Good luck with the high winds!!!!!
By linda235
I just want to say good luck to all my GoY friends in the south who must be dreading tonight’s weather. I hope your gardens doesn’t suffer too much.
Lots of Love
27 Oct, 2013
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I am struggling to find sheltered space for all my pots, hanging baskets and ornaments.
I will be battening down the hatches a little later today in preparation.
27 Oct, 2013
Me to keep safe everyone .
Strange clouds with us Linda how is it with you.
27 Oct, 2013
It feels like nightfall here......dark and raining.
27 Oct, 2013
Linda this was a nice gesture for our South GOY friends
27 Oct, 2013
I hope everyone who suffer the strong winds will keep safe and have no damage to their properties.
Thanks for sending good wishes to your friends Linda :o)
27 Oct, 2013
Thank you for the kind thought Linda. I'm quite worried because we have a lot of mature ash and sweet chestnut trees in gardens around us, we are already having strong gusts of wind which are blowing the chestnuts out the trees and I keep hearing the bangs as they fall on to the cars in the drive!
27 Oct, 2013
That's a very kind thought Linda ... we are on the West Sussex coast about 15 mins walk from the Channel ... anything that might be carried away in the wind has been put in the garage/shed including the bird table!
Don't laugh but I have just been out cutting the Roses and Buddleias to half their height as I'm concerned the high winds will rip them out of the ground! There is a huge Plum tree in the garden behind ours and the gusts of wind are blowing the yellowing leaves off ... looks like yellow snow is falling! Not to mention picking up over 40 Cordyline leaves from the 3 trees we have ... not looking forward to this storm at all ... :o(
27 Oct, 2013
thank you for saying/likewise.
27 Oct, 2013
As above, hanging baskets and anything freestanding tucked in garage,even birdie feeders.Late breakfast for them in the morning.Already gusty here(west Devon,noon) acorns being shed in machine-gun like manner on the garage roof! Can't wait for my drive to work at 7am!!!!
27 Oct, 2013
There is alot of activity here in Torquay and the worst expected tonight here at one of Islamabad Kingdom Brunel's homes. Let us hope that most of the trees and plants in the huge gardens aren't carried off in the winds. I have not fortified my garden at home or taken down anything but pray that it will all be okay there too. Take care all GOY family.
27 Oct, 2013
You are all in my thoughts this will be such a worry and dont envy anyone having to drive in it.
27 Oct, 2013
27 Oct, 2013
Thank-you Scotkat.
27 Oct, 2013
Thank you for your very thoughtful comments.
It is a bit scary down here and as I am home all by myself this weekend it is a bit more of a worry. I have done all I can think of to protect the house, the garden and myself so will just have to hope for the best from now on!!
27 Oct, 2013
My thoughts are with you all, our gardens bounce back a lot easier than we do so the main thing is to stay safe.....
27 Oct, 2013
Stay safe and take care everyone!
27 Oct, 2013
Yes I am worried about tonight so much damage can be done and the costs of clearing up and replacing repairing afterwards can be high.
27 Oct, 2013
Denise ... I have just read a news item from East Sussex County Council asking people not to put their rubbish/bins out for the Monday collection as too risky for the workforce and public alike! Stay safe ...
27 Oct, 2013
Thanks Shirleytulip, I heard about the bins and now train services have been suspended too it does not sound good.
27 Oct, 2013
Nothing here in Pembrokeshire yet but pots secured as well as I could its wait and see time.
27 Oct, 2013
Hoping everyone is ok down South, we have very little damage up here in this part of Lincolnshire, the wind was worst before nightfall, just rain since then. Hope not too much damage in your gardens down south. Best wishes for a better week now it is supposed to be blowing away early this morning. Keep safe x
28 Oct, 2013
Where I live in South London,the only damage I can see so far is the large apple tree has been emptied all over the floor and the communal electricity cupboard doors were blown open (they were locked) as the wind blew the heavy entrance and exit doors open.
28 Oct, 2013
The storm went into rampage mode here in Essex between 6.45am and 7.15am. Some gusts were in the 70 to 80 range I feel sure. I took out a lot of stuff on the fruit trees and other mature trees with the high lopper yesterday afternoon and put bird feeders in the shed. One large broken pot and half a covering on the shed roof gone in that mad half hour. Not as totally scary as 1987 where we had to struggle at 3am to weigh down our canopy with ropes and a wheelbarrow full of old paving stones!
28 Oct, 2013
Nothing here - only some normal rain.
I hope everyone is all right ...
28 Oct, 2013
Not too bad here on the Sussex coast ... OH has just put our Rose arch back into upright position as it had been blown to the East but was still in the ground ... phew! Apart from picking up lots of twigs and looking at all the fallen leaves, I say looking as it's pointless trying to sweep them in the gusty wind, no damage ... :o)
28 Oct, 2013
I was thinking, the people we haven't heard from may have lines down and no internet. The Isle of Wight had winds up to 99mph. I just hate high winds!!! That must have been horrible Wildrose, being on your own. It seemed pretty bad in Devon and Cornwall GM, hope you were OK.
Glad to hear from you all.......lets hope the quiet ones are just without power and not suffering damage and distress.
28 Oct, 2013
Not too bad here, we were without electricity for 4 hours and one tree had bent over and is now restaked.
28 Oct, 2013
No damage here but it's time for the great clear up of leaves and small branches scattered everywhere. Hope none of you suffered too badly...
29 Oct, 2013
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All the best to everyone, think the south are going to be worst hit. Keep Safe everyone, good luck.
27 Oct, 2013