Busy spending and planting..
By lincslass
As my daughter has been on holiday we’ve done the rounds of the garden centres, I had vouchers and she had her birthday yesterday and had received money to spend on her garden, we’ve been in seventh heaven…
I now have two more plant supports, I hope my Delhiniums appreciate them, new bag of Orchid Compost + Orchid Food, still hoping to get some flowers on my very healthy, newly repotted orchids (sigh) some new Terracotta Pots, a new Dicentra (pink ) after 10yrs I think my old one has given up, four trailing plants ready for my baskets, another little Acer, a bargain at £3.50 from our local nurseries bargain polytunnel and more compost..I still have money on a giftcard but the GC’s we went to only take the vouchers, never mind I have an excuse to go to Dobbies now….
Planted out and happy.
Its only tiny but will soon grow now its been repotted.
One of my new pots planted up, today I’ve also moved my succulents and alpines down to the bottom g’house as its shadier down here, I need the space in the top one for all the seedlings that I’m gradually pricking out, it gets too hot in the top house as its all glass and the shading net is still rolled up, thats a job that has to wait until all my seed sowing is finished…
Floor space is filling up as well……
Time to prepare the dinner really but we’ll take some pics on the way back up….
Glorious sunshine as you can see but its definitely a jacket on day….
11 Apr, 2015
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Garden looking lovely Lincslass, we've had some lovely days haven't we? I love succulents, I also have an orchid my daughter bought me, when it finished the flower it had on it when bought I was told by my neighbour (who has three of them) to cut the old flower stalk down water once a week including feed (I've been using baby bio!) and lo and behold its flowered! Will add a photo to my page.
11 Apr, 2015
Its a beauty isn't it Karen, I love them all, Brian sent them to me last year and just as they started to flower a sodding mouse ate my flowers, I was spitting feathers as of course I then had to wait a year, that is why I transferred them through the winter months, I have hidden a couple of the mouse deterrents under the staging near the hole where said mouse/mice gets in but they had no effect whatsoever, have to be very careful so nothing else can get anywhere near, you'd think with all my pets that the mice would go and live somewhere else but the crafty little devils live under the sheds, know it sounds daft but I'd hate to harm them really, just do not want them eating my bulbs and plants............
11 Apr, 2015
I needed something to look after during the wintertime S'killa and it always seems a waste having empty staging, I know we had another mild one again but I only lost a couple...
The orchids have been frustrating me for years as I have taken on board all the advice given to me, got a different plant mix from g'centre this time, if I do get a flower out of either I'll be shouting from the rooftops.....
Sun is still shining but its quite cold today....
11 Apr, 2015
You have been having a good time haven't you? I think you've got the same Camelia as I have, but I've no idea what its name is. Be patient with your Orchids, I'm sure you'll be rewarded.
11 Apr, 2015
I can tell you are in seventh Heaven,Sue..with all the lovely plants you bought..and your greenhouse looks full of promise..can you still get through the door with all that lot? :o) I'm sure your plant supports will be much appreciated by your Delphiniums ..I found them really good for mine..no longer needed for them this year,as I forgot to give them a thick mulch ,so I've lost them..I am so annoyed with myself,as I've had them at least 5 years..and they came through the worst of winters..anyway,onwards and upwards..:o)
11 Apr, 2015
That is what I call fun. Lucky you. We have had such lovely weather here but today was really cold with hailstones no less. It is difficult to decide what to plant and what to keep back in the greenhouse.
11 Apr, 2015
Lots of evidence of hard work and the rewards that follow!
Your garden is looking really lovely and filled with colour. I love your pots too.
11 Apr, 2015
Now that is my idea of heaven too. lucky to have happy company when you go shopping. I tend to have the grump[s] with me when I go :o)
your garden looks lovely. definitely a coat on day today.
11 Apr, 2015
I just love going round the Garden Centers Sue! Just need the money ! Hahaa!
I love the area in front of your green house. I do miss mine! We did consider having one on the allotment, but after the gales the other week when a lot of green houses were damaged on there, changed our minds ! I would have been awake half the night worrying !
12 Apr, 2015
Waddy I'm stubborn not patient, lol, I'm hoping the label for the camellia is tucked away in a safe place so might be able to name it properly one day................
Sandra I cannot get in the bottom g'house today without crawling under one of my acers, lol, there was the possibility of a frost for this morning and they have new shoots, two are still small but the other is quite a big one now, today its blowing a gale so they can stay there, not getting them through the winter only to get them snapped off, shame about your Delphs, I've never mulched mine they just have to take what comes, one side of the garden they are huge and the other only just coming up so perhaps you'll get a surprise one day....
12 Apr, 2015
Its gone cold here Linda and blowing a gale, I always collect seeds so if I'd lost some it wouldn't really matter as I would have done them again, its not good if they are newly bought and one loses them as it all adds up as regards cost, the only ones I actually fret over are my toms and cucumbers, I keep the heater on freeze setting and won't remove it until June just to be on the safe side
12 Apr, 2015
It's been the same here,Sue..heavy rain,which was needed ,but we could have done without the gales..luckily,all the tender plants are safely under cover..It cleared about teatime,and calmed down,so lets hope it's a better day tomorrow..:o)
12 Apr, 2015
Your garden looks lovely Lincslass.
12 Apr, 2015
You have so much colour in your garden, Lincs! It's really lovely! I can quite understand your feeling about having a greenhouse on the allotment as the one Gerry & I put up on his plot has lost quite a lot of glass this year! Nearly half the glass needs to be replaced!
We had some VERY strong winds here as well yesterday fortunately they weren't very cold but I went out to water all my pots/tubs/troughs & got nearly as wet as the plants!
13 Apr, 2015
Thankyou Klahanie.........
14 Apr, 2015
Lovely blog LL. Your garden is looking lovely don't us ladies just love to spend ! :-)
15 Apr, 2015
I think you have been on a few shopping expeditions lol. Does 'Donation' ring a bell as the name of your camellia.
16 Apr, 2015
That is a lovely Echeveria Lincslass. Not at all hardy though.
27 Apr, 2015
They'll be staying in the g'house until June Meanie, unless we get a massive heatwave, lol....
27 Apr, 2015
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Gosh, you have been busy having fun! Love the shot of the blue primula. And your pond looks good...spotted the Iris!
11 Apr, 2015