Stumpery and other parts with work in progress..
By lincslass
I have to be truthful , I think it gets changed around on a weekly basis, however the ferns are filling out quite nicely so perhaps I’ll feel happier about it when they are bigger and looking more natural amongst the woody bits and pieces, I’ve underplanted with bluebells and added a few native primroses, it still looks new doesn’t it but that will change over the next few months, I am impatient to see the outcome next springtime.
I do dislike the bareness of the shed and fencing, when the willow was there the fronds hid most of that, now I have to make up my mind as to what I’m going to grow against both, I want something that will go, if you know what I mean, possibly ivy….
The winter flowering clematis has gone now, nasty Doris broke the arch last winter, the remaining piece looked daft stuck in the middle with nowhere to go, it was only the thickness of the stems holding it up, my daughter helped me to cut it down, I was amazed how easy it was to remove the actual roots, however the metal bits are still in the ground, I definitely need hubby to remove those for me, hence the planter and tomato circles, if one of us or even the pets catches them we could end up injured badly…I do have four clematis growing up the obelisks at the back of the fishpond so didn’t mind losing that one,it was a thug and only way to see the blooms properly was from my bedroom windows, it was a past mistake but you live and learn.
How about my garden guardian, I got a bit sidetracked, well you also have to play don’t you.
He hasn’t yet got a name but I think he’s one of Gandalfs friends, haven’t yet figured out what to try and make on his other side, he’s facing the fence so must do something, watch this space, lol..
Now I ask you, could you tell that little girl off when she looks at you like that…
29 Sep, 2017
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He is one of the tree giants from Lord of The Rings. It all looks so neat and tidy.
29 Sep, 2017
Problem has been solved today Stera, I received a parcel from a gardening friend who I chat to on FB, she has sent me a very healthy looking Jasmine and I've just been down and planted it.
You are absolutely right about Harriet, she gets away with so many things, its like having a toddler in the house again, saying that this one moves faster..
29 Sep, 2017
Linda you picked up on exactly my meaning, I am a big fan of Tolkien and could watch the films and read the books all over again and still thoroughly enjoy both..Thankyou, I am getting there albeit between showers...
29 Sep, 2017
Hi Sue, I wouldn't put Ivy onto your shed if I were you, it will eventually find it's way inside, and ruin your shed, why not try something like Hydrangea petiolaris instead, Derek.
29 Sep, 2017
Your stumpery looks really good already, it will look amazing when the plants have grown. And you little girl would have me wrapped round all four of her paws with a look like that! lol.
29 Sep, 2017
With some ferns in amongst the stumps that's going to be a great little corner, and I could imagine a Itea Ilicifolia with its holly like leaf and long silky tassels leaning against that shed.
29 Sep, 2017
A tree giant? I can't remember that at all - time to read it all again???Can only remember Treebeard.
29 Sep, 2017
They walked Stera and helped fight one of the battles, in the films they were in the second one if I remember correctly, so that would have been approximately two thirds of the book....
29 Sep, 2017
Thankyou Derek, I never thought of that, should have done really as we already have it strangling the Hawthorn...
29 Sep, 2017
Your garden is looking good Sue, it's always a work in progress isn't it ...
Harriet is busy helping you, how did you ever manage without her ? lol
30 Sep, 2017
The garden is looking really good, it's amazing how much light you gain when you cut down even one small tree! The stumpery will look lovely when things start to grow again, I keep hoarding interesting logs and stumps to create one of my own, OH is not a fan, but I will sneak one in somewhere, Fait accompli and all that!
You garden guardian is fun and who knows perhaps he will protect the garden?
Harriet looks full of bounce, how do you keep them out of the pond - let alone the garden!
30 Sep, 2017
Wow, you have been busy. Just showed Hubby the photo of your tree stump as he is a Tolkien fan. He said the tree people are called Ents and Hororns. If you called him Hororn, you could call him Ron or Ronny for short :-). He said you don't see the Hororns move so much as they do it under the cover of darkness. Lol lost count of how many times he has read the books. Harriet is so cute and sounds like she is full of character :-).
30 Sep, 2017
I do remember the Ents but n tone called Whitehorse. Perhaps time to read it again!
