to occupy yourself somehow, plus buy whilst the bargains are about, yours sound like goodsized ones, I did get a bargain with some alpines a couple of weeks back, half the normal price, I've potted them on and they're in my g'house.
I'm looking forward to a mega spend soon as I have gift vouchers burning a hole in my cupboard, lol.... Just haven't yet decided what to get......
16 Feb, 2014
it all looks so great with a little sunshine...:-)
16 Feb, 2014
How lovely to see the buds and the birds! And what a handsome couple of doggies!
16 Feb, 2014
sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy :-)
beautiful sun shiny blog
love all your images...especially the last bird.
garden looks fantastic.
16 Feb, 2014
Glad you have had such a good day,Sue..and your garden is sure coming to life..Is that a Bergenia in the first photo? mine are nowhere near my nonexistent flowering Hellebores ! :o(. aw,Brynner and Morgan look so wistful,peering through the all the birds too,especially the Thrush..a good demolisher of yellow Pyracantha berries,I find..blackbirds seem to prefer the red ones..picky little devils :o)
16 Feb, 2014
So nice for you to have managed a good bit of gardening Sue you really did make hay while the sun shone. I didn`t manage to garden today, had daughter and granddaughter and great granddaughters round for lunch.
16 Feb, 2014
Hasn't it been a wonderful day \0/ just like spring, lovely pics Lincs:-))
16 Feb, 2014
The sunshine has disappeared today but I have treated myself to some primroses from Morrisons so did go out and plant them in the borders, it was too cold to stay out long and keeps trying to rain again....
Bloomer that is Bergenia, I call it Elephants Ears, lol, I have a couple down there, they like the shade.......
17 Feb, 2014
Very nice to see your garden doing so well after all the storms Sue, and I'm pleased to read you spent some time out there yesterday. Does your soul good doesn't it !
Morgan and Brunner look disgusted at having to stay behind that gate ... poor chaps ! lol ....
17 Feb, 2014
Hello Hywel, you are so right, I get right moody if I don't get a spell in the garden, Morgan and Brynner would create a paddock if they had the run of the garden, actually I'm lucky with them both as they don't like rain so prefer to stay indoors......
How are things where you live????
17 Feb, 2014
Yes I know the feeling of being couped up in doors ... not nice :o( you feel like you're suffocating don't you.
It's much quieter here now after the storms Sue. I know I always say I enjoy rain, but all that much was ridiculous. My garden is soaking but I did manage to do a bit in the front yesterday morning, and then we went for a drive to see some wild snowdrops :o)
17 Feb, 2014
Too right Hywel, two years ago we were suffering a drought and saving our used water, the winds were scary even here and it was nothing like other places.
I have a job whereby I escort youngsters to school for a local taxi firm, it means 3days a week I get a drive into the countryside in Rutland and there are hundreds of snowdrops along the way and they are a lovely sight......
17 Feb, 2014
It must have been difficult driving kids through that awful weather :(
17 Feb, 2014
I'm ok as I am only the escort so its my job to make sure they behave themselves, my sister-in-law is the driver, it was hairy a few times last week as there were trees down and the roads were flooded as the water washed off the fields, our boys thought it was great, luckily Jen is a good driver, the black ice is always the worst, if it had snowed like last year then the boys would have been on extra holiday, lol....
17 Feb, 2014
I'm glad your sister-in-law is a good driver then.
We're lucky that rain wasn't snow, or we'd all be housebound for a very long time.
17 Feb, 2014
Sounds like you had a bad case of cabin fever, Lincs, but are on the road to recovery. Lol.
17 Feb, 2014
Hi there Mouldy, I always do at this time of the year, admittedly not as bad since I joined Goy, so many things I wasn't able to do last year cos of my knee so I'm itching to get stuck in, lol......Hows things with you??????
17 Feb, 2014
Same old same old. Lol.
I'm glad things are picking up for you.
Shan't be long before you're doing the can-can again. ;-)
17 Feb, 2014
Sounds and looks like you had a good day, Lincslass. I did some greenhouse potting on but the ground is still just to wet to even try to get to the plants. Fingers crossed the dry spell will continue for a while.
17 Feb, 2014
I have had a similar day Lincslass. Great isn't it?
17 Feb, 2014
Hi Lincslass Yes ir is so nice to see a bit of colour in the garden I havent much at the mo but hopefully will have soon :0)
19 Feb, 2014
Its been lovely having a few days of sunshine Sue ! Long may it continue ! Isn't it great getting out in the garden again ! Like you, my Photinia was damaged when we moved here last year. One of the moving men walked straight into it and it snapped in half ! Its just starting to grow again now, but a good 2 foot shorter !
20 Feb, 2014
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Lovely...I don't blame you, it is nice to get ahead whilst the sun is shining... :)))
16 Feb, 2014