Garden late June with the good camera!
By lulu33
Trying to come up with blog titles!!!!
oh how I love my garden!
I got a bit overexcited and went and got my SLR, bouncing around the garden taking loads of pics in the early evening Light!
The ‘photoshoot’ started because I was inspired by the rooks flying about in the moody sky whilst I was sitting having a glass of wine!
Then a little wander. This is the new seat I bought with my saved garden center vouchers! I moved it onto the patio because I like to see the light and sky through it. The mankey sheepskins are to make it more comfy. It’s also next to out chimney for those cooler summer nights!
This area is quite new. The bird table is to stop people reversing over the gravelboard and running over either the Rugosa roses, Magnolia Stellata’s or the ribbon barked Cherry tree we were given as a wedding gift. I am looking forward to it all growing to optimum size. I am just loving the Rugosas. Not sure when to stop deadheading them so I can have some hips too! You can just about see the weping Salix tree which was moved earlier in the winter when someone flattenend it with their car! It’s had a major haircut to get it going again!
This plant is huge, it will soon have fluffy buff yellow flowers, it’s a Thacaltrum…think that’s how it’s spelt. I also have the really pretty purple one and a new white one!
And then the sun went in a again!
This is the patio boarder, well part of it, I just love the foxgloves they have seeded well this year.
This is my Holoc tree, it has pretty, fluffy white flowers about now! It’s in front of a large Black Beauty’ Elder I planted 7 years ago, it’s such a beauty with it’s black leaves and pink flowers.
My very first Teazel! I know it will self seed but I do so want to watch the birds eating the seeds! Geum at it’s base.
Here, in gravel are the Verbenas, tall and graceful and selfseeding everywhere! We see them from the inside blowing in the wind. The butterfly, bees and Hawkmoth love it
Looks good by the side of the cottage too
And here is Darling Prudence surveying the garden and sniffing the air! She is good at keeping off the flowerbeds unlike a certain Sluggypup!
David Austin and I lost it’s name! When fully open it’s the size of a dinner plate. Lovely fragrence too.
A better pic of the Holoc Tree
The pond area. It’s sad that in the winter there is nothing! I have planted a lime green Dogwood for winter interest. I have left it a bit wild this year, I can hardly get to the pond! It smells of Chamomile and mint!
The new area from another angle. I moved the patio table and it’s a wonderful place to sit in the evening. And the dogs, forever wanting to sit by me try to get on my lap because they don’t do gravel! We even take a blanket to the pub because they dont do cold, hard floor!!
Millie’s fave position by the pond! Heron scaring, we fight over who is gong to sit on the bridge!!
Yummy creeping variety of Dianthus. It’s self seeded I’ve noticed in other areas, very pleased about that!
Very pretty blue Scabius!
And the fantastic Monarda, and boy! How this has crept around the beds. Am potting up so many self seeded plants….
Boy this is taking ages…2 cups of coffee, one tea later!…Another pic of Dianthus, Scabious and a pretty shrub I bought last year, it’s got silver grey foiliage and these white flowers…..?
This is the big border, gone a bit wild too this year!
My Iceni mosaic has now found it’s rightful place at the base of the Salix tree!
Nearly done now!! Peonie Bowl of Beauty.
And lovely little Hypericum
And the hugely floriferous Rhapsody in Blue rose!!
I think I need another cup of tea now!
23 Jun, 2011
More blog posts by lulu33
Previous post: Woodland walk with quite a surprise at the end!
Next post: For those of you who love birds.....
Wow Lu, fab blog, must have taken you ages! Your garden is a box of delights!
23 Jun, 2011
It's getting too big Cinders. If it belonged to us I would go nuts in it creating! Trouble is we have been here near 8 years and I can't resist.
Ta Grandmage, it did, take ages.....time to go do some work!
23 Jun, 2011
You're very welcome Homebird.
23 Jun, 2011
That is so pretty,Lulu..I love that you know its name? would be ideal to fill a gap in my long border..and the Monarda is gorgeous too..In fact I love them all !Now,go and have another cuppa dear,you have earned it ! :o)
23 Jun, 2011
what a lovely garden with some beautiful plant combinations.. I especially love the low wall with alpines and the fact your so lucky with all those plants self seeding themselves around..
23 Jun, 2011
Bloomer, it's called Dianthus 'Microchip' Lol, fed up with the rain am just sticking my plant cards into photo albums!
Thx Madabout...
23 Jun, 2011
Your garden is just really nice so many lovely plant's,I have the Dianthus in the white as well as the red it is a bonny little plant and I have just bought a Mondara Ihope it turn's out as well as your's. I like the picture of Millie on the bridge is she being good now and not climbing any more pole's, enjoy your cuppa :-)
23 Jun, 2011
Lulu your garden is smashing, so natural, its good when the plants one likes selfseed and even more so in as large an area as you have, love the pic of Millie sitting on the bridge, she looks as though she`s eyeing up your heron, lol, seat for the future perhaps, lol..
Thanks for the tour,and lovely Photo`s....
23 Jun, 2011
Love your garden and a lovely blog:)
23 Jun, 2011
Thankyou Nana d, Lincslass and Mavis. I did enjoy my cuppa! Millie is getting lots of comments...she bites me if she wants to sit on the bridge and I have got there first! And now it's raining, I have spent hours organising the plant cards and am nowhere near finished!
