Apologies for this ...Update.
By lincslass
Sorry folks no photo’s with this one, I know this is a bit blunt but have to let you know, I have been to hospital today to get some results, they weren’t good, I have to have an op in June but might be sooner, then after I’m healed 3wks of radio therapy, I class you all as my friends and only want to say it once, if I suddenly disappear for a while don’t panic, a couple of people have helped me get over the bad bit and for that I thank them, it really meant a lot, I am ok and thinking positive, even bought myself an E-Cigarette, gotta try and give them up, thats not easy at the best of times and no chance whatsoever tonight, lol..
Thats why I have been occupied in the garden, when I should have been sitting about, its my way of dealing with things, I’m determined to get those plants in whilst I’m able, then they get to fend for themselves for a while, I go back tomorrow about my ankle, I know I have broken a bone as they told me and gave me all the big words which to me meant nothing at the time …
I’m going to delete this blog after a while just needed to tell you I hope you all understand and please do not feel you have to comment, its the only way I know as I can’t PM you all.. Sue.
12 May, 2015
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So sorry you are going through a rough time Sue. Thank you for letting us know. I hope and pray that you will have a full recovery, and I know that telling us all can only help because of all the love, prayers and good wishes that will be coming your way. We are all connected in the great universe, and when one hurts, we all hurt. God bless and please accept this E- hug! Xx p.s. Copy and paste all the love that you are sent before you delete! You might need it later. X
12 May, 2015
so sorry for your news, we have a friend we are helping through chemo at the moment so know a little of how hard it is to come to terms with. I too whish you all the best and send you a BIG HUG xxx
12 May, 2015
Dear Sue,so sorry to hear your news,but glad you let us know.I send my best wishes and love to you for a speedy recovery and I will be thinking of you.Keep your chin up and keep feeling positive. Val xx
12 May, 2015
I'm very sorry you have to go through this. My sincerest wishes for a speedy recovery.
13 May, 2015
Big hugs love, we're always here for you xxx
13 May, 2015
Hi Sue... thinking of you ...
I hope you can find extra time for cuddles with your dogs...
.. that will help ...
love and hugs from
Terra, Conker, Truffle and Crocus
x x x
13 May, 2015
Sorry to hear you're not well Sue. I hope you are back in good health soon. I'm not very good with words, but my thoughts and prayers are with you through this xxx
13 May, 2015
Good luck and best wishes Lincs.
13 May, 2015
Sorry to hear your unwell, my thoughts are with you.Hope all goes well for you.. take care x
13 May, 2015
Sorry to hear your news. Very best wishes for a speedy recovery.
13 May, 2015
Thank you Lincs for letting us share your news. Many of us will be able to identify with the confusion you must be feeling. Look at it as a new beginning taking it day by day and hour by hour if need be. Often the hardest thing to bear is not what is happening to you but coping with your family and friends feeling helpless. Your medical team seem to have that side of it in hand so you can concentrate on getting through the rest. I would hope you will not delete this blog as it sends a message of hope. By sharing with us you send a strong message that just being there for you with our prayers and thinking of you and your family we are not helpless but can be here when you need us. We look forward to hearing how you are going. One of our wedding day telegrams said 'May all your troubles be little ones'. I pass that message on to you. All our love, lots of hugs and God Bless you and your family.
13 May, 2015
Sorry to hear your news Lincslass. Hope all goes well and that you take all the love and kindness coming your way as a sign that things will get better Denise xxx
13 May, 2015
So sorry to hear your news Lincslass, I went through this myself last year, chemo all summer and radiotherapy until Xmas, but I am now in remission. Nowadays, more people than not, recover. Cant say it will be easy but lean hard on the medics, it's their job to keep you going. Hard bit is afterwards when it all stops and you still are left with questions unanswered, simply because there are no guarantees. That's when you turn back to others for support and distractions, and take each day as precious. I made my family laugh on Sunday because I said I took immense pleasure in turning a spade spit of earth to find it teeming with earthworms!! I am sure that needs no explanation to a gardener lol!! Take care of yourself.
