Morgan Poorly
By lincslass
Morgan is my daughters dog but obviously thinks he belongs to all of us.
2 Oct, 2009
Previous post: How to get rid of Grumpy Mood
Next post: Morgan`s home
Has he had any fresh Salmon? Sounds so much like Salmon poisoning to is treated with Sulfa..I treated my dogs with it when I lived on a migratory stream with wild salmon in it..
Their breath has a very odd smell to it you remember his breath being odd? Ask the vet if it is a possiblity..
2 Oct, 2009
Hope its nothing too serious.......
2 Oct, 2009
Oh Sue! I can't believe it! Poor lovely Morgan! I do so hope that he'll be all right.
Yes, I have to pick up fallen apples, too, before Henry gives himself the 'trots' if you see what I mean! Labs have no sense of control where food is concerned, do they?
Maybe Morgan ate something he shouldn't have? Cat had one idea - what about chicken bones? Could he have eaten some of those?
PLEASE keep us informed! xxxx
2 Oct, 2009
Hope Morgan will be ok, got my fingers crossed for him.
2 Oct, 2009
Thanks all. Spritz he hasn`t had any bones or fish but I had to rescue a frog he was chasing earlier in the week,they are all around the garden, so now I`m wondering, although we`ve never had any problems in the past.You are so right though he will eat anything given the chance...........
2 Oct, 2009
So Sorry 2 hear That Morgan is Poorly Linc i do hope he`l be ok & home very soon X
2 Oct, 2009
Sue.... thinking of you and Morgan..
In the past week, there have been reports, on the dog forums to which I belong, of dogs being very ill after walking in local forests and other areas of countryside... e.g. Sherwood, Sandringham..and Rendlesham, Suffolk...
Not sure what's going on...
Conker has eaten almost nothing the past two days..
is not very well..... :o(
2 Oct, 2009
So sorry to hear this I really hope it's good news at the end of the day. That lovely look of inocense on his face says it wasn't me mum. get well soon.
2 Oct, 2009
Keeping our fingers and everything possible crossed here at CC HQ.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you......
2 Oct, 2009
I `ve had a call from the Vet, Morgan is on a drip and receiving medication, they were concerned about his abdomen being swollen so he has also had an x `ray, however nothing showed up, although it does mean he hasn`t swallwed anything untoward and there isn`t a blockage. They are going to try him on a bland diet and more medicine which hopefully he will manage to keep down. He is comfortable and we have to ring in the morning
2 Oct, 2009
T erra I`m sorry Conker is not well and know how upset you must be,have you been in contact with your vet?...
2 Oct, 2009
Hi Sue...
Conker received the strong chemotherapy on Wednesday. The vet clinic paperwork says that there can be a loss of appetite for a couple of days afterwards... However, this has not happened with Conker on previous occasions...
...but he hasn't vomited, so I'm waiting a couple of days to see if things settle down... Conker had so much treatment on Wednesday, such as the aspiration of the face swelling etc, that I would prefer he has some days without visiting vets...
Conker is on a bland diet...water and a small amount of plain food...
Truffle is fine and is helping by volunteering to consume anything Conker doesn't want to eat.... :o)
2 Oct, 2009
So sorry to hear about conker.I hope he's better soon.
2 Oct, 2009
Thanks, Tulsalady26...
Fingers crossed for Conker and
2 Oct, 2009
Bless him,he`s bound to be sore then after all that and I would feel the same way, he has been through so much these past few months ,honestly Terra they worry us to death don`t they especially as they can`t tell us .Thank goodness you have Truffle to comfort you and knowing his age keep you occupied whilst all this is going on.........
2 Oct, 2009
Yes, Sue,
I am very lucky to have Truffle...
Today I was giving Conker water from a teaspoon..
It reminded me that I did the same thing for him way back in April, when my vets couldn't work out what was wrong with Conker...
... it's been a long year of veterinary treatment...
I so hope Malik perks up quickly... Labradors have strong stomachs so he has the equipment to get through
2 Oct, 2009
So sorry to read that Morgan's poorly. Hope he's better soon, Sue. Thinking of you, and sending positive thoughts xx
2 Oct, 2009
Sorry, Sue. I wrote Malik above by mistake... was up a lot of the night with Conker, so a bit sleepy. sorry...
2 Oct, 2009
Fingers Crossed Linc what the Vets r trying will work& your Morgan will be home soon , Id be feeling just like u now if it was My Summer as shes my baby girl just like Morgans your Beautiful Boy XXXThe Like is away of saying GET WELL SOON MORGAN XXX
2 Oct, 2009
Oh dear, poor Morgan....these pets sure do get us worried. I do hope he picks up soon, and is back home again.
2 Oct, 2009
Hope Morgan will be back with you soon Sue...x
2 Oct, 2009
Fingers crossed for you all
2 Oct, 2009
aww im so sorry lincs, i do hope morgan is soon better and its just a reaction to something he`s eaten, my lab use to eat anything to, beautifull but greedy doggys, hugs for morgan x
2 Oct, 2009
Heres hoping Lincs! The prayer flags are fluttering, & I've instructed my menagerie to get the wags & wiggles going for Morgan.
2 Oct, 2009
I hope Morgan will be all right. It's such a worry for you and so distressing after recent events.
3 Oct, 2009
Sorry to hear of Morgans sickness Sue. Hopefully it will turn out to be nothing serious. He looks such a lovely dog. I will be following his progress and my thoughts are with you and Morgan.
