Butterflies and bees....
By lindak
There are still butterflies and bees around although we haven’t seen many this year. Luckily there are still flowers blooming, and one of my lavenders has another lot of flowers on. The climbing roses are just about to bloom again too. Gerry took down the climbing beans as they have produced well for us this year but were dying back. We are just beginning to eat the leeks, but haven’t dug any parsnips yet. I love roast parsnips. We only have a very small vegetable patch but it produces well. When we moved here Gerry dug out lots of stones and we found an old cement fishpond underneath. Now the soil has been triple dug and a few years worth of compost thrown in and it does well. I still can’t do much because of my knees but I am having the right one sorted soon so hopefully next year I will be able to cope better without the pain and garden better. I have managed to hoe and cut a few things down, but Gerry does the rest. Good job we only have a small garden. I say that, but we have a lot of wildlife visiting it. I still see several different hedgehogs in the evening. They will be hibernating soon, but certainly eat a lot and have a drink of water on their travels through. Anyway I’ve enjoyed seeing photos of other gardeners plots so thanks for sharing. I wonder when the really cold weather will reach us….let’s hope it stays away a bit longer…….Linda x
18 Oct, 2015
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Nov 5th Waddy, not long to go now. I am becoming a bionic woman.....
18 Oct, 2015
We haven't seen a hedgehog for years, not since the big heath fire of '76. Envy you seeing several.
It's so sad reading that the animals I took for granted as a child are now not so often seen.
We definitely have fewer birds around also.
18 Oct, 2015
Hedgehogs are in decline sadly and we try to take care of them here. We have small holes in the fences so that they can get through to different gardens. We haven't seen the Blackbirds or thrushes since the beginning of the summer.
18 Oct, 2015
Yes, i envy your hedgehogs too Linda. Did you see the one on the cover of the Countryfile Calendar? Looks like it is laughing...fabulous picture of a very endearing creature..
18 Oct, 2015
On this side, I have seen very few honey bees and for the second year in a row, none of the paper nest social wasps, and just a few solitary spider hunter wasps. The paper nest wasps, Polistes, used to dip into my ponds by the hundreds, to get water for making paper.
18 Oct, 2015
We will have new neighbours soon Linda, they're moving into Donald's house and are keen to put a through fare between our garden and theirs to allow a hog to pass through. I'll keep you posted. Hope all goes well on the 5th.
18 Oct, 2015
The Parsnips definitely taste better after a frost or two.I've missed mine the last two years(because of moving ) but will definitely be growing some next year.
It has been quite a bit chillier here this week but, still lovely for so far into October!
18 Oct, 2015
Hi Karen that picture was great of the hedgehog.
Loosestrife2 It's either the weather or something to do with spraying. There certainly haven't been a lot of flies or as many spiders, or general insects. They are the food chain of other creatures. A bit worrying really.
Great that your neighbours are going to put a highway for hedgehogs in Waddy. Hope some of the other neighbours do the same.
Paul, you are right about the frost on the parsnips, they taste sweeter.
19 Oct, 2015
Roast parsnips - the thought alone is enough to make you hungry! No hedgehogs round here as there are badgers.
We've had lots of small tortoishells this year since the little buddleja flowered, but hardly any white ones - they usually shred the nasturtiums but not this year. Good news your neighbours are hedgehog minded Waddy.
19 Oct, 2015
Stera I love roast parsnips and roast carrots. Badgers eat the hedgehogs, they started to dig up our garden so that's why we put the barrier up under the gate.
19 Oct, 2015
Linda I did not realise that badgers ate hedgehogs!! no wonder we never see any, one of our neighbours has the largest sett in his garden I and Rural England has ever seen, and now at long last the badgers are going to be moved on.....they leave behind several destroyed gardens and fences, we will be pleased to see them go...
I only wish we had the ground to grow veg, so enjoy those lovely parsnips and carrots...
Good luck with the knee, I am going through the same with both my knees, and it is such a pain lol
21 Oct, 2015
Lindak, you are lucky you can close off the entry point! Our garden is accessible from all sides so we can't do anything.
21 Oct, 2015
Hi DD Yes the badgers dug up one or two gardens here. I suppose they have to survive somewhere and we have taken over their space with our houses. Thanks for your thoughts about my knee. Pre op next week......done it all once before so know what to expect. Know what you mean about it all being a pain...
Sterra it's a shame you get invaded. There seem to be quite a few Badgers around now. Even where we lived down the road several years ago, the owners get them in the garden now from the land across the road. We never saw one when we lived down there and we had hedgehogs about in the garden.
22 Oct, 2015
Interesting how different creatures seem to take it in turns to be successful.
22 Oct, 2015
I love the wildlife Stera.
22 Oct, 2015
Me too. Just regret that we never actually see the badgers, just their footprints and scrape marks where they unearth bulbs...
22 Oct, 2015
Is it worth putting some peanuts down for them? Perhaps they wouldn't dig for worms then...worth a try???
22 Oct, 2015
They aren't digging for worms, its bulbs they like. Latest victim was a patch of grape hyacinths - no great loss as I'd moved them to a rough grass bank where they could spread if they wanted to. I bet if I started peanut feeding they'd bring the family as well...They like tulips as well but don't seem to bother about daffodils, thank goodness.
22 Oct, 2015
Gosh that could get expensive Stera if they eat all the bulbs, and messy with all the digging from the Badgers.
24 Oct, 2015
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Yes, there is still a bit of colour out there Linda, but the temperatures are definitely dropping. I hope your knee operation comes along sooner rather than later and that your back enjoying your garden really soon.
18 Oct, 2015