By lindak
Yesterday Gerry and I went out for a meal in The Holly Bush Inn, a tavern that Dick Turpin visited all those years ago. They had a large open fire and lots of interesting items on the walls also large beams everywhere. We had a lovely meal. They did a large meal or a small one, so we had the small one and a pudding. It’s the first time we’ve eaten out for a very long time but it was lovely to be able to start going out again.
I’ve noticed the shrubs beginning to open their buds now, although it’s felt quite cold outside. I’ve seen a ladybird, two Bumble bees and some honey bees on the Heathers. The Hedgehogs are out and about now. Our little Mason Bees usually hatch out in April from the bee boxes. We have a little Wood mouse who visits us and he grabs what he can from underneath the bird feeder. The Starlings are messy eaters and there are usually about six of them clinging on to the dish. Some food gets trapped underneath the metal latticework base and the little mouse goes in there and sits and eats the seeds.
I must buy a few Violas to put into the flowerbeds as they flower for a long time and look so colourful. I hope you all have a lovely Easter. I managed to buy a small Simnel cake at one of our local bakers in the town.
It’s a fruit cake with marzipan. It’s our 49th wedding anniversary tomorrow. The years fly by so quick don’t they. Take care everyone Linda x
24 Mar, 2016
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A lovely , gentle blog Linda.
I noticed a field mouse in our garden a couple of days ago. He was obviously on his way to the greenhouse as there is evidence of him having been in there recently.( he must've squeezed through the slightly open louvred, I think)
Happy anniversary to you both.
24 Mar, 2016
Thanks CK, sorry to hear you have a nasty cold. My sister has a bad one and also conjunctivitis with hers.
We only have a small garden but there's an awful lot of habitat in it. We are on the edge of the countryside, so perhaps that's it.
Thanks Paul, the little mice are so sweet.
24 Mar, 2016
Congrats to you both. my hub and I had our anniversary last week in a late season snow storm... The Inn sounds lovely, Dick Turpin's ghost too. Like Karen, I felt a lift of spirit reading your lovely blog. Thanks! just what I needed today.
24 Mar, 2016
Thanks Lori, congratulations to you as well for your anniversary. I wrote a short story about a local Inn and Dick Turpin's ghost appearing, and it was very strange as I never knew Dick Turpin actually rode near here. I do now!!!!
24 Mar, 2016
Thanks HB I was married at 18 but it was a good match.
24 Mar, 2016
Congratulations to you both on your anniversay. I'd always go for a smaller meal and a pud too :)
25 Mar, 2016
Happy Anniversary to you both.
I really enjoyed your lovely blog.
We have had bees on our heather today and I was so pleased to see a peacock butterfly enjoying the sunshine. Hearing the birds singing under a blue sky was just perfect!
25 Mar, 2016
Happy Anniversary Linda ! Have a lovely week end :)
25 Mar, 2016
Happy Easter everyone. Thanks Hywel. I written an Easter poem for the service at a little chapel up the road, on Sunday evening.
Thanks Wildrose glad you enjoyed the blog. I saw a Brimstone butterfly yesterday. It must have been lovely to see the Peacock butterfly. I was a beautiful day yesterday and we went to Wollaton Park early on and had a walk.
Thanks Gee, When we were younger we ate huge meals but we can't now and it's so nice to go somewhere where they offer a smaller meal.
26 Mar, 2016
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- Misty morning,
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What a lovely story Linda. I was right there with you in the restaurant with the beams and so happy that you are able to get out again. And the descriptions of early spring with the really are a great writer! :) you made me feel bappy this morning, even though i am absolutely full of a horrible cold and its raining outside! :)
24 Mar, 2016