Messy, very smelly job...
By lincslass
My bottom pond last year..
As you can see the Iris were taking over, the frogs moved in early and took me by surprise so I had not had time to thin out the plants, not a lot of water to be seen but the wildlife loved it.
I wasn’t being caught out this year so decided its time for the big cleanup..
There was no chance of me shifting that clump on my own so I brought in some help, my grandson came to the rescue and earned himself a fiver,( which he has already spent, lol) it took a bit of lifting but we managed it between us.
I’ve cleaned most of the silt from the bottom with a soft brush and the net and now I’m leaving it to settle for a couple of days before deciding whether it needs a complete change of water, its only for the wildlife so doesn’t need to be crystal clear and although we are having too much rain at the moment there is still no need for me to waste it….
I have to cut a small bit to pop back into the pond and I’m afraid the rest will have to go.
As I said it was a smelly job and I have the plants to put back and the surrounding area to clean up but thats a mega job out of the way and my friendly frog family will be so happy when they move back in…
19 Jan, 2014
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slow down you mad woman.and i bet i am not the only one telling you xxx steve ,done a good job there girl,is OH enjoying his time
19 Jan, 2014
Hi, I was looking for a pond in the first picture, then realized where it was, looks like quite a job, well done, Derek.
19 Jan, 2014
A cold messy job for January - well done. Splitting it is goind to be fun as well!
19 Jan, 2014
Ba, its the first time I've ever cleaned it out in Jan I think but was actually warmer doing it today than past years efforts during late spring, I took the opportunity whilst the sun was shining...
Steve the plants don't know what month it is and are doing it their way so I thought I'd best do the same thing, those Iris are already sprouting well and won't come to any harm and they are refusing to slow down.
Hubby didn't stay retired for long, he drives for a local taxi firm, a lot easier than the lorries and he's thoroughly enjoying himself, more or less chooses his own hours and is home every night....
19 Jan, 2014
Derek you can see why I was determined to get it sorted, I had a gorgeous red lily in there but it got smothered, the dragonflies used to love it..
Stera you are so right, I know from past experience how tough they can be, last time I ended up using hubby's saw, never did tell him, lol....
19 Jan, 2014
Hi Lincslass That was a BIG job for you, it was good of your grandson to help you . I bet you feel better for doing the job before your frogs come back :0)
19 Jan, 2014
Phew! That's a big job done Lincslass! Well done....and here am I humming and hawing about pulling out a few overgrown plants! Your pond will be super when the spring comes!
19 Jan, 2014
Smelly but satisfying I think and the pond will be all the better for it!
19 Jan, 2014
Well done, Lincs!
One less job to do in Spring.
Which reminds me...Note to self : Stop lollygagging & get some work done in garden tomorrow.
19 Jan, 2014
20 Jan, 2014
Good work, Sue ... well done :o)
20 Jan, 2014
A good job done.... :)) hope it wasnt to cold out there while you were doing it....
used to hate cleaning the pond out, I can still remember the smell. Lol
20 Jan, 2014
Yeah, Snoopy...a bit like 'faffing about' only posher. Lol.
20 Jan, 2014
thanks mouldy another one for the rural dictionary
20 Jan, 2014
I first read it in a book, aged about seven.
Me, not the book, I mean. ;-)
I remember trying to work the word into every conversation. Lol.
20 Jan, 2014
Well done , Lincs .
20 Jan, 2014
You've done a good job there, Sue ! I'm looking round our new little garden , trying to find room for a small pond ! My hubby misses his wild life ponds.
20 Jan, 2014
Well, there's been no Lollygagging here today....LL inspired me to action!
20 Jan, 2014
You did a great job there, Lincslass! In the first photo I wondered where the pond was or if you had made a mistake with the picture but the 2nd one after you had taken the Iris out really makes one realize the scale of the plant verses the scale of the pond!
You will actually be able to SEE the pond (as well as the frogs! LOL!) from now on!
20 Jan, 2014
Faffing about is a word used here as well, it means working away and getting nowhere, lol...
I'm so pleased I had done that job yesterday as we awoke to a very heavy frost that didn't clear until mid-morning, I wouldn't have fancied my hands in that water today, I've replanted just a small section of the Iris so yes I will be able to see better this year......
20 Jan, 2014
'til it goes all verdant on you, again, Lincs. Lol.
20 Jan, 2014
I'm pleased you pay your employees well Sue lol !! but I'm sure your grandson enjoyed helping you. It sounds like a horrible job, so I understand how you must be glad to get it done and out of the way. I like your pond, and the way the slabs surround it. It looks very restful there.
20 Jan, 2014
He can wrap me around his little finger Hywel as my grandaughter does, have to admit I do allow it.
Its always been my favourite place for relaxing, I can sit down there and no-one can see me.....
20 Jan, 2014
That's nice
and that's nice
21 Jan, 2014
Well done on getting that job done Sue ... by the way ... I am envious of your huge Hostas in the first photo ... fabulous!
21 Jan, 2014
Job well done, obviously the knee was feeling up to the hard work. :O)
21 Jan, 2014
Am playing catch up Lincs, luckily the site has been quiet :)
You and grandson worked wonders by the look of it. It always amazes me what they'll do for a bit of cash. My oldest niece will weed for miles for a fiver!
21 Jan, 2014
Shirley I have to keep them in the pots as they would get eaten but they do seem quite happy...
22 Jan, 2014
I have to bend over all the while Olive as both knees don't like me kneeling down now, its a beggar but guess its got to be classed as just one of them things we have to put up with.
Scottish my grandson is always asking if we have work for him to do, bless him he's not old enough yet to have a Saturday job, I don't think I dare suggest he does the weeding though he did mow the lawns when my knee was bad...
22 Jan, 2014
Grandsons come in very useful, don't they, Lincslass? What would we do without them! I think you are very brave to tackle such a cold job in January but what a difference it's made. Bet the frogs are queuing up to jump in now :)
25 Jan, 2014
Catching up, well done not a nice job, but so rewarding when it is over, thank goodness for grandchildren...
25 Jan, 2014
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Well done Lincs, I bet you never thought you'd be doing it in January though:-)))
19 Jan, 2014