By lindak
We had at least three hedgehogs visiting the garden last night. Mrs. Tiggiwinkle always arrives first to eat the best of the food put out. She has decided to live in one of our houses that have just been cleaned out and fresh straw put in and another house has a hog in. It’s lovely to see them again. Gerry had to put a wooden barrier on the bottom of the gate with enough room for the hogs to get through as there has been a Badger about and I was told that they eat the hogs.
We have baby Sparrows visiting with their parents and baby Starlings who haven’t got their parents flying skills yet and bang into the window even though I’ve tried to put the blinds down so they can see it’s a no go.
The garden seems to be flourishing now and lots of insects are about so the few bats we have about will be fed. The mason bees have done a good job of fertilising the apple trees and there is a video of them and the hedgehogs on Youtube if you want to have a look.
Linda x
25 May, 2015
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You lucky person, having hedgehogs. I've tried encouraging them with homes, log and leaf piles etc. But, sadly I still don't have any.
25 May, 2015
Is there anything that Badgers dislike ?
Jeyes Fluid ?
25 May, 2015
Digginfit. The hedgehogs have a gateway through gardens here and the front gardens are available to them too. We also live near to the countryside.
I couldn't tell you Diane about the Jeyes Fluid and Badgers, but I wouldn't think it would do the wildlife a lot of good.
25 May, 2015
We never see any Hedgies. But its probably just as well as we appear to have a resident Weasel! No kidding! I saw it running across the lawn one morning, and OH saw it again today, heading in to the field from the garden. I'm pretty sure thats what chews my raised border log edging to bits.
25 May, 2015
Hi Cottagekarer, A weasel, I have never seen one in the wild. We did have a stoat in the garden down the road when we lived there. I was a bit worried at the time as I kept a few Banty hens, but it never attacked them.
26 May, 2015
Cats dont like the smell of it. Go elsewhere to toilet.
I dont have their faeces on my organic vegetables.
26 May, 2015
Yes, pretty sure Linda...ties in with the sîze of the burrows, the fact they like to live in tree stumps, the sightings, the lack of mice in our loft, and the serious chewing damage on the border edging. They do eat insects, and they have very strong jaws. All I need now is a ŵildlife camera!
26 May, 2015
Hope you can get a photo of the Weasel Cottagekarer. I'd love to see it. We had plenty of mice and voles living in the stone walls when we lived down the road. That attracted other preditors.
26 May, 2015
We saw one of our hedgehogs taking mouthfuls of straw from one box to the other yesterday which makes me think she is going to have babies. She comes out several times in the daytime to eat and drink, so perhaps her pregnancy is making her eat more.
30 May, 2015
So good when you put out a little place to make a home for a threatened animal and they make use of it. We seem to have had a large hatch of sparrows this year too. Not so many starlings as usual though it was a bit noisy in the trees a while back.
1 Jul, 2015
Yes Dorjac the Sparrows have increased well this year.
1 Jul, 2015
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Humans have taken over the spaces for shops and homes where the wildlife would have lived, so we have to try to live with the wildlife that comes into our gardens. Sadly Badgers do damage to the gardens by digging up the earth to forage for food. They have to try to exist with everything else, and unfortunately they don't realise what damage they are doing, they are just going about what comes naturally.
25 May, 2015