13 May, 2015
So sorry to hear your news Lincslass - best wishes for a speedy recovery - we will all be thinking of you - love Jane xx
13 May, 2015
So sorry to hear your news my best wishes to you for a return to good health as soon as possible, May all the messages of support from Goyersnhelp to ease the pain you must be feeling right now, I add my Love and hugs to you xx
13 May, 2015
So sorry to hear this Sue, please accept all my best wishes for a speedy recovery, and we will miss your contributions to GoY, so hurry up and get better, as others have said, use the doctors as much as you like, that's what they're there for, very best wishes for your recovery, Derek
13 May, 2015
I wish you all the very best through this tough time, poor you. Lets hope you make a speedy recovery and we have you back on here soon. x
13 May, 2015
Thankyou so much for all your support, it meant a lot to me to see all these lovely messages, I now have a date for the pre-op tests, they better not bring the op forward, we have tickets for Status Quo June 6th at Burghley, my own backyard, lol, and then beginning July my all time favourite Neil Diamond, if they leave well alone both should work out fine, one before the op and the other before the therapy, something to look forward to......
14 May, 2015
That's great you have something to look forward to,and focus on.Sue,..just what you need..I love both of them too..:o)xx
14 May, 2015
Hi I haven't had time to read what everyone has said to you so I might be repeating, but when I had breast cancer I asked the surgeon why no one had told me to give up smoking. He said he wouldn't stop me but he thought it was not the best time as chemotherapy reduced your immune syste as does stopping smoking for a while anyway please check with your Doc I don't know about radio therapy .You can slow down an give up after all sorted. Good luck if you are too unwell to garden as I was spending time reading gardening books did very well x
14 May, 2015
I know what you are going through as I have been there myself and recovered and now my husband is going through it ! The garden , for me , keeps me going !
Stay positive ! I'm thinking of you ! xx
14 May, 2015
Those two concerts will be great events for you! :)
14 May, 2015
Fingers crossed the dates do not clash.
15 May, 2015
You did exactly the right thing in telling us what you are going through, Sue. As you have seen from all the lovely comments, every GoYer wishes you well, and sympathises hugely. It will be hard, but from the bottom of my heart I hope the treatment will be successful . . . and thank goodness for gardening therapy. Good luck!
15 May, 2015
I echo the well chosen words of everyone on here. We may not know each other personally but we genuinely care about one another.
Very best wishes for successful treatment and a complete recovery. Enjoy your garden and the distraction and peace that it brings you.
16 May, 2015
Thank you for telling us, Lincslass, I too echo the words of all those above. Take care, keep positive, and remember we are all thinking of you, God bless.
17 May, 2015
I'm sending you positive thoughts Lincs ... take care and enjoy those concerts!
19 May, 2015
Hope all goes well for you Linclass with your operation and the treatment afterwards.
6 Jun, 2015
Yes...we will all be thinking of you Lincslass! X
7 Jun, 2015
Hope you enjoyed the concert, sunny and a bit breezy but no rain!
Something nice to think about in the next few weeks
love and hugs ?
7 Jun, 2015
Thanks all, the concert was really good, lot of people there but oh boy it was cold once the sun went down and that was even with a fleece and waterproof jacket, some people were even wrapped in blankets over the top of their jackets ,the atmosphere amongst the crowd was brilliant as well, it was good to see all the different generations mixed in together enjoying the whole show...
7 Jun, 2015
Let's hope its warmer in July. Maybe a champagne picnic will be on the menu if the Neil Diamond concert is also open air. We used to go to Scottish Country dancing evenings in Princes Street gardens in Edinburgh and always enjoyed ourselves. There is something magical about being out in the fresh air enjoying the music.
8 Jun, 2015
Not suprised you were chilly Sue, I just checked the overnight temperature...5c......brrrr, no wonder the cucumbers struggled!
8 Jun, 2015
First hurdle successfully over folks, pleased to say I came home relatively unscathed but was definitely high as a kite, lol, bit sore obviously but a mega relief to get that out of the way, results in two weeks so fingers still XX .....
14 Jun, 2015
Great news Sue, best wishes for the future, Derek.
14 Jun, 2015
My fingers are firmly crossed, Lincslass, hope the soreness is abating very quickly. Just take things easy.
14 Jun, 2015
Thank you for keeping us up to date with how you are doing Lincs. It is much easier than us having to keep asking. I hope you have got the message loud and clear we are all thinking of you and we understand you will not be 100% A1 all the time but we do want you to know we are here for you. All our love and hugs.
14 Jun, 2015
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1 Oct, 2013
Sue,I'm so sorry to read your news,but thank you for letting us know,and there is no need to apoolgise whatsoever..My sincere good wishes and thoughts are with you,for a speedy recovery..chin up,love,and stay positive...I hope you will keep in touch,when you feel you are ready.....lots of love,Sandra xxx
12 May, 2015