3 Oct, 2009
Wishing Morgan better health today...
...fingers crossed for good news. xxx
3 Oct, 2009
I`ve had a call from the vet and pleased to say that Morgan is a lot better this morning, He has kept his food down and as the lady put it, beginning to bounce around, they are keeping him there to assess him over the next few hours and hopefully we can fetch him after lunch.......Many thanks to all of you for the messages and kind thoughts, as you can imagine after losing Malik so quickly and such a short while ago I was in a state yesterday, whilst waiting that dreaded phone call browsing these pages kept me going,so once again thanks all
3 Oct, 2009
Oh good, oh good!!!!!! I've been looking at Henry and thinking of Morgan, Sue. I'm delighted for you all and Morgan! Please let us know as soon as he's home!
3 Oct, 2009
That's wonderful news, Sue....
Morgan will be so delighted when he is back home :o)
Please keep us updated over the next few days on his convalescence. :o) xxx
3 Oct, 2009
I'm glad to hear the news Sue. I hope all goes well now and you get Morgan back in good health. Please let us know of his progress.
3 Oct, 2009
Fantastic news. So nice to hear good news once in a while. Must be a great relief for yo as you can stop worrying now.
3 Oct, 2009
So glad he's alright worrying time for you.
3 Oct, 2009
Super Sue! Hugs! xx ~Cat
3 Oct, 2009
So glad to hear your good news about Morgan Sue. Chocolate Labs do tend to be dustbins on legs don't they! I'm sure he's well on the road to recovery now.
Terra - I hope Conker is improving too as well, am thinking of you both.
The day we went to Andalusia Jade (our Siamese girl) disappeared. Worried all week, our 'cat sitter' and all our friends were searching for her, she was still missing yesterday when we got back. Today a neighbour heard faint cries coming from the cellar of an empty house, we called the owner and success! Ravenously hungry but nothing worse thank goodness.
Our pets keep us on our toes don't they.
Chris xx
PS. Very glad to be back online again GOY is seriously addictive!
3 Oct, 2009
so glad things seem ok with morgan lincs, what a releaf :o)
3 Oct, 2009
Phew...that's good news! Hope he's home soon, if not already.
4 Oct, 2009
Thanks, Chris... for your good wishes for Conker... glad your Jade was rescued and was okay...
Pottygardener... there are new pics of Morgan home and happy :o)
4 Oct, 2009
Thanks to look now :o))
4 Oct, 2009
:) Such good news 2 see Linc :) Plez give Morgan Big Hug XXX
5 Oct, 2009
Here's hoping all's well with Morgan now!
8 Oct, 2009
Marie,pleased to say Morgan is coming along very well, still on special diet and medication but all is well, we are watching him very carefully because he`s now trying his hardest to pinch anything and everything, unfortunately that goes with the territory, as far as labs are concerned all food is theirs,lol.......
8 Oct, 2009
Oh, how true that is! Birdfood, fallen apples, just ANYTHING edible that they come across!
9 Oct, 2009
Only just seen your blog, still finding my way round hear, glad Morgans recovering well.
We have a chocolate lab too, Fudge, he too has been quite poorly, had and operation in March, he developed a lump under his tail, dreaded taking him to vet but when we did he said it was caused by too much testosterone,never normally cancerous, he could remove it but it may come back then he would have to have injections to reduce testosterone levels, so best thing to do would be to have him neutered, so we thought that would be best when they operated they found another lump which thought was just a wart but had deeper roots so removed that too,didn't have lumps analysed as rather not know, he made remarkable recovery.
But two months later he started coughing and wretching, and leaving his food, which as you know is unheard of for labs,and I found another lump on his chest, of course thought the worst, took him back to vet who said he'd had several dogs in with similar symptons, he had very high temperature, vet said it was a kennel cough type bug, more like bronchitis,and the lump was just a fatty pad what a relief, hasn't been in kennels but had been taking him on different route on his walks and he'd seen different dogs to normal,fudge is never ill, gave him two lots of tablets but even after two weeks on them still wasn't back to his normal bouncy self, only really past month or so he's back to his usual mental selve.
Ours Spritzhenry, will even eat whats in cats litter tray if you don't get there before him, disgusting.
9 Oct, 2009
I think all labs are like that! Mucky pups, literally!
I had a golden lab, & had to muzzle him when we went out, cos he ate stones!
10 Oct, 2009
Morgan unfortunately will raid anything to see if its edible,no sense whatsoever ,typical lab he even tries eating wrappers and we do have to be careful with him. Simbad Morgan also has a lump which is a fatty lump,we have it checked regularly, but daughter is not keen on him having an operation unless it gets too big as we have been told it could come back again. Marie I can remember my parents lab used to eat pebbles,luckily he also got rid of them without an op.the only way they stopped him was to keep him away from the beach. Obviously a very crazy breed of dog but so lovable..Lol..
10 Oct, 2009
Lincslass, Christmas last year our youngest daughter had tin of quality street and forgetting what a dustbin fudge was left them in her bedroom with lid off, he ate the whole lot wrappers and all must have been a 3rd of a tin left, bit worried as know chocolates not good for dogs, he was fine though, bit hyper and very pretty coloured poo for a few days.
No I won't be having Fudges lump removed either, think messing about with these things does more harm than good, doesn't bother him.
Yes they are definitely crazy breed, but so gentle and yes very lovable :-)
11 Oct, 2009
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2 Oct, 2009