How to get rid of Grumpy Mood
By lincslass
Mega moody blighter when I got up this morning so after tackling essentials indoors I decided some therapy was called for.That meant housework off and gardening in.
I decided my tomato plants needed clearing out no 1 greenhouse to make room for my Geraniums, Fucshias and anything else that needs overwintering indoors……..
The ones remaining can ripen off in the tray,I do this every year so know they`ll be okay……. Then after a general tidy up, I replaced my winter staging and put a few things into said greenhouse ( must just add my mood had improved greatly)
I find my mini greenhouse very handy,I`ve planted Helleborus seed in here, apparently they can take up to 18mths to germinate…….
I do love pansies and these are coming along nicely……. No 2 greenhouse is a job for another day besides I still have baby cucumbers that deserve a chance….
I always have company in the garden….
25 Sep, 2009
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Awww...lovely pics Lincslass! Can't beat a day in the garden for lifting the mood can you? I gave up on housework ages ago...:))
25 Sep, 2009
Good work :o)
25 Sep, 2009
Gorgeous helpers!! Good job done too!
25 Sep, 2009
Great looking greenhouse - looks 'lived in'!
25 Sep, 2009
you have been busy lincs and i agree it makes you feel better doesnt it, lovely pics and your little helpers look so cute, :o)
25 Sep, 2009
I think I'm in love is the last cat in need of a home? is he an English Blue? Do tell us their names.
25 Sep, 2009
Lol. He is lovely even with his moody look, his name is Caspar and he`s a British Blue Pointer,the white fluffy one is Harry and he`s daughters as is Morgan,my shadow all the time since he lost his playmate Malik.........
25 Sep, 2009
aww its awfull when they loose their best friend, they dont understand like us, poor babe,lots of extra hugs i think lincs, one from me to :o))
25 Sep, 2009
a great blog.. that casper is a beauty..
whats that thing in pic 4 next to the cold frame? looks like a gardeners workstation thing? need to get one of those badly..
25 Sep, 2009
Aw I love your garden buddies!
I've got one of those green things too Usernut...think they're meant to be used to pot up plants without making a mess!!
Are you going to heat your greenhouse in the winter Linclass?
25 Sep, 2009
Emm....... Why is the cat tied up?
25 Sep, 2009
So's it doesn't get stolen by catnappers MP...cos it's soooo beautiful?
25 Sep, 2009
Possibly! :~))
25 Sep, 2009
Usernut that workstation is brilliant when sowing seeds and potting on because it saves on compost, I used to waste a fair bit......
Fluff I only use a heater if strictly necessary ( like last winters big freeze). Marie its not as bad as it looks, Caspar is on a very long leash,he`s used to it, admittedly I spend a great deal of time untangling him, the reason is because I have a neighbour with a habit of halfinching other peoples cats and I dont want him wandering,its only when he`s outside........
25 Sep, 2009
really lincs, taking cats :o(
25 Sep, 2009
Whaaaat?? A cat pinching neighbour? That's awful! What does he do with them??
25 Sep, 2009
Its a lady and she adopts them and loves them to bits,thats the trouble,.....
25 Sep, 2009
Ah...I getcha!
25 Sep, 2009
Lincs when Iwork in my front garden i take out my babies on a long lead and they love it ,( change of scene and all that).
Hope you feeling better today.
25 Sep, 2009
It's wonderful how the garden helps. I hope your mood is lighter now. Nice to have your helpers with you too :o)
26 Sep, 2009
Casper can sit in my garden anytime even in a mood?
26 Sep, 2009
Lovely 'helpers' you have there LL. Two greenhouse? I'm getting all excited because the time is near for me to get mine erected. I bought it earlier in the year but haven't had the room to put it up until the veggies were out of the way. :~((
26 Sep, 2009
How wierd! I love cats too, but I wouldnt go around nicking them! I thought it might be cos he was a wanderer!!
26 Sep, 2009
I can understand that Ian,are you hoping to put it up soon then?...It will be really good for you, think how many different plants you`ll have then. Hubby treated me to my 2nd one a couple of years back in time for my retirement,s`posed to stop me running out of space in springtime but never quite worked like that, I can now grow even more, lol........
26 Sep, 2009
I have a few carrots, swede and cauli's to finish off and then its all systems go LL. So whatever isn't finished by the first frosts will be next years compost. :~))
26 Sep, 2009
Good luck with it Ian, its a good time to get one up and running, then you`ll be sorting out what you want for next year as well as having protection for any pots that need a bit of protection over the coming mths...........
26 Sep, 2009
I am hoping to grow absolutely loads of things and sell them. Lots of veggies and perrenial flowers. If I can't sell them then I will offer them on Freecycle. ;~))
26 Sep, 2009
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I love your helpers Lincslass :))
That was a good productive day out there and it's amazing how it can transform a mood :))))))
25 Sep, 2009