Mad March Day!!!!
By lincslass
And a GOR BLIMEY!!! one for me and that’s the polite way of putting it…
Its a wild one and that’s a fact, the rain had stopped but no let up in the wind, I ventured outside and found one of the waterbutts rolling around the yard, as today is the first real rain we’ve had in weeks that particular butt was unfortunately nearly empty, hence it came adrift from the pipework, all sorted and back in place now, just hoping it hasn’t cracked the seal around the tap, with todays weather I guess it won’t take me long to find out..
Then I headed to number one greenhouse to pop some sweetpeas in , I had planted some a few weeks back but not a one any good, shame really but as some were a freebie packet off a mag and the rest I collected last autumn it hasn’t cost me anything yet, still hoping to have some flowers again this year.
Normally I do not go in the g’houses in the wind but was a tad bored, its a darn good job I did, there was an almighty crack and sudden gust blowing around my head, that house has curved edging so eight of the panels on each side are Perspex, one of these had partly blown out , I know from past experience that a mishap like that, if not noticed in time can cause other panes to go, luckily I have been able to pin it back in place and although slightly cracked fingers xx it will last until a calm day and I can fit a replacement..
29 Mar, 2015
Previous post: Day in the Garden..
Next post: Wet Good Friday...
glad u spotted the damage before it got worse.
29 Mar, 2015
I was in my greenhouse too...praying it wouldn't take off! It was ok lives...intact. It was a scary wind, very gusty here. Glad it didn't last too long!
29 Mar, 2015
Glad you saved the greenhouse lincs I remember a couple of years ago seeing several panels from mine flying past the window into next door lol OH siliconed them in after that still scary in there today.I've been splitting snowdrops on the wood ( never ending job lol) but the trees were creaking a bit so didn't stay in there long !!
29 Mar, 2015
A rubbish day here too,so I have been bored to tears,watching the driving rain,and listening to the wind..a little calmer this evening,and the extra light is welcome..just wish it was pleasant enough to step outside...yawn ! Tomorrow not good either it seems..oh joy! :o(
So sorry you had to have all that to contend with today,Sue,but a good job you were in the right place at the right time..could have been quite a danger for you..
29 Mar, 2015
No wind here today,Saturday was the wild windy day.
No damage think out and about there had been.
But today it did brighten up and did get out on my bike again.
No rain here.
Sue love your Greenhouse.
Many yrs ago when I was looking for this one we first saw it for sale in Perth .
But did not have room in car to collect.
When we went back they were all sold.
29 Mar, 2015
6-45pm and at last the wind has calmed, however we have a very stormy looking sky, it seems as though we're all getting more or less the same, rain has done good, everything looks so fresh and clean and the daffs are standing up again, lol.......
29 Mar, 2015
Pam did you see the re-internment of Richard 111?
I watched it all and thoroughly enjoyed it...
Oh and I spoke too soon as its back with a vengeance and chucking it down; lol..
29 Mar, 2015
Gosh Lincs, what a good thing you weren't hurt when it blew in. Good job you were there all the same.
29 Mar, 2015
I can hear the wind getting wound up here fed up of these gales.
29 Mar, 2015
Gale force hail noisy!
oh I did Lincs, and so proud of Leicester, (and i don't often say that) thought the whole week superb, so well pleanned and just right. from the reenactment on bosworth field to the light walk and fireworks on friday night
will go to the visitors centre when the fuss dies down.....
hope the Pall is on display there it looked so beautiful in the photographs....
30 Mar, 2015
High winds here too, Lincs. Hope you manage to fix the greenhouse glass soon. Forecast for the coming week not wonderful I'm afraid :(
30 Mar, 2015
Lucky you were there when it happened, it's going to be very windy again tomorrow. I already have a fence down:-(
30 Mar, 2015
I'm glad you weren't injured Sue ! I hope you get a calm day soon, so that you can mend it.
Rough weather here too :o(
30 Mar, 2015
Not looking good for Easter either if they have it right...
30 Mar, 2015
According to our weather forecast things should calm down by the weekend. Fingers crossed.
31 Mar, 2015
Nice to see the daffs out again but I can't see them lasting in the high winds. We went shopping yesterday. I defrosted my freezers and went out to get food so I can do a huge fill up on ready meals for when the builder comes to repair the chimney breast. We will not have heating and I normally cook on an Esse Coal fired cooker so will have to survive on microwaved meals. We dk how long it will take yet because it will need to be taken down and rebuilt. They did offer us the option of moving out while the work is done but it would be an awful hassle. They will provide oil fired radiators to heat the house. We were told back in January that the work would be done weather dependant but there has been hardly any let up from the gale force winds. We had hoped for a peaceful end to March but there has been no let up at all. We had three or four nice sunny days but the wind damage to our creaking joints has left us both feeling surprisingly well. Great what fresh air and getting a bit of work done in the garden can do for your spirits. I sowed some pyrethrum seedlings and they came up within 3 days so I hope your sweet peas are as successful.
31 Mar, 2015
Gosh that sounds a big job, I hope the wind stops soon for you S'gran because if you have the same as us then I doubt they'll even contemplate it, we have dancing fences and I now have two patched up pieces on the g'house but cannot replace in these gales..
The days that have been good even at the beginning of the month were really warm and a treat to work in, a right pickmeup but its seems to only be approx. one a week at the moment, lol....
Most of my seedlings are doing well, its just the sweetpeas that failed, I keep telling myself not to sow too many annuals but that's a lecture I tell myself every year....
31 Mar, 2015
It snowed a little yesterday while we were out and it was worse today. It was snowing heavily when I shut the curtains so I hope it is gone by morning. I deliberately put off sowing seeds until last week because I find potting up seedlings takes time and space we just do not have. I had good success with last years SRGC seeds and some of the geraniums flowered last summer. They are all perennials. They are lying all over the place and I really should have potted some of them up to sell on the members sales table on 11th April at the Edinburgh Show. I'm always very pleased with how the plants seem to shrug off the worst of the weather and bring a smile to our faces. Some things are much later like the river of iris on my raised alpine bed was fully in flower on 19.3.14 but only a few are open this year. At least they all look viable so the raised bed with good drainage seems to be the answer to keeping them as perennials. I used to have to buy new ones every year. Lecturing myself is like making New Year resolutions and guaranteed to fail lol.
31 Mar, 2015
The wild weather has been awful but I think there are calmer, sunnier days in the not too distant future thank goodness!
I also had a whole packet of sweet peas where not one germinated!! I have now bought a packet of Sarah Raven seeds because she is meant to be very reliable!!! Good luck if you grow some more!
1 Apr, 2015
Lincslass and wildrose I had two different seedpackets with sweetpeas from sarah raven this year, mainly to fill in the many gaps whilst my perenial seeds/plants establish themselves. Nearly all the seeds from both packets have come up in the last 2 days, this is nearly 2 weeks after setting them and without nicking or soaking.
Wind seems to have calmed down tonight, we had quite heavy snowfall yest with horrendous winds but v pleased that my little plastic coldframe which I had weighted down and tied to a stone post stayed in place.
1 Apr, 2015
Hope you have no more damage to your GH, the wind has been a right royal pain the year, shall be glad for some calmer weather......
3 Apr, 2015
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Horizontal rain, limited vizibility and galeforce winds, oh sunshine too......we were out inbetween Oakham & Melton Lincs.....what a day indeed.....home now and same here!
hope it calms own soon for all of us!
29 Mar, 2015