23 Jun, 2011
wot a lovely garden .................. my verbinas not even showing yet !! ............ just bought r. in blue ,got buds on ............. you say you dont own it , does it not come with your house / cottage . its really lovely x
23 Jun, 2011
Blog garden and photos are great Lou, well done,
23 Jun, 2011
Cottage comes with hubby's job Cristina!
ta Val, you been quiet on GoY recently!
23 Jun, 2011
not been coming on much lately Lou,
23 Jun, 2011
wow! some gorgeous photos Lulu, I particularly loved the dianthus and the cat keeping an eye on the heron! lovely lovely garden, it looks very relaxing and peaceful! :))
23 Jun, 2011
Ta Karen, it is relaxing...until I see something that needs doing, always!
Did a few bits today between the rain showers. I moved an Abelia that I saved from an unloving gc where I used to work. It needed lots of sun and the plants arount it had grown bigger than they said they would! It's now looking very ropey in a pot but will give it lots of TLC!
23 Jun, 2011
Lovely blog Lulu - lovely pictures with great story reading down on making of your garden. We have the lime green cornus - it is so nice
23 Jun, 2011
Whoohoolou! You got your marvellous blog finished, they take an age don't they! Your garden's looking wonderful as usual! I love the Verbena Bonariensis, and you're right it is a lovely airy plant, I love the darling little dianthus it's such a rich colour against the scabious, yum! And isn't the monarda a fantastic smell, there's a suncream that uses it as it's perfume and it's really lovely!
You must be absolutely sloshing with cups of tea by now, and you deserve every one of them! You've put a lot of work in there and it really shows! s'lovley!
23 Jun, 2011
Hi Lulu33 What a beautiful garden, you are lucky to have sutch a large one, Lovely :)
23 Jun, 2011
I love the first pic of the Rooks flying about ... a rare sight for us as so many houses built on the fields now. I remember your Salix tree being run over ... it's looking on the road to recovery now though. Love the Scabious ... think mine gave up during Winter ... no sign of them yet. : o ((
23 Jun, 2011
Nice to see such a lot of your garden :) It all looks wonderful. I hope you enjoyed your cuppa
Isn't Prudence a lovely looking dog :)
23 Jun, 2011
WoW Lulu you have been busy!
Love the rooks at the beginning and all your pics..I lover your garden and wee Millie on the bridge! She doesnt look scary there! lol and Dear Prudence awwwww
WOnderful garden..great pics! Thanks for sharing!
meet you there later for a cheeky wee beaujolais! ahah
23 Jun, 2011
Oh and your mosaic! lovely!
23 Jun, 2011
What a great garden Lulu, never mind a stroll it makes me feel like gambolling especially round the pond area, and where you`ve sited your Iceni mosaic which adds such charm.
23 Jun, 2011
Lovely garden, lulu! :-)) Loved all your plants! Shame the horse mosaic is on the ground & hidden by the grass!
23 Jun, 2011
Oh thank you folks, glad you enjoyed the stoll round the garden.
Iceni is hidden because I have'nt strimmed!
Hywel, Pru's a babe!
Shirly, yes, am so glad the Salix has recovered being run over, by the vet, with a hangover and not after one of our parties!!
Libet...does Monarda smell, will have to go and have a 'niff' tomorrow.
Pixi, white wine for me and time for bed now 6am is to early.......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz xxxxxfolks
23 Jun, 2011
Lovely garden Lulu, I like 'em a bit wild. Won't it break your heart to leave it?:-)
25 Jun, 2011
BA, I would feel desperate! Try not to think about that one! I could never do a garden like this again, unless I wind the Premium Bond big never know!
25 Jun, 2011
Good luck with that then :-))
26 Jun, 2011
So enjoyed your blog Lulu on a rainy rainy day .
26 Jun, 2011
I hear you have rain today Scotkat. it's really very hot today here. Am looking forward to some thunder and lightening though!
26 Jun, 2011
Absolutely Gorgeous :O)
26 Jun, 2011
Hi Lulu. Your garden looks wonderful..... a real cottage garden. We have just visited the Cotswolds. It is a really beautiful area. I wanted to see Hidcote Manor Garden on our return trip from London. I'll write a blog.
26 Jun, 2011
Hi Linda, you could have come visit!!!
Thank you Misscupcake (great name!!)
27 Jun, 2011
Sorry Lulu I didn't put two and two together until we got back!!!! There was something about your garden that made me check your location. We had a great time and I just loved Hidcote.
27 Jun, 2011
This is a lovely blog, with some beautiful photos, the last one and the one of Prudence being my favourite, a shame not to own all this delightful space, our garden is very managed so it is really lovely to see an untamed natural garden, reminds me of France.......
28 Jun, 2011
Recent posts by lulu33
- Lots of News!
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- Hello and garden update
14 Jul, 2013
- Possible Polytunnel Guardians!
9 Apr, 2013
- An Easter song and a sculpture.
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- The danger of dead trees
30 Mar, 2013
- A little sunny walk
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Lovely. You are lucky to have such a large garden.
23 Jun, 2011