30 Sep, 2017
Honey Brynner is brilliant and always leaves the ponds alone, Harriet is the opposite, luckily the fishpond has always been covered with a net to protect our fish, when she was tiny she actually walked on it, the bottom pond now has pieces of an old fireguard laid across it, Harriet is always trying to pinch the plants and also the frogs, its a nightmare chasing around when they go walkabout, most of the time I do manage to rescue them but boy she can move fast...I'm quite pleased with my little stumpery, my hubby is not into gardening so I decide what happens here, lol, mind you he does have a grumble when I change something, I'm s'posed to be making it easier according to him, not being a gardener he doesn't believe me when I say that it is now that I mainly have perennials..
30 Sep, 2017
Hywel life is never dull these days, she is a proper little Madam, follows me everywhere, its quite frustrating at times though as she likes to play with the tools, decided now that its fun to dig holes for me, I've given up trying to stop her as at least they are unobtrusive places, I fill them in every few days, its all my own fault as I was the one who suggested a little Westie ....
30 Sep, 2017
Oh Jen he's right, you never know I might get up one day and find the garden has been tidied overnight, lol...
30 Sep, 2017
Just you wait till spring, Lincs, when all your new plantings will fill out & the existing will benefit from the extra light.
Be careful about where you plant that Jasmine, I have one & it's a thug so don't put it in a spot where it needs to be restricted.
As for Harriet, she may be cute but she also has to learn what not to do. I have a small dog now too & I don't understand why they are so bossy when big dogs like Brynner are so good natured.
1 Oct, 2017
G'finger my hubby says its because she is Typical Female, don't know what he means by that, lol, Brynner is so good with her, he sometimes has a look that says "where does she get all that energy from"...
I am looking forward to next spring,( shouldn't wish ones life away really) I think everywhere will be so much better, over the fence at the bottom of our garden is an ornamental cherry tree, the scout people planted it when I played up at them for destroying the hawthorn hedge, our boundary not even theirs, it has filled out a lot since we removed the willow tree so the gap in the hedgerow is not so noticeable.....
1 Oct, 2017
I immediately thought of Treebeard when I saw it. yes they are Ents or Hororns. Tree guardians.
they were of different species and Treebeard was a mighty oak if I remember correctly.
That's one thing I liked about Peter Jacksons portrayal of them in the film you could identify the tree species of them.
Very nice developments there lincs. some spring the stumpery will be wonderful.
2 Oct, 2017
Thankyou Seaburn, the Ferns are filling out really well, the weather might not suit us but the plants are loving it, wet and warm, good growing time....
2 Oct, 2017
Looks great, have certainly worked hard,and it's paid off .I love your tree stump,it really has a character of it's own..:o) That feisty little Harriet is certainly showing some spirit..there is no way you will curb her enthusiasm,or determination ..definitely a female trait ! lol
2 Oct, 2017
That should have said come spring ie 2018 not some ie in the distant future ! not sure what I did there. nails are very long perhaps they need cutting.
2 Oct, 2017
I realised what you meant Seaburn, I often have to edit, think its the fact I eat crisps when using laptop, crumbs are no good for the keys, tends to stop them working, lol...
2 Oct, 2017
Thanks Sandra, I've been wanting to make changes for quite some time, as you know I got stopped in my tracks for a few years when it came to the big jobs, this year it was now or never, lol..
Yes Harriet is a little beggar, ever so comical though and such a loving little girl, trouble is she is so quick Sandra, I need eyes in the back of my head, lol...
2 Oct, 2017
Just smiled at your reply to Sbg about crisp bits on your laptop keyboard..easily removed with the edging tool or the nozzle on your Vacuum cleaner..well,it works for my biscuit crumbs anyway Lol xx
3 Oct, 2017
LOL, Sandra you have to have a snack don't you, I have a lager as well, very careful with that though, already had a mishap last year with a cuppa, the dog chased the cat who took a shortcut just as I was drinking, it splashed the screen and even though it was the minutest drop it completely ruined it, luckily my laptop is insured.....
3 Oct, 2017
For bits in the laptop keyboard just gently turn it over and gently tap it, and they all fall out!
3 Oct, 2017
A lady after my own heart, that's what I do Stera, not always sure about the gently bit though..
4 Oct, 2017
You're obviously the lady to get tough with the problem!
4 Oct, 2017
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Your stump man is great. I would call him Whithorse as a tribute to the face photographer!
Gosh you have worked so hard! When the ferns grow up next year you should be well rewarded.
Might you think of another clem on the shed? Perhaps an alpinus for early colour?
Little Harriet winds you round her little finger...
29 Sep, 2017