The Hidden Parts..
By lincslass
Well here goes ladies, a proper tour…
View down the garden.
As you can see I took the mower for a walk, it took me ages as I did it in easy stages cos of my ankle, turns out it is a fracture and I have to go back next Wed but thats another story…
Back towards the dining room window, as you can see the electric box still needs a coat of paint.
Across the patio, its been down over 30yrs and some would say it needs replacing, I patch it up every year simply because at my age I cannot be bothered to start again, lol…
Walking down the centre path by the fishpond and looking to the left..
Anyone want an old shed that tilts a bit more every year, its full of fishing tackle, garden shredder and hundreds of plantpots, my sons Kayak, only been on the river twice, he left home over 10yrs ago, underneath are spare fence posts, our old garden roller, it was here when we moved in, been lent out many times over the years and a spikey roller thing that used to be my dads, lol….
Down to the bottom, on the right behind top g’house my little seedbed, spring onions, beetroot and carrots,
Still on the right between the plum tree and the dogrun is my square bed, and through the fence which also needs a new coat of stain you can see my two wheelie bins, my Tardis and the start of the mishmash beneath the Bridal Wreath ….
Back on the left again is my bottom g,house and my garden shed, they also hide a multitude of hidden gems, the grandchildrens old swing is hidden between the two, spare seats get lent out during the summer to family and neighbours and the guttering is going on the shed one day I hope, lol…
A peek inside..
Not a lot of room as you can see and very untidy but with the changeable weather I daren’t move them outside yet…
Back on the right our bottom pond and yet another shed in the corner, its chocker, weight training gear, (my sons) my trusty cycle, lots of toys belonging to my grandchildren, our BBQ a swimming pool and any number of treasure that just might come in handy one day, lol.
Over my crazy paving, nothing does well in the corner so its where I’m hoping to create something magical like Np ,behind my conifers and into my cubby, two more compost bins, a leaf cage and all manner of bits of logs hidden in the corner, thats where my toads live….
Now thats not too bad is it?
Our dogrun out the back,(its on the side really) our glory side I call it, runs down the side of the house and garden all the way to the Amalenchiar, my path for the washing line and the dogs playground when the garden is wet during the winter months, otherwise I wouldn’t have a lawn…
Waterbutts,ladders, wheels, brushes, buckets,mops washing line poles and a chair for me when having a natter with my neighbour, lol…..
Anything in here has to take its chances as you can probably imagine but its Brynner and Morgans area and they live here as well…
A look in the other g’house, also busy area..
Lots of hidden areas really and none of them posh but they are always work in progress, you can also tell by looking that although I love my garden so not really many weeds as such, I certainly DO NOT keep up with the DIY side of things, that I find boring. LOL….
8 May, 2015
Previous post: Ducks for Karen...
Next post: Apologies for this ...Update.
Thankyou Junna, lovely to hear from you....
9 May, 2015
A fantastic well loved garden is all I see Lincs, and it is well loved especially when you still mow the lawn with a fractured ankle. friends often say how tidy our garden is but thats because the`re not allowed behind the greenhouse and shed I`ve forgotten myself whats lurking there.
Just hope we get some decent weather soon and ankle permitting all those seedlings and plants can make there way into the garden.
9 May, 2015
Lovely garden... with lots goingon in it... :)
9 May, 2015
Not untidy enough. Nice garden Lincs.
9 May, 2015
You make me laugh Steve, we used to have a bird aviary where my garden shed and the greenhouse now stand, every springtime we had to go out and fix the flight part back onto the indoor house because the garden always used to slnk a tad through the winter and therefore we had gaps appearing, you cannot tell because of the shrubbery but the fencing down there now has a 6" gap underneath, when it was erected it was down on the ground, we are gradually sliding down the hill, just hope the house itself doesn't go with it, LOL....
9 May, 2015
Its a great garden Lincs, something of everything and interesting to wander round. My two favourites at the two extremes are the lower fishpond and the wonky shed - really loved that, it reminds me of being a child again.
