Happy New Year To All On Goy....
By lincslass
May I take this opportunity to thank all my friends on Goy for keeping me company in the past year, for sharing all the good times, our holidays, days out, special times meeting up with people, even our shopping trips ( some of you know I only like shopping if its garden related) most of all for sharing our gardening lives, the ups and even the downs, lets hope we haven’t had many of those and if we did that 2015 gives us the health, time and energy and of course good gardening weather, to put those right.
The snow has nearly gone in my garden but it did finish off my flowers, not grumbling though as they did last a long time, its looking a tad messy out there, the joys of having two boisterous dogs who decided they liked the snow after all but I can now see the new shoots showing through yet again, a sign of the joys to come.. ………………………………………………………..
However I do have some colour indoors so I’ll share those instead..
Happy New Year everybody wherever you may be..
Sue xx..
31 Dec, 2014
Previous post: Brrrrrrrr......... but some jobs you have to do...
Next post: We abide by the Rules in our house Stera........
Thank you Lincslass Best Wishes from me too, Lovely to share your garden adventures on GOY :o)
31 Dec, 2014
Thank you Sue..It's been a pleasure to share 2014 with you,and all other GoYers..We have learnt so many things,not just about Gardening,but Geography and History,of places we have visited,Nature,Wildlife,and lots more..just an amazing site..and much more interesting than it was at school..for me,anyway..:o)
Wishing you and your family,a very Happy new Year too :o) x
31 Dec, 2014
And from me, Sue, and to everyone on GoY - let's hope for a good gardening year! :-D
1 Jan, 2015
Thankyou Lincs you put into words what I feel about Goy,
my new year wish is a happy healthy fun filled year for all my lovely friends, its the people here that make it special ?
1 Jan, 2015
Thanks Homebird ?
1 Jan, 2015
Happy New Year Sue.
1 Jan, 2015
Happy New Year to you and your family too Sue, 2014 on Goy has been a great year sharing our gardens with Goy gardening friends; heres hoping 2015 will be a good one for everyone, looking forward to spring now and seeing all the lovely pictures from our Goy Friends;0))
1 Jan, 2015
Well said Sue. We're so lucky to have such a friendly website where we can talk about our favourite subject!
Many thanks to all those who monitor it and make it so enjoyable for the rest of us :))
1 Jan, 2015
Hi Sue, and a happy new year to you and your family, Derek.
1 Jan, 2015
A happy and healthy New Year to you too and all my Goy friends who have helped me through some bad times and cheered me with kind humour:-) x
1 Jan, 2015
A happy new year.
I wonder what lovely surprises this site will have for us in 2015?
1 Jan, 2015
Happy New Year from me too, thanks for reading all my blogs and for all your lovely comments, have a great year.
1 Jan, 2015
happy new year to you too lincs.
1 Jan, 2015
All the very best to you and your Lincs - hope 2015 is a good one!
2 Jan, 2015
A HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and yours.
3 Jan, 2015
Happy New Year to you Lincslass
5 Jan, 2015
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Happy New Year Sue :o) x
Here's to another good gardening year with friends !
and pets :)
I'm pleased to hear your snow has gone.
Your Father Time ready to march through the door reminds me of my mother every New Yrs Eve - she had to open the back door to let the old year out, and open the front door to let the new year in ... and my father always complaining about the place getting cold lol !
31 Dec, 2014