Flowers in Hyde park
By lincslass
Yippee I`m indoors because its raining,so with time to spare I`ve been sorting out some photo,s I took on a recent weekend in London.Whilst there we had a wander through Hyde Park,Kensington Palace gardens(the apartments were closed but they were still charging same price if one went inside,obviously we never) had a boat trip on the Thames and spent most of the Sunday at the Tower,you know the usual tourist things.,crammed as much in as we could,it was a grand weekend,I was really impressed with the flower displays so thought I`d show some of my pics……
Obviously I have loads more but these are just some of my favourites. The main reason for going was a visit to the Albert Hall to see The King and I which was grand.
Had to include Albert Memorial as well because I think its lovely. My daughter and I had a fabulous weekend,hope you like my pics………
6 Jul, 2009
Previous post: Wild Flowers
Next post: Only time for pics
great pics Lincslass i`m sure you both had a great day wud love to see King and 1. i agree
6 Jul, 2009
great pics lincs i like the tenth pic down its very unusual with red centre, glad you enjoyed your day
6 Jul, 2009
nice photo's linclass , looks like you enjoyed your day , Hall and memorial are beautiful buildings , was only in London once when I was fourteen . . it was a couple of years ago now.
6 Jul, 2009
Fab. pics...
Mac hasn't been to London for seven years... Lol.
6 Jul, 2009
you got me Tt although when I was there King Tuts exhibition was there the first time round , and that poor policewoman got shot outside an embassy I think the same year, we passed the building at the time and saw the smoke marks ,broken windows etc.
6 Jul, 2009
The good and the bad of London has so much more impact when you see it for real....
6 Jul, 2009
Lovely photos. I'm glad you enjoyed your week end.
6 Jul, 2009
I remember going when I was a kid and never went again until last year but now I have been for 3 weekend breaks,love the historical sites but I must confess the rest scares me a bit but you dont get one without the other....
6 Jul, 2009
Lovely pics Linclass glad you enjoyed the capitol, The King and I is a classical I love it.
6 Jul, 2009
Lovely pics enjoyed looking at them.
7 Jul, 2009
i love the sites in london but really couldnt live there to busy and a bit scarey, like the quieter life lincs
7 Jul, 2009
Thanks for comments everyone, must admit I like most musicals,went last see Phantom of the Opera even tho.I already got it on disc they are different on stage....I,m in a small town Sanbaz 5 mins from countryside and thats how I like it,I love visiting historical places but my favourite part of the weekend was walking around the beautiful parks. Just dont tell my daughter.Lol.....
7 Jul, 2009
I'm originally from London, where I was born & lived the first 15 years of my life till my family moved. Since then I've hardly spent more than a couple of days at the same time there. As often as not I'm only there passing thru on my way elsewhere. I've acted as a kind of "tourist guide" on occasions, first to my fiancée, now my wife, & to my wife's family & to one of our sons a few years ago. My wife is Spanish & our "kids", (now 30-year-old adults), were born in Spain.
Loved your pics & tried to identify as many of the plants as I could. Isn't good that Herons make such good subjects to photograph, they spend so much of their time immobile on one leg!
7 Jul, 2009
mums the word lincs lol
7 Jul, 2009
That's a lovely, colourful blog Lincslass. Nice picture of the Royal Albert Hall! Haven't been there for about 14 years. My dad aleays told me it was named after him (Albert not Hall) but I've got a feeling he was having me on! What do you think! My mum's name isn't Victoria!
11 Jul, 2009
Thanks Paul,as to the name one never really knows with royalty,they do have a chequered past after all,lol....
12 Jul, 2009
My dad definitely wasn't royalty, Lincslass(Ha Ha)
12 Jul, 2009
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Lovely pics....The King and must be nearly as old as you know the saying "the old ones are the best"!!!:))))))))
6 Jul, 2009