OUCH I HURT !!!!!!
Gor blimey I`ve got achey joints tonight and YES!! its all my own fault. It was a...
Gardens at Burghley.
The weather being gorgeous and the schools on holiday, my daughter fancied a break...
Sad Brynner.
Hello all,
Its Brynner here.
I`ve been having a few problems with my ears and had...
Moon shots.
It might be close but I still cannot find anybody taking a walk, although it was...
Gardening first...
Wonders will never cease "there is a sun". She took half the day to appear and has...
Hungry Fish...
Its damp and dismal but the fish know its warmer and they wanted food....
My New Friend.
Had to visit my daughters today, as I have a new camera and the first time this week...