Brrrrrrrr......... but some jobs you have to do...
By lincslass
Donned my jacket and wellies this afternoon and popped down the garden to check my g’houses and feed the birds, gosh it was a shock to my system…
No signs of the sparrows, pigeons, doves or my robin today and the poor starlings were all fluffed up in the top of the hawthorn..
However I was soon joined by my friend Blackie, he was dive-bombing me as I was filling up the feeders, impatient little man wanted his apple…..
He didn’t even wait for me to disappear back indoors
The only remaining colour on the patio.
One brave little geranium..
Tasty treat for the birds on the trellis…
I also sorted out the birdbaths and was soon back indoors with mega hot-aches in my fingers..
We hadn’t had that much snow really and by lunchtime it had all fallen from the trees but was still enough to break my Buddhlia in half, needless to say that apart from clearing the branches away from the footpath, I have left the cutting up of said branches on the ground where they’ll stay for a much warmer day……….
27 Dec, 2014
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No snow here but I would have liked to see just a little of it fluttering down!
27 Dec, 2014
Your snowy photos gave me the shivers, Lincslass, I'm not ready for that yet :)
27 Dec, 2014
I hope the snow will clear away soon for you Sue, and I'm sorry it broke your shrub.
I hope your dogs and cats are coping with it.
I don't know why I clicked 'like' ... maybe it was because you were looking after the birds :o)
Yesterday we had heavy rain here, and today we've had some showers. No snow though, not even on the hills - and that pleases me very much ! :o) I'm hoping for another mild winter lol ....
27 Dec, 2014
The Buzzards are getting very hungry here. I nearly hit one with my car today, and they are everywhere. It's so cold, It's a miracle that any of the birds make it, especially the small ones. But not the house sparrows, as they are all shacked up in my roof tiles and making a mess all over the slabs! Lol!
27 Dec, 2014
Yes, I need to get in my garden and make a start on clearing some shrubs ready for the spring's activities but, it is too cold at the moment but I did get out to feed the birds!
I'm happy to say, though, we don't have the snow yet,.... poor you!
27 Dec, 2014
I cant understand why the larger birds dont fly over to
France, its much warmer around Lyons or futher south.
Does anyone know ?
The little birds are so brave, heading off south in
28 Dec, 2014
Love your bit of snow Lincs..hope u don't get too much
29 Dec, 2014
We haven't had anymore Sandra but it rained a bit before freezing, now its packed solid and like a bumpy skating rink, great if you're a kid but I don't bounce like I used to, lol.....
29 Dec, 2014
We had frost all day over some parts of the garden..I even rolled out the fleece in the tunnel tonight.
29 Dec, 2014
No snow for us either Sue ! I have a Blackie that waits for a bit of fruit loaf and extra currants every day ! He has even tapped on the conservatory door if I haven't been out there ! lol.
Happy New Year ! xx
30 Dec, 2014
No snow for us yet Lincs, but very frosty and you I've been busy filling feeders and crumbling cake for the birds especially the little Robin that is here all day. I then went and made sure I closed the greenhouse door, then later opened it just a snitch, in case the small birds sheltered inside at night!
30 Dec, 2014
Very brave of you, none here, but we had it last March, so still plenty of time!! blackbirds very busy here at the moment.
1 Jan, 2015
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Very good Lincs! I went out with the hoe and clobbered all the tiny weed seedlings that had pre empted spring. But there will probably be another lot before I can turn round...
I don't envy your snow one little bit and have been thankful we moved away from it. I loved it when I was younger!
27 Dec, 2014