So sorry to hear about your foot - you aren't doing it any good walking round in it like that, so be told you naughty girl...
9 May, 2015
Hi Sue, I don't see a particularly untidy garden either, just 1 that's looked after, used and cared for, Derek.
9 May, 2015
Its a happy welcoming garden Lincs where you all can be yourselves and where you the pets the family and the plants can put their slippers on and feel at home....its lovely xxx
9 May, 2015
The plant bit looks lovely, but everyone needs somewhere to put the 'other' bits.
9 May, 2015
Stera the bottom pond area is also my favourite, always has been, I do like the fishpond but find the other one more relaxing to sit by, in fact in the summertime I rarely sit on the patio unless we have visitors..
thankyou Derek and Pam, its certainly well used weather permitting of course but it does get turned into a playground as well, lol..
9 May, 2015
Siris that is right and I sure have my share of other, trouble is most of it isn't mine, LOL....
9 May, 2015
Some of my comments are going walkabout again today, wonder why that happens sometimes..
Thankyou Stroller, I leant on the mower and took my time, it was doing my head in sitting about watching that grass grow and to be honest it actually did me a power of good, no way would I attempt any digging or anything like that and couldn't possibly stand and do any ironing, LOL..
Thankyou Holly and Davros....
9 May, 2015
Great blog of a busy gardener. So many interesting nooks and corners. The pond area is my favorite.
10 May, 2015
Have joined your 'dare to post untidy bits' challenge.
10 May, 2015
Yes Lincs, I think most of us know that ironing is harder on the feet than mowing...or dusting (what's that?) or washing the kitchen floor...
10 May, 2015
LOL, I cheat, buy a lot of non-iron material and if its not a blowy day I still use the tumbledryer, always on the low setting and straight onto the coat hangers when they are done, some would say that its a waste of electricity but if they were to check out how much an iron costs to use, they might get a surprise, anyway I do hate ironing and my piece of mind is worth a lot.....
10 May, 2015
Good on yer Sue!
10 May, 2015
I didn't know you had fractured your ankle Sue ! That must have been so painful ! I am a bit confused though as I'm not sure how many ponds and green houses you have ! It must be a good size garden ! Aren't you brave showing your other bits ! It makes a garden more homely though !
I like the way the main garden is designed too ! I hope your ankle is on the mend now !
11 May, 2015
I love your garden! It puts parts of mine to shame. It's amazing how many of our offsprings' things just stay and stay, isn't it? (My messy bits are gradually being tidied up now that the season is well underway.). I do hope your ankle improves for you - it must be very painful.
11 May, 2015
Did it a couple of weeks ago Rose, my foot went dead as I was getting up to make a drink, it was a loud sickening crack as I landed and came up like a balloon, (the language was diabolical) A&E said it was only a bad sprain, then I get a letter telling me the x-ray department had found a piece of bone broken off and that the orthopaedic department MIGHT write to me, which they did and I have to go back on Weds, bit late as I've been hobbling around on it for over a week...
We do things in pairs here, lol, two g'houses,two ponds, two lawns and two dogs...
11 May, 2015
Thanks Melchi, the ankle is a bit sore but nothing I can't handle, I was literally driving my self daft sitting around...
11 May, 2015
It's a lovely, lived in garden and that's just how it should be, Lincslass. Your wonky shed looks similar to one of mine but lovely son in law came and straightened it up this week, bless him. Hope you ankle heals quickly - just take it steady, definitely no household chores - broken bones need fresh air :)
11 May, 2015
Thanks Gee thats what I figured, too much on my mind to sit about thinking, I needed distactions, nice ones....
11 May, 2015
I enjoyed being nosey and looking around your massive garden!! two sheds and two greenhouses lucky you, and such a lot going on, a well loved garden, now you take things easy and rest up a bit with that ankle of yours, thanks for the tour...
12 May, 2015 long as its not two feet ! lol
I hope you feel better soon !
14 May, 2015
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wonderful garden :-)))
8 May, 2015