Blooming hot ...
By lincslass
Not a lot of gardening getting done this week, its too hot and the plants want me to leave them alone..
So we’ll just take a wander instead…
I’ve given up trying to grow my clematis in the ground, the next two I’ve kept in pots and they’re doing well..
My roses are doing me proud..
First year this Jasmine has flowered for me…
My little shadow, Pepper who came to live with us last year when we lost my sister Cathy, she thinks I don’t know she is there…
Thrilled to bits with how well my stumpery is doing..
My Sambuca, OOPS !!!!…I swear I hadn’t been drinking…Sambucas, I had to move it as it was growing too big for where I had it, nothing happened for ages and I thought I’d killed it, however I’ve just spotted new growth….
There she is again, just got told to come off the ferns so this is her naughty step, she always sits on there if I’ve told her off, lol….
Last but not least I have a question please…When is the time to cut back the perennial wallflowers ? as you can see they certainly need sorting but I don’t want to spoil them……..
Enjoy your gardens folks and continue to stay safe and healthy….
26 Jun, 2020
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Next post: Decisions have to be made even when we don't like them....
I enjoyed my walk round without the heat, thank you. You have such a lovely spot, Lincs. The roses are tip-top (as it says in one of my granddaughter's story books) and I especially like the orange one.
Your little dog looks as though she has plenty of character, even if she has been naughty. Dear face.
26 Jun, 2020
Lovely roses and clems Lincs. What is that lovely pale yellow plant 4th pic down? Fancy a little dog having a naughty step! I hope she doesn't have to retreat there very often!
27 Jun, 2020
I really enjoyed my walk also around your garden!
Everything looks so colourful. I am still waiting for my Jasmine to flower !
I have left both my perennial wallflowers and I was thinking the same yesterday ! I must do it soon as its looking straggly now ! I think you will be ok to do yours Sue , but I know what you mean as there is still plenty of colour there!
27 Jun, 2020
Beautiful garden you've got Sue, and Pepper is lovely :)
Our weather here has gone from one extreme to another, one minute it's so hot you can hardly breathe, and the next it's like an autumn day lol
I hope you have more comfortable weather now Sue :) x
27 Jun, 2020
The 4th picture Stera is a Sisyrinchium striatum which I have always had and never really appreciated. My daughter thinks they are wonderful, so I have looked at them in a new light recently.
There is a slip of the tongue on your plant Lincslass, it's a Sambucus not Sambuca which is a liqueur or perhaps you are making your own?
Good that the Sambucus is coming back to life, they are usually as tough as old boots, but I can't grow the golden variety here.
The stumpery looks really well and as if it has always been there, all round beautiful garden.
28 Jun, 2020
Thankyou all for your comments......
Hywel the weather has gone from the sublime to ridiculous, yes, we did get some rain, it was getting quite desperate again but its so windy its dried it up as fast as it was falling, no happy medium is there, its cold with it today, more Mad March than the end of June but at least nothing has broken yet...
I do have some fun times with Pepper, but she loves Brynner and Harriet and they accepted her, she is a little monkey at times, goes mental when she spots the pigeons on the lawn, hasn't actually caught any yet but not for want of trying, sadly she also is bad with cats so poor Toffee will not come into the back garden, he is too scared for us to try and force the issue, madam moves very fast, it's a shame because Toffee has always had a good relationship with both Brynner and Harriet, I do feel guilty about that but there is no alternative, if we hadn't taken her in she would have been returned to a rescue centre, very uncceptable, I promised Cathy she will always be with me, I don't think she has ever had so much space to explore, my sisters garden wasn't very big and definitely no ponds or shrubs to investigate and best of all frogs to chase, very exciting, lol...It is funny when she goes to that step we didn't train her to do it ....
Stera and Honey the Sisyrinchium is a favourite when in flower but I have to keep on top of it as its definitely a thug...
Honey I hadn't even noticed I'd put Sambuca, must have been thinking of our fortnightly quiz nights, one of my nieces drinks it on occasion, lol....
29 Jun, 2020
What are you going to do about Toffee ? I wouldn't stand for an animal that scared one of my own away :(
29 Jun, 2020
Toffee uses the front entrance Hywel, we have child gates so the dogs cannot get near the doors let alone out, also one across the stairs, Pepper cannot get near him, she no longer barks at him when he's in the hallway, dining room or sitting on the stairs, so she has calmed down a lot, if he was braver or nasty like our Tipsy could be the pecking order would have been sorted out within a few days, Tipsy let them all know that she was topcat , Pepper would have been put in her place straight away but he is a big softie, unfortunately the same time as Pepper moved in we also got new neighbours, they have two little Yorkshire Terriers that naturally are often in the garden, Toffee won't go in there either or sit on the fence like he used to, I should force the issue really but don't want to scare Toffee, I just feel guilty at times as he used to play with Brynner and Harriet.....
30 Jun, 2020
That's ok then :)
Our local cats (Bella included) sit on the fence of a neighbour's garden and stare at their three dogs. It sends the dogs mad ! lol but the cats won't go away. I think they do it deliberately to annoy the dogs. I told my neighbour to send Bella away but she thinks it's funny and just laughs at the situation :D
1 Jul, 2020
Really enjoyed looking at your colourful garden Sue. Reading of Pepper on the 'naughty step' reminded me of a Sprollie dog (Sophie) we used to look after now and then ... if we told her not to do something indoors she would sit with her back to us and stare at a wall for ten minutes ... so funny!
1 Jul, 2020
Loved seeing your garden & also reading about the animal activities. They have their own unique ways of letting us know what they think & how they feel. Cats certainly do things deliberately to wind up dogs but only when they know they are safely out of reach! I knew a cat once that used to streak alongside a long garden fence( there was a small gap at the bottom). On the other side a big alsation
dog chased it, barking madly. It was a good game for both
& got rid of a lot of energy I guess. Some cats are bossy & stand their ground( top cats) & others are timid. I hope they all settle down together eventually. Pepper looks a lovely little chap.
16 Jul, 2020
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What wonderful bright colours in your garden Linclass. Been too hot to Garden here too, but I think next week should be cooler.
26 Jun, 2020